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Dogs Toe Tooken Off 4 Weeks Ago


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toe tooken off,,,,stiches tooken out 14days later ,,,every thing going well,,,couple off days later swelling appear,,,metecam ran out 2 days before,,decide to put him on other course, just incase it was somehow connected, but i was wrong, swelling still there

the vet did say they might be some joint fluid build up,,,,,,is anyone else had same problem ???? if so how long did it take for swelling to go,,,or was it somthing else were the vet had to go in and take more off the bone off,,,,i,e back from the joint,????,which to be honest iam not that keen on

or is it just a waiting came,???,,,,,iam not that clued up when it comes to toes off as ive always been lucky up to now
Can't help Bob sorry :(

Kerri's front toe, which I gather was a similar procedure to Buddy's took about 5-6 weeks before she raced on it and there were no problems, 3 years later when her back toe broke/dislocated she was only off for a matter of about 4-5 weeks before she was back on the track.

I know that last year Blaze dislocated her toe and there was fluid swelling over the knuckle joints, she was given anti-inflammatories but the vet said there was a chance they wouldn't work.

I found the best remedy was a bit of patience, daily rub downs over the affected area and some cooling gel just in case. The massage etc. lessened the swelling but it did come back up again as she exercised, gradually it disappeared though it took a few weeks but it hasn't recurred since and never seemed to bother her too much.
have you had him back to the vets, i almost lost Alabama, when something very similar happened to her she had infection in the bone, i would say get back to the vets
Agree with Yvonne, get him back to the vets best to be safe, nothing like that happened when we had Tigs toe taken off.

Might just be a bit of fluid that can be drained off by the vet hopefully speed up his recovery as well, all the best in getting it sorted.
Best to get it checked by the whippet bitch had her hind toe taken off 10 days a go a(post on the other thread), hasnt swollen but still has tiny stiches still in...Have the vet suggested to send the toe away for testing

good luck
i was at vets 2night,,,,,there was options ,,,take a sample off the fluid to find out what it is,,,,drain it ,,,and it worst case cut bone back from joint

the thing is vet thinks swelling went down abit,,,but i didnt lol

we decided to give it a couple of more weeks to see the out come,,,,it not that big ,,but is a concern,,,,and when i touch it dosent bother him at all,,but the he,s a bit off a tough nut

all fun and games ,,,till the vet bill comes in lol
How's Buddy looking at the minute ?

he,s doing ok ,,,,the swelling went down ,,,the joint still looks weird ,,takes abit getting used to,,,not looking forward to his 1st run as i seem to think if it gets a bump ,,, touch wood might swell up again,,,but got to let him run somtime giving him a solo next week,,,,as ive been letting him run in the park, everything seem,s good

seems like vet done a good job, as we dont have a greyhound vet to hand , so what ive done is i only take my dogs to this young vet as he seems keen and hopfully in years to come he,ll make a good race dog vet as iam never out there lol,,,,,but at momment seems to be good and always bang on with his treatment (so i booked him no one esle to take toe off),no complants so far lol ive almost went threw 5 vets in that practice,,,and the youngest guy iam happy with,,,just goes to show never judge a book by its cover,,as i used to dredd getting him at 1st, due to his age but he,s been the best one :)

ooops on sarah name,,,,,its me bob lol
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toe tooken off,,,,stiches tooken out 14days later ,,,every thing going well,,,couple off days later swelling appear,,,metecam ran out 2 days before,,decide to put him on other course, just incase it was somehow connected, but i was wrong, swelling still there
the vet did say they might be some joint fluid build up,,,,,,is anyone else had same problem ???? if so how long did it take for swelling to go,,,or was it somthing else were the vet had to go in and take more off the bone off,,,,i,e back from the joint,????,which to be honest iam not that keen on

or is it just a waiting came,???,,,,,iam not that clued up when it comes to toes off as ive always been lucky up to now
If this ever hapens again 2 any other dogs.Take the nail back to the stump,so as to let the presure out,and bleed it.then blister the joint with horse iodine.Flex the joint 3/4 times a day,if it's not broken,to stop the ligaments from tightening too much,and therefore siezing the joint.Just the way ive been taught by Irelands top vet's n doggy men.Works for us,so we do it.Also worked for my Trouble bitch,when she broke her toe.Though i didn't do the flexing bit,till the toe had taken.I know this is a bit late,but may be of help to the next poor soul,that has the same problem,as in many cases,it saves the toe from having to be removed.
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How's Buddy looking at the minute ?

he,s doing ok ,,,,the swelling went down ,,,the joint still looks weird ,,takes abit getting used to,,,not looking forward to his 1st run as i seem to think if it gets a bump ,,, touch wood might swell up again,,,but got to let him run somtime giving him a solo next week,,,,as ive been letting him run in the park, everything seem,s good

seems like vet done a good job, as we dont have a greyhound vet to hand , so what ive done is i only take my dogs to this young vet as he seems keen and hopfully in years to come he,ll make a good race dog vet as iam never out there lol,,,,,but at momment seems to be good and always bang on with his treatment (so i booked him no one esle to take toe off),no complants so far lol ive almost went threw 5 vets in that practice,,,and the youngest guy iam happy with,,,just goes to show never judge a book by its cover,,as i used to dredd getting him at 1st, due to his age but he,s been the best one :)

ooops on sarah name,,,,,its me bob lol
Well lets just hope you're not the one keeping your vet afloat in the credit crunch :- , glad to hear he looks to be healing well. Looking forward to seeing him this summer :huggles:
We had Blue Relections toe taken off 3 weeks before the BWRA Champs last year. Stitches in 10days. Still kept him lead walked with bandage on.

As soon as the stitches came out we had him down on the beach the same day swimming , and did that three or four times over the next few weeks.

He ran some superb races at the champs and was beaten by a head in the weight class final. We decided to have the complete toe taken off as we felt that there might be problems in the future with the skin rubbing against the bone.

It hasn't affected his running or his speed at all. Good luck with your dog

thanks for replys and info,,guys :thumbsup:

ill just take my time with him just now,,,,and with a bit off luck,,,he,ll be fine,,,he,s been in and out vets since he was yearling,,,hopfully this time will be his last for a long while

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