Hi My jack cross is nearly 3, she has always had good health, up to date with everything. a month ago she started vomiting a lot so i rushed her to the vet she then started passing a bloody jelly type substance and not proper poo that lasted for about 7 days, she was on anti inflammatories and a low fibre diet. after several trips back to the vets she was then taken off the drugs and given a high fibre diet. things seemed to improve after a week she suddenly started to throw up again and came in for the garden yelping and shaking that lasted for about 10 seconds. she has stared to have streaks of blood in her poo again. she has had scans, blood tests, X-rays they have all come back clear. she is now being referred to wellington, I'm currently waiting for the phone call. i am being given mixed advice, flea - don't flea vaccinate- don't vaccinate!!! I'm pulling my hair out i really don't know what to do for the best!!! i seem to be cursed at the mo as my daughter lost her 12 week old rabbit at the beginning of the year and they said thats because she hadnt been vaccinated, but the other rabbit is happy and healthy and is now vaccinated!!! someone please help!