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We have had the worst 36 hours. Woke up Tuesday morning with no scratching noises went downstairs and there was daisy curled up on the sofa, thought nothing of it and took her for a walk. Then came breakfast, with lots of I can't eat that mummy looks and peeping, not that strange as she is a fussy little madam. So tried her with some treats which she mouthed and let drop to the floor did manage a little tuna. She then sloped of to the front room and curled up. This was all done without slapping me round the head with toys coming in from the garden with no trouble and not picking on Betsy. Then she vomited up the tuna. So we took her to the vets, who treated her for gastro enteritis. All day she was 'flat' and not herself vet had told us not to feed her that day just let her have water but she showed no interest when betsy had lunch or dinner but neither was she drinking. At 8.30 gave her her tablet which she threw up within 10 mins. So I called the vets and off we went again. He took her temperature which was now raised (it was normal am) and said it was likely she had a virus, he gave her an antibiotic injection and us a bottle of lectade to give her as she still wasn't drinking but not yet dehydrated enough to warrant putting her on a drip and to call in the morning if she wasn't bouncing around. I spent a sleepless night on the sofa with her and this morning she was a tad brighter but nothing like her usual bossy self, she did manage to eat a bit of scrambled eggs and kept it down. So went back to the vets to be on the safe side her temperature had come down slightly so we were told to carry on trying to get fluids into her, very tricky I managed to syringe all of 20 mls into her all day. The day carried on much the same as the previous one her not wanting anything and me stressing she had a v nasty pooh at lunch time worse than we were expecting. At 6.30 tried her with some more scrambled egg, I hand fed her as she wasn't keen. At 6.50 started worrying should I call the vet ( they shut at 7) and off she trotted to the water bowl and drank some, relief wasn't the word. We cooked some rice and put a few spoonfuls in with what was left of the egg and she ate it hoorah. Then for the first time since Monday night she jumped up on the sofa a cuddled up. I'm hoping she is over the worst of it now, although I'm not looking forward to the tail end department.