Here's the pictures of Elsie that have been on the camera for a while, I've only just found the cable to be able to put these up on the net. I've put them in chronological order, with the most recent photos at the end.
Sorry that these photos are pretty massive, for those with a slow connection
4 months old, last photo's of her in puppy collar
Here she is looking very pleased with herself, having just chased down and killed a vicious bulldog, which is bottom left in both photos
A shot of her with my mum
now some shots of her as her alter-ego "Mighty Hunter" (yeah right)
Here she is murdering an innocent cow in cold blood...
and bringing down a powerful snow tiger
Sorry that these photos are pretty massive, for those with a slow connection
4 months old, last photo's of her in puppy collar

Here she is looking very pleased with herself, having just chased down and killed a vicious bulldog, which is bottom left in both photos

A shot of her with my mum

now some shots of her as her alter-ego "Mighty Hunter" (yeah right)
Here she is murdering an innocent cow in cold blood...

and bringing down a powerful snow tiger
