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i perosnally still think timed is best even for the retard system wot if had a 30lb dog and it just cudnt get close did u do u have a limit on weights? we do have a limit of 21yds and have had a couple that shud have been off more then 21yds but we owe them it so when they win they wont get pulled. JMO
Carole, it's just an idea i thought of after i'd started the topic. I haven't even thought it through properly, it wouldn't have to be yd/lb. And eventually by doing it advance and retard the handicap would catch up with those fast lightweight or advance those slow heavyweights. I'm sure someone can come up with something better.
Come on Piglet, you might like your pop but I know you can pull one out the hat when you get your thinking cap on!
Come on Piglet, you might like your pop but I know you can pull one out the hat when you get your thinking cap on!
no pressure then jac

its a tough one personally you need to have the draw factor in the first place, so people will come and attend in the first place. its not all about money but at the end of the day money talks if its there people come. everyone wants to win the big one its natural, obviously some dogs arent up to standard. but even when you are beat what is the best thing to do for the losing dogs,

thought about graded racing like greyhounds, having a handicap mark like horses do, both could work but then ure going to have 1 or 2 runs and be pre entry. but u wouldnt have an open in a sense you would have an open race or a top heat down to bottom grade.

really we are trying to give everyone a turn of winning.i dont think there are many options open to us, if clubs can guarentee 2 runs at an open then most people are happy 2have 2 chances of winning something,

sorry jac my brains being on overdrive thinking of ideas, ive even being in touch with a few famous people in the horse racing game and betting industry for ideas and advice, just stuck at the moment if i have a brainwave i will let you know,
i perosnally still think timed is best even for the retard system wot if had a 30lb dog and it just cudnt get close did u do u have a limit on weights? we do have a limit of 21yds and have had a couple that shud have been off more then 21yds but we owe them it so when they win they wont get pulled. JMO
your right carol time should be the fairest way of racing but its down to the honesty of the clock man and it does not mater how honest he is there will always be someone track side with there own clock saying they dint get that time thats when the dollies and dummies will come flying out of the pram lol

whippet racing is know for yard per pound and you will never get away from it should a dog be giving more start with time than it would at yard a pound they would not run should a light weight be giving start they would not run thats the biggest prob then you going to get a few tricks pulled to get a slow clock to gain a yard or two same as flapping on ghd tracks its all down to pulling a stroke on the clock and bookie i might be wrong and always am lol but cant see time working
Its quite ironic really, the main reasons we were asked to change to ABC was the chance of two runs per meeting, on the handicap system if you didnt win you only had the one race. Also on the back of this some of the owners of the 'better' club dogs didn't like the fact that maybe their 20lb dog/bitch could possibly be giving start or running off levels to say a 28lb dog, those owners felt it unfair on their dogs - the opposite spectrum of being too far behind and loosing heart, being penalised for being faster :wacko:

Crazy whippet racing hey not easy to find solutions and to make everyone happy ;)

I do understand if you have a kennel of dogs with varying abilities it can be difficult to make decisions on what and where to race (have been in that position had one fair bitch and others only club dogs) I personally wouldnt run my really slow dogs at opens, maybe we were fortunate and still are in the fact that we can choose to run at the club with the not so good dogs (although that statement isn't a true statement because to be fair open class dogs run at clubs to keep fit etc when opens not on or if owners dont travel) some weekends the club dogs didnt get a run if we were travelling but again some weeks the open class dogs need a rest so we just ran at club. Again i feel its making the right choices for you and your dogs.

In an ideal world ALL abilities could be catered for at each open but its a hard one to find a solution to and dependent upon how it is run and organised could still leave the not so good dogs running with dogs who still are far faster than them. Maidens would take away some of the better dogs but then the main opens would have lesser numbers. I also think of the workload and organisers, its fine to say do main open and then run a time handicap or some other type of handicap alongside it, but we all too often are scraping for helpers and workers to maintain smooth running events.

The club hosting the open could run the open and then a handicap race meeting for dogs not wanting to enter main open, but i fear this could leave it wide open for people to run the not quite open class dogs in the handicap race and again we would upset other people - SORRY not for lack of thinking how to resolve but at the moment I'm struggling to find a solution other than club racing for club dogs and open racing for open class dogs :wacko:

Lastly thank you for your nice words about Tora (Two Faced) we waited a long time for a champ and she did make us very proud and for little No Angel to get her title same day was a dream for us not sure what you meant about being elated, running about like looneys, clapping, screaming and a few tears for the person who got me into racing with my mum, he would of been so proud for us, just a normal day at the races (not quite) hahaha :thumbsup:
When it comes to drawing people into the sport; this is just one newcomers experience that i know of.
1. Can't source any info on Non-ped whippet racing/clubs.

