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Dangerous Dog


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since coming back from scotland my friends spaniel has been attached my a saffi.

he and his wife could not get it off it had hold of its neck and rear end and he is SERIOUSLY SHOCKED and cut and briused.

they approached the family who said the kids must of left the gate open but where not bothered :rant:

both my wife and myself are concerned as she takes our 4 out numerous time .

as it is the school holidays will it happen again.

if it gets hold of our dogs it will kill them as it is very vicious to other dogs but they say it would not attach a child or person :- "

the family are left very streesed as is the dog .

Get in touch with your local council they should be able to tell you what to do. :cheers: This dog is clearly dangerous and should not be allowed out on its own. :rant:
Apparently if a human even feels so much as threatened by a dogs behaviour it can warrant investigation as a dangerous dog, so I'd voice your concerns to the council / police. I think when it comes to incidents with dogs attacking other dogs they just put it down to being one of those things so you need to bear this in mind when you make a complaint.
i am fully aware of your problem as i own 2 staffys myself!!

contact the council and speak to your areas dog warden.

you should also make a log of all incidents involving the dog.

the more the dog warden has to go on the better, even barking when someone passes the property.

and for your dogs safety pop a break stick into your pocket when going out, incase it happens again!!
It makes me sick - we had a similar incident a while ago and reported it to the dog warden and they did absolutlely nothing even though this dog attacked any other dog on sight, it was eventually pts after attacking many dogs and nearly killing a little spaniel.

you must report it and bear in mind what Wild Whippies said, i.e. that they may only investigate if a human felt threatened so mention this when you report it. good luck :luck:
notify the local council /police dave.

as you know it happened to me a couple of years ago now to chloe ,the vet told the owner to have it put to sleep because it would do it again,if there is a vet bill to be paid give it to owner of the staffie.

58 stitches required :angry:

the staffie was put down.

wish i had a pound every time a staffie owner says it's ok soft as muck they are a accident/disaster waiting to happen :- "

i would'nt trust them at all :oops:

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Our local police tell you to contact the dog warden....might be different in other areas?

personally i think its a pass the book case-

and who you are-e.g-(how good your story will sell a paper-older person/child involved etc)- how much time you have on your hands to contact your local councillor/MP/local paper etc will dictate how much success you have in getting justice.

JOHNG said:
58 stitches required  :angry:
the staffie was put down.

wish i had a pound every time a staffie owner says it's ok soft as muck they are a accident/disaster waiting to happen :- "

i would'nt trust them at all  :oops:

i know where your coming from john but i think the owners are to blame not the breed :- "
Stress to the Police and the Dog Warden that the dogs threatened you and felt it would attack you. If it barks at you tell them it is aggressive towards you and you feel unsafe when it is around, lay it on thick and keep on complaining. Sadly nowadays you have to really shout to get things done.

The best of luck, unfortunately Staffies end up in the wrong hands, and sadly are allowed to be agressive.

There are so many around where I live, litters for sale etc, and adults for sale " through not fault of its own" That means it is out of control. :cheers:
mutley said:
JOHNG said:
58 stitches required  :angry:
the staffie was put down.

wish i had a pound every time a staffie owner says it's ok soft as muck they are a accident/disaster waiting to happen :- "

i would'nt trust them at all  :oops:

i know where your coming from john but i think the owners are to blame not the breed :- "

I agree with Gary any dog no matter the breed can be nasty its how they are brought up...And if by chance you get a nasty dog a Sensible dog owner should take precautions for it!!

sadie x
spoke to the council,as the dog warden is on holiday someone is going to visit the owner and have a word. asked the owner of the attached dog to inform police if only for record purposes :thumbsup: :cheers:
just think they should start putting the owners down, not the dogs and stop the problem :b
cannot see why people have dogs,if they dont see the light of day.

never seen this dog out for a walk before.

the kids fashion in our area is to have a lurcher,starting to see 1 or 2 strays knocking about these also could be a problem, never meet one when i have been out with the dogs. safie/greyhound seems in bread must admit they good looking dogs and great workers.

people dont realise what it takes to look after a dog.
It's not just staffies, we were out walking just elvis and bob, stopped to talk to some people who had about 6 peddy whippets, theirs were off the lead, mine weren't. One of their bitches was in season, their adult dog attacked bob and left a canny hole in his leg, thankfully just the skin was broken, and has healed quite quickly, not sure what the psychological scars might be. No-one could have predicted it, although i do think it's a bit daft walking a bitch in season with other dogs around.

Must be the time of the year, we to have had a phone call off a friend he has a whippet dog 12 years old out of (Baileys comet x pigeon) , poor old Ben was attacked off a collie yesterday resulting in over a hundred stitches cost been £260
rob67 said:
It's not just staffies, we were out walking just elvis and bob, stopped to talk to some people who had about 6 peddy whippets, theirs were off the lead, mine weren't. One of their bitches was in season, their adult dog attacked bob and left a canny hole in his leg, thankfully just the skin was broken, and has healed quite quickly, not sure what the psychological scars might be. No-one could have predicted it, although i do think it's a bit daft walking a bitch in season with other dogs around.

hope bobs okay chris
If you all lived where i do you would never take yourself out let along your dogs. It terrible here in south london its full of staffs plus full red nosed pit bulls and no ones doing anything about it here also the american bull dogs are popular here now. I feel very intimedated and scared when going out with my dogs i am on the alert all the time because its also a big fashionable thing to have them off leads too, honestly it is really really bad i have made so many reports and nothing at all gets done about it. I don't know what i would do if any of my dogs got attacked by one they just wouldn't stand a chance. Its not fair you should be able to go out with your dogs and enjoy walking them not having to look over your shoulder the whole time :rant: I'm really fed up with it and really i don't dislike the dogs it is the owners :rant: Clare.
clare Bow said:
If you all lived where i do you would never take yourself out let along your dogs. It terrible here in south london its full of staffs plus full red nosed pit bulls and no ones doing anything about it here also the american bull dogs are popular here now. I feel very intimedated and scared when going out with my dogs i am on the alert all the time because its also a big fashionable thing to have them off leads too, honestly it is really really bad i have made so many reports and nothing at all gets done about it. I don't know what i would do if any of my dogs got attacked by one they just wouldn't stand a chance. Its not fair you should be able to go out with your dogs and enjoy walking them not having to look over your shoulder the whole time :rant: I'm really fed up with it and really i don't dislike the dogs it is the owners  :rant:   Clare.
clare that must be awful :huggles:

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