Gillian and Muffin popped over today. After a rather wet walk they were invited back for a cup of tea. Muffin was the typical curious whippet and had his nose in everything at first... 
Then he found the dogs' toy basket tucked away beside the sofa... :-
'Clear off', says Stan...'that's mine not yours....'
He does a quick stock check....'you just can't trust these tea-leafing whippets!', he mutters.
'Now, now Muffin...mind your manners!', admonishes mum Gillian
'Ok then...I'll be good...' sighs Muffin :wub:
Actually he was the perfect house guest (wish I could say the same for Gillian
..only joking!)...and he played really nicely with Stanley. It was good to see Stanley having some fun!

Then he found the dogs' toy basket tucked away beside the sofa... :-

'Clear off', says Stan...'that's mine not yours....'

He does a quick stock check....'you just can't trust these tea-leafing whippets!', he mutters.

'Now, now Muffin...mind your manners!', admonishes mum Gillian

'Ok then...I'll be good...' sighs Muffin :wub:

Actually he was the perfect house guest (wish I could say the same for Gillian