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First vet visit with Freddie


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Just got back from Freddie’s first vet visit and figured I’d update y’all.

A. Definitly will need a dental soon. He’s in danger of losing a tooth. Nothing scheduled and I’ll hit the fish skin chews and tooth brush training harder to see if I can prevent it.

B. Definitly hyper mobile but not worried.

C. Not worried about either of his lumps.

D. Slightly anemic but the vet isn’t worried because he’s on the hills science diet and he thinks it should resolve soon.

E. No heartworm

F. No parasites

G. Prescribed Apoquel to see if that will alleviate the paw licking (he’s licked bald patches on his shins).

H. Prescribed pro pectalin to firm up his poops.

I. On a scale of 0-6 he has a grade 2 heart murmur. Vet isn’t worried but cautions to keep an eye out for shortness of breath or coughing.

J. Eyes are clear so klutziness may just be due to hyper mobility or slipper floors (it’s all hardwood in here. We’re getting area rugs asap)

Over all he was a very good boy. Very friendly even when it took forever to get enough blood for his blood test.

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