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Half-aussie/half-us Whippet Pups In The Us

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Beautiful pups Karen! I do like your Augustine :thumbsup: all the very best with them.

Well, the co-breeder has not been able to arrange for photos, but they are coming back here (the three boys) this weekend and I will take photos of them then.

In other news, their mother Delta killed a skunk this morning and brought it into the house for her puppies to play with.

This did not meet with widespread approval on the part of the human members of the household.
Well, the co-breeder has not been able to arrange for photos, but they are coming back here (the three boys) this weekend and I will take photos of them then.
In other news, their mother Delta killed a skunk this morning and brought it into the house for her puppies to play with.

This did not meet with widespread approval on the part of the human members of the household.
:lol: as long as the pups liked it :lol:
Well, the co-breeder has not been able to arrange for photos, but they are coming back here (the three boys) this weekend and I will take photos of them then.
In other news, their mother Delta killed a skunk this morning and brought it into the house for her puppies to play with.

This did not meet with widespread approval on the part of the human members of the household.
This girl is a LEGEND!!!! I do have a question for you... how do you keep her safe???

Our Sage who also was bred in Oz (although there must be an incy bit of sensibleness coz she's sired by our Alex who's a kiwi 8) ) she is very much like Delta who will risk life & limb for the excitement of a hunt - unfortunately, boundaries are being pressed & these 6' fences with electric fences are just an annoying piece of equipment you have to get thru to get that bunny/pukeko who seems in dog language to be calling her name!

How this dog hasn't broken her neck or back with some of her escapades is beyond me :b She has chunks out of her as a result of thundering through bush on chase - but she frightened us all the other day when her ears were off due to hot pursuit - straight down the long driveway across the road into another lot of bush, up & down neighbouring rural driveways with Miss 11yr old running like a bat out of hell after her & infront of a passing car :eek: How they missed her is a miracle.

How do you keep these obsessed critters safe??? It's now getting scary everytime she's let out for a run.. there is only one thing on her mind

Hi Shenace--

It's no so much keeping Delta's keeping everything else safe from Delta.

Reminds me of a line from "Watchman" where one of the vigilantes is finally caught by the police and sent to prison, and ends up surrounded by guys he helped put away. They're all threatening to hurt him, and he says, "I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with ME."

Well, that's Delta.

Delta was originally with Deanne Christianson in California, but she lives in a developed area and Delta's escape artist abilities made it harder to keep her safe. So, I helped Deann place Delta with Kristen (Scudder) who lives on a big old Plantation property way out in the country in the Tidewater area of Virginia. Delta really won't consent to much fencing, but she is happy enough to go out, run and hunt the fields, and then return. So far, she's been fine except that occasionally one of her prey manages to get in a quick bite before Delta dispatches it. Delta gets a LOT of baths.

Weaning the litter sent Delta's hunting drive into higher gear--she has been hunting for her puppies. She was an excellent mother and cleaned them and wanted to nurse them far longer than most of our girls have with their litters.

Obviously, she is walked on leash when she is on the road, and when she is in season, lest she go out and find her own choice of mate. Delta is happy she gets some free-range hunting time, and I think we all are happy she is on extensive rural farmland to do it. She basically has a lot in common with the dogs on the working and lure coursing boards. She would love to live with someone who would take her out rabbiting every day.

One thing being done with these pups is that they are never lifted over the ex pen. That plants the concept in their mind of "going over to get out". Kristen always opens the pen door and has them walk out. I've not heard her children from her prior two litters are a big problem with jumping. I think it's just Delta. The sire of these pups respects fencing and penning and is basically a homebody, so we hope a lot of that comes through.

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Very nice litter!!! :D

Tony Groenendijk

StripPoker Whippets & Italian greyhound

the Netherlands
Nice puppies Karen~really looking forward to the next batch of pics :)

Kristen came to the house today to meet puppy buyers and deliver the pick boy to me. We have had a nice couple of hours playing with the puppies--the girl has left already, but we will see her again at the National Specialty in two weeks and can take some photos of her at that time..

We had a nice time playing with are our boys at 9 weeks. First, our pick male who is Augustin--aka "Augie". Augie is staying here with me and will eventually be residing with Leila Anichini, co-owned by the three of us. I must say I'm pleased with this puppy and looking forward to being his handler:





Then, there is "Bangers and Mash"-he is going to live with a nice couple I have known in dogs for many years. He left today with them, having kissed the husband very much so that he felt like his money was well-spent.


Here is cute little Bangers looking at the camera:


Now, we have "Chipper"--he is a very handsome boy, too.


He goes to his new home on Monday. Suddenly, Delta's little nest is emptying out. Maybe she can stop going out and trying to hunt skunks to feed them. :eek:



They were really cute pups and enjoyed playing with them very much! Augustin has had a good dinner and is being a nice pup in his crate for me. I sure hope that holds out.... o:)

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