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Greyhound Left To Die In Police Kennels

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lamping man said:
jok said:
Nicola said:
Rae said:
IMO the police should not be responsible for them - it complicates things if you do loose a dog, has the dog warden found it, have the Police got it, do the kennels have it....there should be an out of hours number for the dog warden who should be responsible for them all, and placing them in appropriate kennels.

RIP Greyhound.

Yes...I agree....take away any responsibility for taking in stray dogs from the police. JT's description says it all as well.

They are like any other centrally funded or public organisation. Too much bureacracy and paperwork, too much streamlining, too many efficiency measures, too many changes in management structures, introducing changes too quickly and too frequently. They can't keep up. Dogs should be the last thing they have to worry about. Pass the responsibility to someone who is at least paid to care about the welfare of animals. They've got enough to do elsewhere and a thankless task it is as well judging by some of these responses.

Poor greyhound...I can't bear to dwell on it really. :(

I agree. Police are not equipped or at all suitable for looking after dogs, responsibility does need to change.


I said that the majority of the police work damn hard, somthing i'll stick by. It doesn't mean they are good at looking after dogs, i didn't say that. Sweeping generalisations and some shit that people come out with are just a load of rubbish in my opinion.

This is about a poor greyhound that died, not one big 'lets have a go at the police'.

I don't think I missed the point at all and I of course realise that you appear to have a chip on your shoulder. I cannot overcome that i'm afraid. You're not my problem.

I don't have a chip on my shoulder, why would i? Again, another ridiculous thing to say. There is nothing wrong in stating that the majority of us do our jobs well. After all, it seems perfectly acceptable to attack us at every opportunity

Im not saying anymore on this topic as it's going away from the real sad issue - a dog died. I don't give a toss what some idiots think, i just hope not everyone think like that.
I don't think I missed the point at all and I of course realise that you appear to have a chip on your shoulder. I cannot overcome that i'm afraid. You're not my problem.

Well, for what its worth, i dont think you missed the point either BUT hey i'm just one of the many idiots that are of the opinion that the police in general are totally useless :thumbsup:

Hell, what do i know :- "

Not like i have had my car broken into, my dogs stolen. my house burgled, my dog taken into police kennels without me knowing. Been assaulted in the street :wacko:

What did the so called police do on each of the incidents..............................NOTHING :unsure:

Yet i broke the bloody speed limit & they were up my arse quicker than you could blink.

All i'm gonna say is ...........................If this were a person that had neglected this poor dog, let it suffer & die, then we would expect them to be prosecuted by the RSPCA?

Lets just see what happens here ................NOT :eek:
lamping man said:
Words fail me, almost.For those of us who care we might wish to contact the following to express views: or tel. Lothian and Borders Police. E Div. HQ 0131 663 2855.

ive just tried to send an email to this address twice but deliverys it the correct address?
kris said:
lamping man said:
Words fail me, almost.For those of us who care we might wish to contact the following to express views: or tel. Lothian and Borders Police. E Div. HQ 0131 663 2855.

ive just tried to send an email to this address twice but deliverys it the correct address?

Hello there. I have sent 2 today

Please note that it is an L in lbp and not an i. That should get you there :thumbsup:
cheers thanks for that ill try again :thumbsup:
lamping man said:
jok said:
Nicola said:
Rae said:
IMO the police should not be responsible for them - it complicates things if you do loose a dog, has the dog warden found it, have the Police got it, do the kennels have it....there should be an out of hours number for the dog warden who should be responsible for them all, and placing them in appropriate kennels.

RIP Greyhound.

Yes...I agree....take away any responsibility for taking in stray dogs from the police. JT's description says it all as well.

They are like any other centrally funded or public organisation. Too much bureacracy and paperwork, too much streamlining, too many efficiency measures, too many changes in management structures, introducing changes too quickly and too frequently. They can't keep up. Dogs should be the last thing they have to worry about. Pass the responsibility to someone who is at least paid to care about the welfare of animals. They've got enough to do elsewhere and a thankless task it is as well judging by some of these responses.

Poor greyhound...I can't bear to dwell on it really. :(

I agree. Police are not equipped or at all suitable for looking after dogs, responsibility does need to change.


I said that the majority of the police work damn hard, somthing i'll stick by. It doesn't mean they are good at looking after dogs, i didn't say that. Sweeping generalisations and some shit that people come out with are just a load of rubbish in my opinion.

This is about a poor greyhound that died, not one big 'lets have a go at the police'.

I don't think I missed the point at all and I of course realise that you appear to have a chip on your shoulder. I cannot overcome that i'm afraid. You're not my problem.

Chip on her shoulder how exactly?

As dog owners I think we are all horrified by this - but to be so rude to someone just because they are a police officer is just out of order and quite frankly pathetic.

Nothing else needs to be said about the police and people's experiences - the issue here is the dog that died and that particular police force - complain about them

I have no more to say about this now, I think it's got nasty and out of hand.

Reading things like this puts me off posting on k9 - a forum is meant to be an opportunity to get advice and share opinions, not for this.
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At the end of the day, anyone who cares about dogs is going to find this horrific.

If you happen to be a Police Officer & sticking up for your own then so beit.

If you are a normal person & just giving accounts of what you have witnessesd again so beit.

Its all there in black & white.

Let people make up their own minds. :thumbsup:
Nicola said:
They are like any other centrally funded or public organisation. Too much bureacracy and paperwork, too much streamlining, too many efficiency measures, too many changes in management structures, introducing changes too quickly and too frequently. They can't keep up. Dogs should be the last thing they have to worry about. Pass the responsibility to someone who is at least paid to care about the welfare of animals. They've got enough to do elsewhere and a thankless task it is as well judging by some of these responses.
Poor greyhound...I can't bear to dwell on it really.  :(
If there was a post of the week award, I'd certainly nominate this. Don't know what you do for a living Nicola but your spot on here. Many young people set out to choose a vocation I chose nursing of which I spend half my time treating patients and the other half documenting and pratting about with paperwork. Now personally I get most job satisfaction in surgery but because the government want to convince you folk that they're doing a wonderful job I have to compile audits of how wonderfully efficient we are, attend ridiculous courses on lifting and carrying (heaven forbid a patient stumbles over because it's actually reccommended that you do not try to catch them mid fall) We actually get paid more to see new patients than we do to review patients already on our books and as a result our waiting list looks wonderful for patients awaiting an initial consultation but for those actually awaiting surgery it's another matter. (but that's ok because operating is an expensive thing so we'll stay within budget)

I'm convinced all government funded bodies operate in exactly the same way, manipulating statistics, prioritising 'cheap' easily managed cases over more serious and thus more expensive situations. I believe this is why issueing speeding tickets and other minor misdemenours is attractive, they don't require massive manpower and they produce good statistics at solving crimes. I honestly don't believe that all police officers are getting job satisfaction from their workloads because like me they started off young thinking they could make a difference. The good ones eventually leave totally disheartened, the power hungry wannabe managers stay on with the hope of promotion and the disillusionment that they actually are making a difference.

Now then with these facts in mind lets go back to that poor dog that starved to death.... Firstly I recon the kennel is located outside away from the police station itself because of possibly the following reasons

maybe their health and safety policy classified a dog as a hazard what with possible allergy risks to staff. :blink:

Wonder if they have a suitable policy for the disposal of dog waste?

What about cleaning the kennel, well there's COSHH to think of what with those dangerous disinfectants to consider etc. :- "

What about the dog itself? oo well it could be dangerous and if it bites someone they might sue? :eek: better put another policy in place that only trained persons can handle. :thumbsup:

Meanwhile officer at the desk (apparently dragged in from another area, probably because staff where off with stress) has the fun of dealing with the drunks stumbling in wanting to report assaults, drivers presenting their documents etc etc etc and don't forget to fill in all that paperwork mate so targets are met, audits can be done and no-one can sue us. ;)

Yes if this person was responsible he was totally out of order for not chasing up about the well being of the dog but in fairness I can see why the whole police force neglected the poor animal because it's the system itself that let that dog down. As Nicola said the police shouldn't be managing lost dogs because they would never in a million years get the funding to make this a priority. This is why the RSPCA is a charity but I think even they have had to install some of this beurocratic crap in order to survive today.

I don't know what the solution is, maybe writing to your MP and changing your vote might help in the future but personally I think they're all as bad as each other.

Apologies for the extremely long post.

RIP Doggy, I'm sorry we let you down. :(
i know im predjudiced cos youre my baby :huggles: but that was well said jac. :thumbsup: and youre right weve ALL let this dog down :(
Oh yes. And the fact thet rls and jok both come from Shropshire is just mere coincidence is it? Give me a break. Did jok wake you up to post that?? You should have stayed in bed :D
Ok I for one am appalled by this situation and the actual police officers who did this should be strung up by their goulies :rant: :rant:

BUT I think the topic has become a hanging ground for police in general, although I don't know any police personally and have probably grumbled about them myself on a few occasions, I think my expectations have been a bit high,but lets be realistic I would think they have a very hard job, dealing with shit everyday, when we are in trouble it is reassuring to know they are there but we have to remember they are human being's not super hero's, working by rules , with limited numbers (this is the governments fault not theirs).

Jok shouldn't have to defend herself or the police force on here, she is a dog lover and probably as much if not more appalled than anybody :(

I just think we need to think a minute before slagging them all off for something done by others :thumbsup:
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Ok i'm going to lock this topic as it's moved away from the original topic.

I doubt anyone would support or condone what has happened or those who let it happen.

BUT the personal remarks aimed at Jok are well out of order.

The truth is who does everyone ring if they are robbed/burgled ect yes the very police force that everyone slates?

OK we may not always get the response or out come we'd like but our English Police force does a bloody good job considering 1/2 the time their hands are tied by politicle correctness ect.
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