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Im Discusted

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So if I've read this correctly, this poor bitch has been bred three seasons running, twice by Billy and then passed on unspayed to someone else who has bred her again? :(
That's three litters from this bitch plus the two litters Billy has on the ground at the moment, that's an awful lot of pups over the last 18 months or so to be responsible for :eek:

I really don't meant to sound harsh, but I spend hours upon hours every week trying to squeeze places out of nowhere for unwanted dogs and help raise the money we need to support them. I can't help finding this really depressing :(
What do you mean.Thats 3 litters bred from this bitch,plus the 2 i have on the ground at the minute.The 2 i have at the minute,are nothing to do with Tara.In almost 7 years,i bred 2 litters from her.I dont believe in spaying a bitch,who has thrown several race and show champions in the only 2 litters i have ever bred from her.I had great homes waiting for each and every pup,and very responsible owners,who have done me and my breeding proud.She was also an exelent hare bitch,which was why i gave her to a mate,who has given her all the work she needed.Tara comes in season every 12 months,so where 3 litters in 18 months comes from beats me.My mum had 6 of us,in 5 n 1/2 years.Maybe she should have been spayed,lol.Im sure anyone who knows me,can vouch on here,for the love and care i give every single one of my dogs and pups.I put more than 100% into my kennels.How many can match that.At the time i had to part with a few dogs,owing to circumstances that i dont need to go into here.I found what i thought were the best possible homes for them.Free of charge.As i wanted the best for them.Now if someone breeds from something that is now their's.then i cant controll that.Please dont try to tar me with a cruelty brush.As thats one thing i am not.I have taken in many a dog,and kept it,till i could find it a good respnsible new owner.This is the only time i have ever misjudged things.In saying that.There are quite a few bitches,who fir no reason,get fed up with their pups,by 3 weeks of age.I was very surprised at Tara doing this.She is now in exelent condition.4 of her pups are too,and 3 aren't.Not my fault.Ive seen realy badly reared pups on here,many times,and not a word said.Some of which never found a new home.
O Billy what a beautiful we pup. She has them we begging eyes ( take me home eyes ) and you did right to do that. She will pay you back in abundance, by doing you proud next summer. What are you going to call her.

Margaret Mc Stay
Whether Billy was justified in breeding on subsequent seasons is subject to varied opinion. However the hard fact is that no-one can assure the wellbeing of your dog other than yourself. If you have a decent brood bitch or stud and you choose to sell them intact then be prepared for people abusing your trust.

Or alternatively, you could take the rough with the smooth and retain what you breed until their dying days regardless of their abilities.

People are often shocked when they hear me and Tony own 18 dogs but the fact is, this is what happens when you don't rehome and you choose to be in a dedicated hobby like whippet racing. We don't have a house full of champions - some are and some aren't but they all get fed, exercised and cared for indiscriminately. My parents were exactly the same with dog showing and even now 15yrs on from them finishing they still have oldies.

I've seen trust abused with regards to dogs and pups many, many times and come to the conclusion that really I don't trust anyone. I'm honestly surprised that Billy a long established dog owner and breeder doesn't feel like this but what surprises me the most is that you didn't take the bitch back Billy because lets face it, the pup has a greater chance of finding a loving home from some soft hearted person who'll spoil it rotten but the fact is the bitch is still in a dubious situation. :(
Whether Billy was justified in breeding on subsequent seasons is subject to varied opinion. However the hard fact is that no-one can assure the wellbeing of your dog other than yourself. If you have a decent brood bitch or stud and you choose to sell them intact then be prepared for people abusing your trust.Or alternatively, you could take the rough with the smooth and retain what you breed until their dying days regardless of their abilities.

People are often shocked when they hear me and Tony own 18 dogs but the fact is, this is what happens when you don't rehome and you choose to be in a dedicated hobby like whippet racing. We don't have a house full of champions - some are and some aren't but they all get fed, exercised and cared for indiscriminately. My parents were exactly the same with dog showing and even now 15yrs on from them finishing they still have oldies.

