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Our freinds Brian and Netties dog Zoe ( Highland Lassie ) injured her toe on Sunday at the Champs and has today been at the local Greyhound vet and he has advised that the toe's ligaments are gone and that he can only recommend 2 courses of action.

1/ Take away the toe nail which in some cases can cure the problem but not 100 %

2/ Is to take part of the toe away.

We were stunned to say the least at how drastic the measures will have to be taken, poor Brian and Nettie are devastated.

We have never came across this sort of injury before and Zoe is booked in for Friday morning has anyone any advice that they could give us or opinion as to what would be the best course of action to take.

We would be most grateful of all comments please ......................Mandy
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[Really sorry to hear about Zoe's toe, no helpful comments really, but I have have had the first digit of a toe removed from a bitch and she never looked back, her owners did not race her but she caught plenty of rabbits.

So sorry to hear that give our best to Brian and Nettie

Im sure that a greyhound vet would only suggest what is best for the dog

Im sure Ive heard of dogs continuing racing after a toe removal I think it depends on which one it is as to how it affects balance.

Im sure youll get some good advice

Good luck

Shona :thumbsup:
I do know from my many years in greyhounds removal of a toe

was a last option because if there was a toe either side they had

a tendancie to collapse .

many greyhounds had the toe pin fired to avoid this problem.

your in good hands with a greyhound vet i am sure they will

do the right thing for your dog.

we wish you loads of luck with highland lassie a very promising dog

for the future :luck: please let us know how she gets on.

I would go with option 1 nail removal if it was my dog best wishes

and good luck
a lot depends on which toe it is my Tillie had the same problem last year I opted with my vets advice to have the complete toe removed he did an excellent job and she has had no problems with it either bend or straight racing hers was the inside toe on the left front
Hi Mandy

My boy Mighty Mouse has had the end of his toe off - inside toe on his left foot. He had it done by a greyhound vet, and has been fantastic since. He ran really well after he had it done - in fact he was raring to go after 2 weeks, but we held him back for another week before we free ran him, and he was back racing after 4 weeks. It has never given him any bother, but I know people who have had problems after having it done. Sweep had the last joint of his toe off, I stayed with him while it was done, and the vet explained that you also need to take a bit of the next joint away, or the sharp ends dig into the pad, and then they get corns. I also rubbed his pads with CCS Foot Cream (Swedish stuff) but you can get it in Boots Chemist. It's kept his pad supple, and 3 years on, he's had no problems with it at all. I can imagine Brian and Nettie are devastated - please pass on our best wishes - we know just how they feel, as Sweep was in his prime when it happened, and he lost so much racing because of it. He did it in the September at the last Champs of 2004 - the vet orignally said as he was a young dog, it was best to let it heal naturally. We did that, and didn't run him at all for 12 weeks. As soon as he free ran, a split appeared in the skin at the side of his toe, we thought he'd cut it so let it heal - then as soon as we ran him again it opened up - the tell tale sign was that joint fluid was coming out as well as blood - so back to the vet, and he said the end joint needed to come off. As it hadn't healed, the split at the side was caused by the bone sticking through :eek: All in all, he was off for months, but as I say 4 weeks after the joint removal, he was good as new :thumbsup: He went on to get in Champs finals, and just missed out on a full coat by a head :(

I hope that is encouraging for Brian and Nettie - PM me if you want any other details - and tell them not to worry :huggles: As long as he's seeing a greyhound vet, he should be OK.

Like Julie/Sue says (I never know which of you it is :lol: ) it does depend on which toe it is, and hopefully it is not a middle toe :unsure:
Sorry to hear about Zoe's toe Mandy :( tell Brian & nettie im sure she will be fine :thumbsup:
June Jonigk said:
Hi Mandy
My boy Mighty Mouse has had the end of his toe off - inside toe on his left foot.  He had it done by a greyhound vet, and has been fantastic since.  He ran really well after he had it done - in fact he was raring to go after 2 weeks, but we held him back for another week before we free ran him, and he was back racing after 4 weeks.  It has never given him any bother, but I know people who have had problems after having it done.  Sweep had the last joint of his toe off, I stayed with him while it was done, and the vet explained that you also need to take a bit of the next joint away, or the sharp ends dig into the pad, and then they get corns.  I also rubbed his pads with CCS Foot Cream (Swedish stuff) but you can get it in Boots Chemist.  It's kept his pad supple, and 3 years on, he's had no problems with it at all.  I can imagine Brian and Nettie are devastated - please pass on our best wishes - we know just how they feel, as Sweep was in his prime when it happened, and he lost so much racing because of it.  He did it in the September at the last Champs of 2004 - the vet orignally said as he was a young dog, it was best to let it heal naturally.  We did that, and didn't run him at all for 12 weeks.  As soon as he free ran, a split appeared in the skin at the side of his toe, we thought he'd cut it so let it heal - then as soon as we ran him again it opened up - the tell tale sign was that joint fluid was coming out as well as blood - so back to the vet, and he said the end joint needed to come off.  As it hadn't healed, the split at the side was caused by the bone sticking through :eek:   All in all, he was off for months, but as I say 4 weeks after the joint removal, he was good as new :thumbsup:   He went on to get in Champs finals, and just missed out on a full coat by a head :(

I hope that is encouraging for Brian and Nettie - PM me if you want any other details - and tell them not to worry :huggles:   As long as he's seeing a greyhound vet, he should be OK.