2. When they eventually stumble upon k9, it's very hard to find out if there's pups available.

3. They contact breeders and very few breeders will sell them a dog because they're "newcomers".

4. They eventually get sold a pup (after someone else has given the breeder references) and go through training. Stumbling blocks are that each person trains differently and they get given a barrage of contradicting information and don't know who to go along with.

By this point they're getting a bit naffed off.

5. This much loved pet that they've eventually got trained up, just isn't open class. They have a couple of options;

* go open racing putting £40 of juice in their car for their dog to get beat a distance

* listen to people telling them to let their dog go to a pet home because it isn't good enough

* give up open racing because there's nothing there to attract them and stick to club racing

* give it up as a bad job, leave their club and keep their whippet as a pet

There must be another option rather than those four i've mentioned. I know everyone strives to get a champion, but until that happens they need some incentive to keep them in racing.

Big money events/competitions are brilliant and i'll welcome them any day of the week but i'm not going to be selfish and say that's the only answer. We really need to be looking at these people with not so good dogs who pay their money at events so that the winners can come home with a trophy and come up with a solution.

Everyone's talking about changes now on k9, come on, lets get it sorted once and for all.
vicky in regard to what you have said about newcomers finding it hard to get infomation about whippet racing i have long been thinking about building a website as a resource to newcomers giving a wide range of information i to have found it difficult getting up to date info and found the resources currently available not very useful. id like to know if anyone think this might be a good idea. i could also include a section for advertising stud dogs and pups for sale.
When it comes to drawing people into the sport; this is just one newcomers experience that i know of.
1. Can't source any info on Non-ped whippet racing/clubs.

2. When they eventually stumble upon k9, it's very hard to find out if there's pups available.

3. They contact breeders and very few breeders will sell them a dog because they're "newcomers".

4. They eventually get sold a pup (after someone else has given the breeder references) and go through training. Stumbling blocks are that each person trains differently and they get given a barrage of contradicting information and don't know who to go along with.

By this point they're getting a bit naffed off.

5. This much loved pet that they've eventually got trained up, just isn't open class. They have a couple of options;

* go open racing putting £40 of juice in their car for their dog to get beat a distance

* listen to people telling them to let their dog go to a pet home because it isn't good enough

* give up open racing because there's nothing there to attract them and stick to club racing

* give it up as a bad job, leave their club and keep their whippet as a pet

There must be another option rather than those four i've mentioned. I know everyone strives to get a champion, but until that happens they need some incentive to keep them in racing.

Big money events/competitions are brilliant and i'll welcome them any day of the week but i'm not going to be selfish and say that's the only answer. We really need to be looking at these people with not so good dogs who pay their money at events so that the winners can come home with a trophy and come up with a solution.

Everyone's talking about changes now on k9, come on, lets get it sorted once and for all.
vicky in regard to what you have said about newcomers finding it hard to get infomation about whippet racing i have long been thinking about building a website as a resource to newcomers giving a wide range of information i to have found it difficult getting up to date info and found the resources currently available not very useful. id like to know if anyone think this might be a good idea. i could also include a section for advertising stud dogs and pups for sale.
i say good on you any good idea and anyone willing to give things a go has got to be good for the sport :thumbsup:
wild whippies posted this: Cancelling club racing when an event is planned (pups in training, injury recovering trials allowed etc)

in part of her post. i dont think u shud ever cancel club racing because of an open being planned. maybe if it was in your region on the same day as yr club racing but thats all. i mean im not going to cancel a club meeting @ wallsend coz theres an open on say @ old hall but if there was one on @ say horden then maybe. but then again wot about the dogs thats arent open class? they still not going to race @ the open unless theres something 4 them to race in ie time trial/maiden etc.

emma 7091 posted about starting up a new website, good idea but there is already a few websites about. marie louise has a facebook site, i have a north east whippets site, friggsy has the thurrock site, malcolm clarke has the stockton site so there is a few for different regions. :thumbsup:

stallion i get wot u r saying about people cheating in a time trial race etc but i dont mean have the whole open as tt i mean run it alongside, heck even if u just get 8 dogs thats 8 more dogs than wot u wud have had. use yr clubs handicapper maybe with an impartial person to help there. if someone says that times not right tough, like the saying the judges desicion is final, well the handicappers desicion is final too.
What about as I have mentioned before....a Consolation League.

Not everyone has an open winner, most racers want 2 runs each week, and no one likes to watch solos.

For instance, the winner and r-up in heats could go through to a class final with the others in the race going into a cons final or formatted run off, scoring as they progress.

If only a straight class final, then all the others except the winner go through to Cons run off, in what ever format!

Money and good prizes put towards a Consolation League may improve entries, they wouldn't be bothered if they say hit Skoshi Tiger or Zeus each week in their class...they would also gain 2 runs for their entry fee and something prestigeous to run for at the end of the year, all for dogs who would normally not have anything.