I've seen trust abused with regards to dogs and pups many, many times and come to the conclusion that really I don't trust anyone. I'm honestly surprised that Billy a long established dog owner and breeder doesn't feel like this but what surprises me the most is that you didn't take the bitch back Billy because lets face it, the pup has a greater chance of finding a loving home from some soft hearted person who'll spoil it rotten but the fact is the bitch is still in a dubious situation. :(
Billy what way is the wee black pup breed can see why she tugged at oue heart strings will she be an under 23inch mate Linda
Billy what way is the wee black pup breed can see why she tugged at oue heart strings will she be an under 23inch mate Linda
lol.Dont think she'll make 21.Never mind 23.She's 7 weeks,and is smaller,and lighter than my 4 week old pups.Tara is 23,n 1/2,and the sire is about 25.She could probibly run with youre whippets Linda.As she looks like a pure whippet.lolHer breedin is salukixgreyhound, whippetxgreyhound.Think only the whippet gene's survived,out of the mix.
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she is just lovely hope she does well for you :luck:
:) lots of :luck: with her billy hs she got a name yet :)
Had a call today,from the lad who got Tara off me,just after my dad died last year.Told him not to be breeding her,when she next broke.As she'd had 2 litters,from back to back seasons,and would need a break from this.Got home from the camera club tonight.To a meesage that there was a pup for me,if i wanted it.From Tara,to a saluki x greyhound bitch.I was furious for a bit.But then calmed down,with a cupa.Anyway,i finished me tea,and me being me.Just couldnt let it go,and grabed the phone.What i then heard,discusted me even more.She wasnt a good mother,and the pups were a bit thin on it,as she wouldnt feed them,from 3 weeks.Bollicks.Tara was an exelent mother,and reared 2 of the best litters ive seen,and had to be taken from them.As she wanted to feed and clean forever,sort of thing.I am going tomorrow,to see these pups.But more so,to see what kind of condition Tara is in.She might just be coming home.Not realy interested in a pup,as ive got me own.Sorry i parted with her now,as i wont sleep till i see her,tomorrow.If she's not been with them for over 3 weeks now,then she should be well mended.Will update this topic soon as i get home tomorrow evening.
bill i just got bitch back from same sort of a lad as wat your talking about they should not ave dogs i just hope she not n same shape as my poor lady she was ran down to the last had to call the vet for few injections and he were not very happy :angry: :angry: so hopeyour one s not the same lad
bill i just got bitch back from same sort of a lad as wat your talking about they should not ave dogs i just hope she not n same shape as my poor lady she was ran down to the last had to call the vet for few injections and he were not very happy :angry: :angry: so hopeyour one s not the same lad
Arite Shane.Naw.She's in good shape mate.Just a few of the pups.But the noisey wee skitter that i brought home,was pretty thin on it.Wont be for long though.Hi.Sorry i didnt put that post on,about the drag racing mate.Completely forgot about it.As my pm thingy was full,and i deleted them all.Will be going down mate.But probibly without dogs,as theyve not been getting any schoolin for weeks,with the ground being like a brick.
bill i just got bitch back from same sort of a lad as wat your talking about they should not ave dogs i just hope she not n same shape as my poor lady she was ran down to the last had to call the vet for few injections and he were not very happy :angry: :angry: so hopeyour one s not the same lad
Arite Shane.Naw.She's in good shape mate.Just a few of the pups.But the noisey wee skitter that i brought home,was pretty thin on it.Wont be for long though.Hi.Sorry i didnt put that post on,about the drag racing mate.Completely forgot about it.As my pm thingy was full,and i deleted them all.Will be going down mate.But probibly without dogs,as theyve not been getting any schoolin for weeks,with the ground being like a brick.
Are you the samr billyboy that is offering yet a nother bitch to rehome stating it is in season for anyone who wants to breed from her if so i think it seems to be irresponsable to do this there are a lot of unwanted lurchers out there with out adding to them? This advert is on another forum
bill i just got bitch back from same sort of a lad as wat your talking about they should not ave dogs i just hope she not n same shape as my poor lady she was ran down to the last had to call the vet for few injections and he were not very happy :angry: :angry: so hopeyour one s not the same lad
Arite Shane.Naw.She's in good shape mate.Just a few of the pups.But the noisey wee skitter that i brought home,was pretty thin on it.Wont be for long though.Hi.Sorry i didnt put that post on,about the drag racing mate.Completely forgot about it.As my pm thingy was full,and i deleted them all.Will be going down mate.But probibly without dogs,as theyve not been getting any schoolin for weeks,with the ground being like a brick.
Are you the samr billyboy that is offering yet a nother bitch to rehome stating it is in season for anyone who wants to breed from her if so i think it seems to be irresponsable to do this there are a lot of unwanted lurchers out there with out adding to them? This advert is on another forum
