The KC recommended time for assessing one dog is 2 minutes. Of course stewards should keep an eye on the time but it is still bad planning on the part of the management and for an event like Crufts the Groups should be held up. If you are going to put more than one breed in the ring they should be (and are) aware of the average number of entries they are likely to get for each breed. This applies to Crufts and to general Open shows alike. There is no need for rings sitting empty at certain times of the day or shows running on into the evening. It is a matter of straight forward planning and time management and it doesn't matter whether it is a dog show, horse racing meeting, circus, Marketing Seminar, or whatever.
I am with Mark here and it is about time the Kennel Club's monopoly was challenged ........... we are the bloody idiot's paying them all this money for the privilege of being told what we can and can't do. Wo betide us if we make a mistake but it seems the KC can do what the hell they please
I am with Mark here and it is about time the Kennel Club's monopoly was challenged ........... we are the bloody idiot's paying them all this money for the privilege of being told what we can and can't do. Wo betide us if we make a mistake but it seems the KC can do what the hell they please