Club race meeting on Saturday mornimgs , weigh in from 10-30 till 11am.
Membership £2 per person.
Racing £1 per dog , 100% payout.
Trials £1 per dog , as any trials as you wish.
We change the race format each week to suit dogs, the members decide the format each week.
Any news / information on cancelled meetings etc will also be in Whippet news each month in the club report.
For more information you can ring Paul or Chris on 01455 442239
or me on 01438 224033
Membership £2 per person.
Racing £1 per dog , 100% payout.
Trials £1 per dog , as any trials as you wish.
We change the race format each week to suit dogs, the members decide the format each week.
Any news / information on cancelled meetings etc will also be in Whippet news each month in the club report.
For more information you can ring Paul or Chris on 01455 442239
or me on 01438 224033