Not for anyone who wants to breed her.I have to date.Turned down 7 different people.As i cant be sure of her being looked after properly.As for unwanted lurcher pups.I can assure you.There will be no unwanted pups,if and when i find the right person,with the right dog.Also,for youre imformation.Tara's pups have now been rehomed,with their new owners,and only the 2 he's keeping for himself,are left.No unwanted pups their either im affraid.So you ay look elsewhere,lol.
Have you got any up to date pictures of her Billy??? I would like to see them. :thumbsup: di
Wonder how many of these pups in their wonderful homes will still be with these people living a lovely life when they are OAP's of the dog world :(
Have you got any up to date pictures of her Billy??? I would like to see them. :thumbsup: di
yes id like to see some pics of Tara myself.seeing as how shes in such good condition and youre always taking photos of anything and everything im surprised you didnt take any of her just to show people what good condition shes in and what a good home she has. ;) im also surprised as has been said before in this thread that you left Tara in a dubious situation but brought a puppy of hers back with responsible person would leave a bitch with someone who has bred from her despite instructions from yourself to the for your leasing of that bitch that you claimed to have rescued i think everyone on this site now can see you for what you are.if they didnt allready know ;)
Have you got any up to date pictures of her Billy??? I would like to see them. :thumbsup: di
yes id like to see some pics of Tara myself.seeing as how shes in such good condition and youre always taking photos of anything and everything im surprised you didnt take any of her just to show people what good condition shes in and what a good home she has. ;) im also surprised as has been said before in this thread that you left Tara in a dubious situation but brought a puppy of hers back with responsible person would leave a bitch with someone who has bred from her despite instructions from yourself to the for your leasing of that bitch that you claimed to have rescued i think everyone on this site now can see you for what you are.if they didnt allready know ;)
You are seriously a sick person.Why not get yourelf a good dvd to watch.You might get a kick out of it,if its a goodun.
Sorry Billy i don't know what you mean, (i like the pup) and i was genuinely asking for some more pictures of the little black bitch if you read back up the page, :blink: how does that make me a sick person,?? I'm not interested in the topic, just thought the pup was sweet and i fancy a black puppy next time. :thumbsup: di
Sorry Billy i don't know what you mean, (i like the pup) and i was genuinely asking for some more pictures of the little black bitch if you read back up the page, :blink: how does that make me a sick person,?? I'm not interested in the topic, just thought the pup was sweet and i fancy a black puppy next time. :thumbsup: di
Let e be the 1st to make a public apology on this topic,and say i am genuinely sorry that ,that post went to you Gabbitas.I didnt notice that youre post was coupled with another one,that was giving me a bit of grieff.I will get a few pix of er tonight,and pm them to you.As im sure someone would only find fault with her.She has come on,in leaps and bounds,and im realy pleased with her.She wouldnt eat for 1st few days,as she didnt seem to want anything that was put before her.We had to actualy feed her,by pushing the food down her throat.Otherwise,she would not have made it.She was also very dehydrated,and wouldnt drink.So again,she had to be fed lambs milk,mixed with recharge,and liquid life aid.She's now bouncing around my daughters living room,and full of beans.Suppose i'll be called a cruel so n so, now.For shovin food down her throat,and choking the poor wee might.Again,im so sorry for that reply,that went to you.
Sorry Billy i don't know what you mean, (i like the pup) and i was genuinely asking for some more pictures of the little black bitch if you read back up the page, :blink: how does that make me a sick person,?? I'm not interested in the topic, just thought the pup was sweet and i fancy a black puppy next time. :thumbsup: di
Let e be the 1st to make a public apology on this topic,and say i am genuinely sorry that ,that post went to you Gabbitas.I didnt notice that youre post was coupled with another one,that was giving me a bit of grieff.I will get a few pix of er tonight,and pm them to you.As im sure someone would only find fault with her.She has come on,in leaps and bounds,and im realy pleased with her.She wouldnt eat for 1st few days,as she didnt seem to want anything that was put before her.We had to actualy feed her,by pushing the food down her throat.Otherwise,she would not have made it.She was also very dehydrated,and wouldnt drink.So again,she had to be fed lambs milk,mixed with recharge,and liquid life aid.She's now bouncing around my daughters living room,and full of beans.Suppose i'll be called a cruel so n so, now.For shovin food down her throat,and choking the poor wee might.Again,im so sorry for that reply,that went to you.

That's ok Billy, I've done the same in the past, read a topic wrong, ;) i look forward to the pictures and they won't go any further than my delete box, :thumbsup:

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