Like Julie/Sue says (I never know which of you it is :lol: ) it does depend on which toe it is, and hopefully it is not a middle toe :unsure:

its far to young to know anything sensible :- "
Thank you everyone it's the inside right middle toe of the left foot that is the problem and our heart goes out to Nettie and Brian they are in some state.

All your comments have given them great hope but they just dont know what to do and she just follows Brian EVERYWHERE and is like thee daughter he never had and because we have been everywhere with them since they were puppies even the day they were picked up its like she is one of ours.

Thanks again ............................................Love Mandy
Sorry to hear about Zoe, Brian and Nettie :( She's in good hands with the greyhound vet :luck: Let us know how she gets on :luck:
hi mandy,sorry to read about zoe :(

could you pass on our best wishes to brian and nettie,and im sure they will make the best choice in treatment for zoe :huggles:
mandyrfc said:
Our freinds Brian and Netties dog Zoe ( Highland Lassie ) injured her toe on Sunday at the Champs and has today been at the local Greyhound vet and he has advised that the toe's ligaments are gone and that he can only recommend 2 courses of action.
1/  Take away the toe nail which in some cases can cure the problem but not 100 %

2/  Is to take part of the toe away.

We were stunned to say the least at how drastic the measures will have to be taken, poor Brian and Nettie are devastated.

We have never came across this sort of injury before and Zoe is booked in for Friday morning has anyone any advice that they could give us or opinion as to what would be the best course of action to take.

We would be most grateful of all comments please ......................Mandy


My friends dog has a toe ligament injury,and he runs fine.I would have the nail off to stop the toe catching,and see how you go.Having the toe off would be a last resort for me.

Hope this helps.

brian im sure she will be okay mate as long as you are seeing a greyhound vet. we all hope she gets well soon at the northern where she as run some of her best races. :luck: :luck:
mandyrfc said:
Our freinds Brian and Netties dog Zoe ( Highland Lassie ) injured her toe on Sunday at the Champs and has today been at the local Greyhound vet and he has advised that the toe's ligaments are gone and that he can only recommend 2 courses of action.
1/  Take away the toe nail which in some cases can cure the problem but not 100 %

2/  Is to take part of the toe away.

We were stunned to say the least at how drastic the measures will have to be taken, poor Brian and Nettie are devastated.

We have never came across this sort of injury before and Zoe is booked in for Friday morning has anyone any advice that they could give us or opinion as to what would be the best course of action to take.

We would be most grateful of all comments please ......................Mandy

sunday to tuesday is not a long time to make any descision about the dogs toe.. maybe the vet has misdiagnosed the problem. i would seek a second opinion and give the dog more time to heal before such a drastic treatment is undertaken.. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear about Highland Lassie :( .... I'd personally go with the toe nail removal first to see if it worked ...... :luck:
Brian and Nettie would like to thank everyone for their advice and are still very confused at the moment as to what to do it has come as such a shock and very hard to come to terms with but you have ALL helped by sharing your thoughts so from them and us.

A BIG THANK YOU ALL................................Love Mandy
What's this pin firing malarky - I've heard it's brilliant, but then our vet says he wouldn't do it - is it still allowed? I know it's still done.

Mandy, knowing now it's the middle toe, removing part of it probably isn't a good idea. I would say best go for nail removal first, but even with nail removal the vet should take the end on the joint away, or else it stubs into the ground - and the dreaded corns will appear. They normally do that and stitch the pad further round so the front of the toe doesn't stub the ground.

:luck: Best of luck, and let us know how she gets on :huggles:
well june pin firing is a red hot needle they put into the joint to kill

the nerves after removing nail level with the toe.

it was a practice that most greyhound vets used for raceing dogs

so they could continue raceing .

they found in many cases it was better than removing a toe

and risking the other toes collapsing.

dont know if vets still do it now hope this helps :)
Mandy, - so very sorry to hear that the problem with Zoe's toe is so much worse than you had thought last Sunday. Such a shame, - especially as she was running so well.

Good luck to Brian and Nettie with making the right decision. The greyhound vet will have seen it before and hopefully will be able to help them choose the best option. If they're still not sure then take a little more time to think about it. They may have more questions after Friday and there are lots of knowledgeable people on here.

Do let us know how she gets on. :luck: :luck: :luck:
If it's a severed tendon then toe removal is probably the best option, depending on your expectations for your girl. It IS a possibilty that the remaining toes will be affected in time and that her racing career may be ended sooner than normal. This of course will NOT affect her normal life, free running and enjoying life with you, and she won't miss that toe in the slightest.

(by sooner than normal, I mean that the extra strain on the remaining toes, may cause a similar problem in one of those too, but if you decide to retire her from racing at that stage then there is no reason for further treatment as a non-racing dog can live quite happily with a floppy toe or two!)

On the other hand - erm, paw - if it's NOT a snapped tendon but a joint problem then I can't recommend pin firing highly enough. It is, on the face of it a crude method, but it is undoubtedly VERY effective. Most vets won't perform this procedure - they say there are more humane methods, but I've been present when 2 of mine were done and they were absolutely fine with it. (far be it for me to suggest that as it's done under a LOCAL anaesthetic it isn't expensive enough :- " ) There ARE vets around who will still do this method, contact me if you need names.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do :luck:

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