Just another thought, and it wouldn't be too hard to work out on points instead of yardage each week.
wild whippies posted this: Cancelling club racing when an event is planned (pups in training, injury recovering trials allowed etc)in part of her post. i dont think u shud ever cancel club racing because of an open being planned. maybe if it was in your region on the same day as yr club racing but thats all. i mean im not going to cancel a club meeting @ wallsend coz theres an open on say @ old hall but if there was one on @ say horden then maybe. but then again wot about the dogs thats arent open class? they still not going to race @ the open unless theres something 4 them to race in ie time trial/maiden etc.

emma 7091 posted about starting up a new website, good idea but there is already a few websites about. marie louise has a facebook site, i have a north east whippets site, friggsy has the thurrock site, malcolm clarke has the stockton site so there is a few for different regions. :thumbsup:
as a newcomer to the sport myself i have found it hard finding out who has websites where and which ones has the most useful info i only just found out about the facebook page after someone posted about it in this forum what i would like to do is create a site that brings together all of these and links to all the various clubs and organisations so that a newcomer to the sport can go to one website and find all the info they could ever need about the sport.

plus i would also be able to promote the website and try to generate some interest
What about as I have mentioned before....a Consolation League.
Not everyone has an open winner, most racers want 2 runs each week, and no one likes to watch solos.

For instance, the winner and r-up in heats could go through to a class final with the others in the race going into a cons final or formatted run off, scoring as they progress.

If only a straight class final, then all the others except the winner go through to Cons run off, in what ever format!

Money and good prizes put towards a Consolation League may improve entries, they wouldn't be bothered if they say hit Skoshi Tiger or Zeus each week in their class...they would also gain 2 runs for their entry fee and something prestigeous to run for at the end of the year, all for dogs who would normally not have anything.

Just another thought, and it wouldn't be too hard to work out on points instead of yardage each week.
best idea yet Chris and easy to work :thumbsup:
in theory i agree with the consolation thing but it still doesnt cater for the slow dogs IMO ok say 4 instance u cud b in with both skoshi and prada and beside the point etc this is just a for instance remember ok so u have got 3 really fast dogs then theres your club dog. ok say prada wins, then skoshi and beside the point will go into the cons along with yours which is still goin to be way last. having 2 runs doesnt bother me, winning although wud b fab doesnt bother me, to actually be in with a shout of winning or even getting close now yes that wud be good. JMO :thumbsup:
wild whippies posted this: Cancelling club racing when an event is planned (pups in training, injury recovering trials allowed etc)in part of her post. i dont think u shud ever cancel club racing because of an open being planned. maybe if it was in your region on the same day as yr club racing but thats all. i mean im not going to cancel a club meeting @ wallsend coz theres an open on say @ old hall but if there was one on @ say horden then maybe. but then again wot about the dogs thats arent open class? they still not going to race @ the open unless theres something 4 them to race in ie time trial/maiden etc.

emma 7091 posted about starting up a new website, good idea but there is already a few websites about. marie louise has a facebook site, i have a north east whippets site, friggsy has the thurrock site, malcolm clarke has the stockton site so there is a few for different regions. :thumbsup:
as a newcomer to the sport myself i have found it hard finding out who has websites where and which ones has the most useful info i only just found out about the facebook page after someone posted about it in this forum what i would like to do is create a site that brings together all of these and links to all the various clubs and organisations so that a newcomer to the sport can go to one website and find all the info they could ever need about the sport.

plus i would also be able to promote the website and try to generate some interest

im not a whizz on the pc but if u need any help setting a website up just give me a shout. the one i use if free and its quite easy to work with. :thumbsup:
in theory i agree with the consolation thing but it still doesnt cater for the slow dogs IMO ok say 4 instance u cud b in with both skoshi and prada and beside the point etc this is just a for instance remember ok so u have got 3 really fast dogs then theres your club dog. ok say prada wins, then skoshi and beside the point will go into the cons along with yours which is still goin to be way last. having 2 runs doesnt bother me, winning although wud b fab doesnt bother me, to actually be in with a shout of winning or even getting close now yes that wud be good. JMO :thumbsup:

I know it sounds crazy but you could reverse the points....last gains most points!!

It does look a bit madder even when I have typed it out!!!!!
in theory i agree with the consolation thing but it still doesnt cater for the slow dogs IMO ok say 4 instance u cud b in with both skoshi and prada and beside the point etc this is just a for instance remember ok so u have got 3 really fast dogs then theres your club dog. ok say prada wins, then skoshi and beside the point will go into the cons along with yours which is still goin to be way last. having 2 runs doesnt bother me, winning although wud b fab doesnt bother me, to actually be in with a shout of winning or even getting close now yes that wud be good. JMO :thumbsup:

I know it sounds crazy but you could reverse the points....last gains most points!!

It does look a bit madder even when I have typed it out!!!!!

ha ha ha now that sounds like fun (w00t) :thumbsup:

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