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Harrington's grain free


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Has anyone changed their dog's food to Harrington's grain free chicken? What is your experience?
My dog's poos seem, quite firm and more consistent but are much bigger and he is going more often up to 5x a day.
Is this normal? Am I feeding him too much? He is a small cocker. He is just under 11kg at his last weighing.
It might be worth trying a non-chicken flavour. Chicken, surprisingly, can be hard for dogs to digest.

Of course, if your dog has been fine with chicken in other dog foods, this suggestion should be totally ignored ...
It might be worth trying a non-chicken flavour. Chicken, surprisingly, can be hard for dogs to digest.

Of course, if your dog has been fine with chicken in other dog foods, this suggestion should be totally ignored ...
Thanks.. although he has eaten chicken in a bland diet.
Although our lot are raw fed I always keep a bag of "Millies Wolfheart" Forerunner, for days when I have forgotten to take anything out of the freezer.
Millies poos are nice and firm and not really much different to a raw poo! Certainly not bulky
Thanks for advice. I looked at Millies and decided it wasn't significantly different from Harringtons so am trying to alter how much I feed and also going to try some wet wholegrain Butcher's as it has a good amount of protein. and maybe free grain isn't for him. Meanwhile he has lost a little weight which may just be summer time. I don't think it's exercise as I am trying to control his poo eating so he can't go running around too much. I thought he was making progress on not poo eating while out ( on longline) but he turned round and ate his own again today! On a positive note, at least it was firm and a normal size.
I really didn't imagine I would be such a poo expert when getting a dog.;)
Has anyone changed their dog's food to Harrington's grain free chicken? What is your experience?
My dog's poos seem, quite firm and more consistent but are much bigger and he is going more often up to 5x a day.
Is this normal? Am I feeding him too much? He is a small cocker. He is just under 11kg at his last weighing.
Hi I changed my french bulldog s diet from chicken alltogether she now has Harrington s salmon and raw minced beef she also has seasonal alapecia but since she's been off the chicken her fur has grown back alot so I think her diet was alot to do with it .
Hi I changed my french bulldog s diet from chicken alltogether she now has Harrington s salmon and raw minced beef she also has seasonal alapecia but since she's been off the chicken her fur has grown back alot so I think her diet was alot to do with it .
Well that's good.
I hope this sortsout her problem.
Yes I hope so to she was valid on her sides and the top of her rump we had skin scrapes hair plucks and tapes that went under her armpits to rule out any bacteria or yeast infections all came back clear but positive for seasonal alapecia. So they said try a diet elimination so we did. And touch wood the diets seems to have helped as o I'm really pleased. .
Yes I hope so to she was valid on her sides and the top of her rump we had skin scrapes hair plucks and tapes that went under her armpits to rule out any bacteria or yeast infections all came back clear but positive for seasonal alapecia. So they said try a diet elimination so we did. And touch wood the diets seems to have helped as o I'm really pleased. .
I meant bald lol
Poor thing! Luckily my pooch doesn't seem to be ill. He also seem to reacte to grass.. sneezing and a bit itchy but not badly. It is just the quantity of poo which concerns me as it may mean he isn't getting the nutrients. Or l am just feeding too much. He isn't putting weight on. It could be the chicken. The vet did say they can develop allergies. But l don't believe this is the case. He was ok on Harringtons core lamb although his poos were rarely that good and he sometimes got constipated which is why l tried grain free hypoallergenic which happened to be chicken. His poos are generally firm and more consistent now...just very large 5xa day.
The butcher's wet l am very slowly introducing is the Gentle wholegrain variety pack.So far he has only had the salmon and likes. I am trying to work out the amount needed for him to be satisfied so that he doesn't scavange. ..and see if the grain or extra protein reduces the poos.
Although our lot are raw fed I always keep a bag of "Millies Wolfheart" Forerunner, for days when I have forgotten to take anything out of the freezer.
Millies poos are nice and firm and not really much different to a raw poo! Certainly not bulky
I was keen to try M/W but noticing they use loveage powder in all their foods which can be toxic to dogs, I read on all about dog food a dog that was drinking litres of water because it made them thirsty, have you any knowledge of this or do you find the food OK.
I had a quick look on their website and found a couple that don't seem to have lovage. But they are very helpful, why not drop them an email?

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