You have my sympathies. Two of mine can search out dog poo a mile off and it's not only disgusting but highly dangerous, which I have found out to my cost. Don't know whether cat poo carries the same risks but mine don't bother with that at all (or my cats do their business elsewhere!) Mine wear muzzles when they go out even if it is only their short last walk of the night, I cant say it stops them completely (they just squash their muzzles into it :x ) but it does slow them down long enough for me to yell at them or drag them off. I don't have a problem in the garden because they are never let in there for toileting unless I am there armed with poo bags. For the garden it sounds as though you'll have to muzzle them (presumably they will even dig up the poo!) and for the house, a covered litter. Good luck! :luck: