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Greyhound Sales In Limerick

i hate looking at that site with those pics of those poor dogs. :( their poor sad eyes stay with me for ages.they tell of all the suffering theyve endured at the hands of man.i wonder if any of them have ever been petted or cuddled before they were rescued.yes,it makes you ashamed to be human.ive no idea what they were syringing into that poor terrified dogs mouth but i dont suppose it will be anything good. :(
It's horrendous, isn't it. I hate to think of what goes on behind closed doors when this is how some people behave infront of welfare organisations. :(
Thats disgusting. It makes me so mad how people can be just so callous. Thank god for people like limerick animal welfare. That is why i will always rehome from centers like that as the dogs all need a second chance.
While it may seem 'cruel' and 'degrading' for these dogs, it is all they know, kenneled life. They are bred to race, and that is what they are fed and watered to do. Its just the same with racehorses, carted off to sales, new owners or trainers. They dont feel and think the same as us, so things that appall us may just be life for these dogs. What we should be campaighning for is a compulsary sceme to re-habilitate or humanely destroy ex-racers as soon as their careers have ended, to stop them being flogged round foreign race tracks. A humane end is better than a life of misery.

i knew of the ritual hangings of dogs from Anne Finch but bl**dy hell, why cant more be done to stop it? Not that it would ever happen cos money makes the world go round, but wouldnt it be lovely if we all just boycotted everything spanish for a week; flights, holidays the works, just to make a point! But hell, its the exporting from Ireland that needs sorting too, npo export = no dogs.... apart from the ones they breed over there anyway. Its not just greys and racers who get hung either, its the hunting dogs at the end of the season too............. yitch!
While it may seem 'cruel' and 'degrading' for these dogs, it is all they know, kenneled life. They are bred to race, and that is what they are fed and watered to do.....

in answer to this, i worked for years at a greyhound racing centre, and luckily for those dogs ALL were retired gracefully and found real homes. They were genuinely loved by us and their owners. Just because they were kenneled does NOT mean they cannot go on to enjoy a happy retirement. However, sad though it is, i really think we need to sort out a humane method for pts "excess" dogs, its always going to be there, and driving it undergrround only hurts the dogs. If a vet could pts then at least the cruelty would be removed and leave the ethics to be wrangled over.
The option is always there to have a dog pts by a vet at the end of it's career. The problem is that costs around £70, while people like the chap in Durham will do it with a bolt gun for a tenner. :(

Whether or not dogs are distressed by being sold, transported and handed around, the dogs in the back of that van were headed from Ireland to Scotland in overcrowded conditions that would be illegal for any livestock. Unfortunately nobody in authority seems to care.
FeeFee said:
The option is always there to have a dog pts by a vet at the end of it's career.  The problem is that costs around £70, while people like the chap in Durham will do it with a bolt gun for a tenner.  :(
Whether or not dogs are distressed by being sold, transported and handed around, the dogs in the back of that van were headed from Ireland to Scotland in overcrowded conditions that would be illegal for any livestock.  Unfortunately nobody in authority seems to care.

It would also be illegal to transport dogs as well,

If it was that bad why did the photo takers not alert the Authoritys even if by your submission "they would not do any thing" they could have at least said they tried.
galty said:
FeeFee said:
The option is always there to have a dog pts by a vet at the end of it's career.  The problem is that costs around £70, while people like the chap in Durham will do it with a bolt gun for a tenner.  :(
Whether or not dogs are distressed by being sold, transported and handed around, the dogs in the back of that van were headed from Ireland to Scotland in overcrowded conditions that would be illegal for any livestock.  Unfortunately nobody in authority seems to care.

It would also be illegal to transport dogs as well,

If it was that bad why did the photo takers not alert the Authoritys even if by your submission "they would not do any thing" they could have at least said they tried.

If you read the article properly, the LAW volunteers did alert the authorities on the track and the local police. One of the volunteers was punched and then had a van deliberately run into her for her trouble and the van then drove off before anyone in authority arrived.
wunwin said:
While it may seem 'cruel' and 'degrading' for these dogs, it is all they know, kenneled life. They are bred to race, and that is what they are fed and watered to do. Its just the same with racehorses, carted off to sales, new owners or trainers. They dont feel and think the same as us, so things that appall us may just be life for these dogs. What we should be campaighning for is a compulsary sceme to re-habilitate or humanely destroy ex-racers as soon as their careers have ended, to stop them being flogged round foreign race tracks. A humane end is better than a life of misery.
instead of destroying them why not campaign for the trade in greyhounds to be stopped completely?at the end of their careers a lot of these dogs will meet a cruel and unworthy end despite the fact that theyve tried so hard to please their owner/trainers.if the betting part of this sport was stopped then the breeding would also stop as there wouldnt be the demand for would be like whippet racing,just a hobby/pastime and not a multimillion pound industry that it is. :(
instead of destroying them why not campaign for the trade in greyhounds to be stopped completely?at the end of their careers a lot of these dogs will meet a cruel and unworthy end despite the fact that theyve tried so hard to please their owner/trainers.if the betting part of this sport was stopped then the breeding would also stop as there wouldnt be the demand for would be like whippet racing,just a hobby/pastime and not a multimillion pound industry that it is. :(

hear hear
rach125 said:
instead of destroying them why not campaign for the trade in greyhounds to be stopped completely?at the end of their careers a lot of these dogs will meet a cruel and unworthy end despite the fact that theyve tried so hard to please their owner/trainers.if the betting part of this sport was stopped then the breeding would also stop as there wouldnt be the demand for would be like whippet racing,just a hobby/pastime and not a multimillion pound industry that it is. :(

hear hear

Dream on, you have answered yourselves here, its a million pound industry, it will never stop. What i think should happen is some of the betting profit and prize money should be set asside to do something for retired dogs, either re-home or dignified pts. Use profits to help the animals that created it.
FeeFee said:
The option is always there to have a dog pts by a vet at the end of it's career.  The problem is that costs around £70, while people like the chap in Durham will do it with a bolt gun for a tenner.  :(
Whether or not dogs are distressed by being sold, transported and handed around, the dogs in the back of that van were headed from Ireland to Scotland in overcrowded conditions that would be illegal for any livestock.  Unfortunately nobody in authority seems to care.

I appreciate that we are probably not going to get anywhere but I did find this site yesterday - It's currently in BETA test but you can create your own petition - perhaps something to change the way they are transported could be a start?
wunwin said:
rach125 said:
instead of destroying them why not campaign for the trade in greyhounds to be stopped completely?at the end of their careers a lot of these dogs will meet a cruel and unworthy end despite the fact that theyve tried so hard to please their owner/trainers.if the betting part of this sport was stopped then the breeding would also stop as there wouldnt be the demand for would be like whippet racing,just a hobby/pastime and not a multimillion pound industry that it is. :(

hear hear

Dream on, you have answered yourselves here, its a million pound industry, it will never stop. What i think should happen is some of the betting profit and prize money should be set asside to do something for retired dogs, either re-home or dignified pts. Use profits to help the animals that created it.

thats what they said about bear baiting,dog fighting and many other so called sports that eventually people turned their backs on in disgust. :thumbsup: i believe this will also eventually happen to greyhound racing.i hope the racing continues along the lines of whippet racing cos thats a sport and not a money making exercise.and whether the dogs win or lose theyre first and foremost much loved pets.the public need educating as to what happens to greyhounds.i think if there were a few adverts on the telly showing folk what really happens in this sport then there would be a big boycott of it
FeeFee said:
galty said:
FeeFee said:
The option is always there to have a dog pts by a vet at the end of it's career.  The problem is that costs around £70, while people like the chap in Durham will do it with a bolt gun for a tenner.  :(
Whether or not dogs are distressed by being sold, transported and handed around, the dogs in the back of that van were headed from Ireland to Scotland in overcrowded conditions that would be illegal for any livestock.  Unfortunately nobody in authority seems to care.

It would also be illegal to transport dogs as well,

If it was that bad why did the photo takers not alert the Authoritys even if by your submission "they would not do any thing" they could have at least said they tried.

If you read the article properly, the LAW volunteers did alert the authorities on the track and the local police. One of the volunteers was punched and then had a van deliberately run into her for her trouble and the van then drove off before anyone in authority arrived.

I did read the article.

Depends who you consider AUTHORITIES

Mine would not be the People you orginsed the sale nor the IGB they are not the Law.

The local Police did not answer...Would have thought the police would have taken an attempted murder serious

As LAW has attended these sales before and had this sort of thing according to them happen before.

Why did they not ring up the local ISPCA, why did they not ring up the Proper authorities who goven the transport of any Livestock in the EU, I would have.
kris said:
wunwin said:
rach125 said:
instead of destroying them why not campaign for the trade in greyhounds to be stopped completely?at the end of their careers a lot of these dogs will meet a cruel and unworthy end despite the fact that theyve tried so hard to please their owner/trainers.if the betting part of this sport was stopped then the breeding would also stop as there wouldnt be the demand for would be like whippet racing,just a hobby/pastime and not a multimillion pound industry that it is. :(

hear hear

Dream on, you have answered yourselves here, its a million pound industry, it will never stop. What i think should happen is some of the betting profit and prize money should be set asside to do something for retired dogs, either re-home or dignified pts. Use profits to help the animals that created it.

thats what they said about bear baiting,dog fighting and many other so called sports that eventually people turned their backs on in disgust. :thumbsup: i believe this will also eventually happen to greyhound racing.i hope the racing continues along the lines of whippet racing cos thats a sport and not a money making exercise.and whether the dogs win or lose theyre first and foremost much loved pets.the public need educating as to what happens to greyhounds.i think if there were a few adverts on the telly showing folk what really happens in this sport then there would be a big boycott of it

Money talks, not morals im afraid.
money does talk yes,but i think a lot of folk do have morals,and a conscience too,certainly more than youd sometimes give them credit for. ;)
what really happens in this sport then there would be a big boycott of it
As a recent kennelhand at a greyhound Trainers its not the spectators that keep the racing going its the Bookies, if you took the bookies away from the Greyhounds, in other words the income the greyhound racing receives from the Bookies there would be no more racing, that i guarantee. I believe it is somwhere around £6 million pounds that the Bookies pays to greyhound racing, so how much are the Bookies making out of greyhound racing??, millions upon millions.

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