Yesterday, I received a wonderful e-mail : Dobé is on the Whippet Calendar 2006 !
Actually it's the Whippet Calendar 2006 by the whippetbreeder and (whippet-show-judge (don't know how to say this)) Molly McConkey from the UK. Soon, I receive one of the new calendars. I'm so excited and can't wait to see ! Don't know yet which picture they've used.
A few months ago I received an e-mail, they asked about Dobé her pictures on her website. They liked them and asked a few ones in high resolution. They told me it was for an English whippet calendar. But they still would select between lots of pictures, so I could pray and hope they would use one of our Dobé. And it looks like they did ! Ofcourse I still have to see it first.. but it's so wonderful !
This was the calendar of 2005 :
Sorry, I had to shout and tell you.. I'm so happy !!!
Actually it's the Whippet Calendar 2006 by the whippetbreeder and (whippet-show-judge (don't know how to say this)) Molly McConkey from the UK. Soon, I receive one of the new calendars. I'm so excited and can't wait to see ! Don't know yet which picture they've used.
A few months ago I received an e-mail, they asked about Dobé her pictures on her website. They liked them and asked a few ones in high resolution. They told me it was for an English whippet calendar. But they still would select between lots of pictures, so I could pray and hope they would use one of our Dobé. And it looks like they did ! Ofcourse I still have to see it first.. but it's so wonderful !
This was the calendar of 2005 :
Sorry, I had to shout and tell you.. I'm so happy !!!