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I think that they will stick with Laguna.......because as far as the dealers are concerned it's a meaningless word, which as you say adds the ££££. And as far as the buyers are concerned, it's even more meaningless. Most dogs sold as Laguna are several generations removed anyway........see advertisements on this VERY forum.

Re Stonnards.......the stake which was divided with my "little black and white bitch", finished when Kenneth left early....Stonnards xultant was the next to run against her.........Do we read anything into that???????.......probably not. :c

It WAS peeing down with rain as well.
Hello fellow coursers .

Mr Lampie , do you mind if I call you that . Watch out for a fawn 19 1/2ins bitch & a brindle dog . Those who know me understand where I'm coming from . Lets get it on Lampie . :p
John . Xultant is a nice looking dog that also runs with us in fact he was in the same half of the draw as the Chief at the end of Nov.He was also in the company of 2 other dogs that run with your club[Denelsie Rainbow Warrior and Terichline Vanilla] The Chief went on to top the above 4 only to miss out to yet another dog that as run with the E.of E. Terichline Verbena in the final .

As for the other post re. the " Laguna bitch " i dont think she as been sold yet?

This may be the dog for Essex man he may just take a part ex.on an old cortina.

Clive has the Chief ever run against T villanelle (Panda)?

The fens are sounding more and more like a scrapyard I know in Crewe ???
Hare Less, what are the names of these wonder dogs , Yours in sport Coursing Man, PS Have you seen the size of Lamping man , (6ft 2 , and eyes of blue )
Hello Hareloss. You certainly know how to frighten a man! Listen. Its no use telling me to look out foryour dogs unless you can tell me what they've done Otherwise I might as well say look out for my orange roan cocker spaniel! I dare say she might teach your whippets a thing or two. Saucey Madam and Magic Trick , the girls on form this season fear NO ONE. You better believe it Hairy !!


Lamping Man
John . The Only other Terichline he as run against is Lady Ullswaters Vanilla and that stands at - The Lady 0 The Tramp 2

+ Have you seen Lampingmans side kick ? [dont mess with poacher Pam]

Regards Clive.
Too criptic for me Clive .....don't know who Lamping man is , or Pam.

I look forward to meeting all of you, obviously I stand by Crack On.......and I believe that she is a serious contender, she has done enough to prove that much, unbeaten, so far, (opponents from Vensuter, Jimanica, Moonlake, Nimrodel, amongst her conquests).......But, MAY THE BEST DOG WIN.

In sport GREENY
Anybody got an idea of the number of applications for the 17th of Jan ?


Scott All i can say is there have been a no.of entrys sent in some are from the best dogs in the land and some are from owners that are chancen there luck.

The way i see it the v. best will get in and to right to . O.K. say the top 14 dogs are all given a place in the stake and no other dogs are put forward do you then fill the stake with 2 dogs that are not bad but took the time to send in the form.

I must say that if you think you have a dog in the top 25 in the land then send in your form asap. We all want to see the best 16 run on the day but in the real world that is not going to happen for a no. of reasons.So lets make it the best 16 that are fit to run on the day.

Some will miss out but we must make this the best day ever for the sport, and to the ones that do not get a run it is hoped to run this for many years to come so look to the next years and do not take anything away from the dogs that run this year.

I will not hide the fact that i hope the winner is from the E.A. And i hope we have a good chance , i think maybe last year would have been better for the Chief and i will give you my tip for the tops from the E.A..

1 .. Whats Behind The Masque ?.

2.. Banatay Bollinger.

3.. Banatay Bouncer

It will be good to see the good 20" dogs up against a good 18" bitch as its not allways bigest is best [i can take out lamppy over any distance ]

Y.I.S. Clive.
Clive thanks for the reply.

I'll not hide the fact that I hope a dog from the north (VR) wins. :D

I've not seen the dogs you've mentioned run but I'm sure they are good. Personally I'd put my money (so to speak) on Crack on and El Diablo, but there again I'm biased.

Hope they get the chance to run on what WILL BE an excellent day!


CCS – I tried the old cortina but they wanted the fluffy dice thrown in , no way ! What do you think . Black & white is the colour , look out for that little bitch . Seasons greetings to all the family and pass them on to that fine woman you bring with you onto the coursing field .
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And what a fine woman see is to, What with her and poaching pam what could a club ask for (all in fun ) Happy Christmas to all members of the E.A.W.C.C , PS Sorry about the little bitch Clive Coursing man
Hi ya Coursing Man. Joking apart now Pam and I were talking today and were both hopeful that Starry might be in for a trial on the 3rd. We do hope so, it would be great to see her. Come back and let me know.

Hi Lampie thanks for your intrest , I was thinking about it ,the ground is right an she is looking fit ,but she has now come into season , By the way has any one ran a coursing dog with one blind eye, if so how did it run ,(No Jokes please) As i am still a little pissed of with her losing her eye . yours in sport Coursing Man
Scott I couldn't agree more! not only in entering dogs but just in spectating, I haven't got a dog to run at the monennt and am not a member of a coursing club as I have lived in Scotland for the last ten years, am currently for the next few months living and working in Lincs and would love to watch a coursing meet with my beloved Whippets, can I get an invite? no.

Some people have offered but I have to be sponsored and vouched for, and whilst I understand the probs of anti's this is no way to run an open legal sport.


Murphy 1 ..

Firstly i am with you in that we need to make this sport as open as poss.

And if you P.M. me i will give you the rundown on the best bet for you getting on to the running grounds A.S.A.P.

As for the running of the much talked about event in Jan 2004 to open it up to endless spectators would be great for the sport and whippets in general. but.

as a walked up meet it will need to be run like clockwork for all to see some good sport.

Is the time right to look at the possibility of the biggest whippet coursing event ever for next year. Fully driven open to all members of all clubs?.To run such an event would cost big ££££.And the list of people willing and able to run such a stake would be small aswell as being something of a lottery .

I like some of the others on this site feel very lucky to be a member of the friendly whippet coursing club, but we had to walk befor we got to run.

I think Essex Man walked at 9 meetings last year without running a dog ?.Coursing Man as had some bad luck this year with is black bitch but still he walks till the end even Lampy keeps his feet on the ground for an hour or two to walk with us.

Murphy your name rings a Bell with me so hit the P.M. And enjoy your time in Gods own land

Regards Clive.
Hi all you coursing men and poaching pam ,no meeting today ,ground to hard . But did hear that there are not many dogs enterd for this event of the year , from the EEWCC or the NWCC . Theres three from up north , and the hardcore from the EAWCC . So were are the cream from these other clubs gone , PS did you enjoy your sleep Lamping Man , See you all there all the best from Coursing Man , keep the tripe coming
So were are the cream from these other clubs gone
They can all claim to have the best but putting their money were their mouths are in public now thats a differant matter? ;)
Hi Mark i agree , get them dogs into slips , and lets see them do the biz , All the best from. Coursing man.

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