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incident at asfordby


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Today I travelled to Asfordby with a clubmate of mine with his 2 pups and my yearling. Normally I travel in my own car and keep the dog in a cage. Today that wasn't possible. So I put all my dogs food, racing gear and my packed lunch in a Royal Mail delivery bag (which was brand new). During the day I left the bag outside the car so the dogs couldn't get into it as they wasn't caged. At the end of the day, the dogs food was INSIDE the car along with the packed lunch, as you can imagine, everything had been eaten. We obviously blamed the dogs, and thought I'd left the food in the car...but I knew I hadn't...When I got home I got the mail bag out of the car, only to discover the carrying strap, which is high quality webbing had been sheared with a sharp object, possibly a knife...

My bag was certainly tampered with, and if anyone know's anything or saw anyhing please let me know here or in private, because I am dog wasn't gonna win today, so why do such a thing? But, what really gets me is it appears all 3 dogs in the car have eaten ali (silver) paper to get at the food, and if any suffer any problems, I will not let this matter rest...

And, if the person responsible is reading this, please tell me why? And then will have a little discussion...

Finally if this whippet racing, you can stick it...And also I am keeping the bag as evidence, if anyone reckons I am mistaken, they can see the damage for themselves...

Well that wasn't a very nice thing to do at all regardless of whether the dog was capable of winning or not. I hope it was an accident and someone placed the bag in the car thinking you had not meant to leave it out, however that seems to be quite unlikely I am afraid. Do we have a sore loser in the ranks or a (God forbid) cheat ?? Surely no. I hope your dog and your friends dogs are ok and not going to suffer any ill effects from the foil.
there's not really much i can say about what happened today :( . i really hope that yours and the other dogs are ok.
It seems nowhere is safe nowadays, you think you are surrounded by likeminded people but unfortunately not :angry: On a brighter note my Whippets have eaten siverfoil before now with no bad after effects,it tends to come out whole! :0 .So they should be ok :D
all the years ive raced ive never come across anything like this :angry: but it sounds bad crack, if someone has something against you they should at least have the bottle to tell you face to face, dont lett it put you of racing paul most folk are ok.
I actually took the bag into work today to show my workmates (I'm postman obviously) and everyone without exception agreed the strap had been cut...

Now, I don't think there is any malice towards me or my dog, but after hearing Gary Farmers experience at Askern with the broken bottle is there a North/South problem?

Cos I ain't got prob with the northerners, me wife is from Northumberland goodness sake...

I could of replaced the bag today, but will be keeping it, so the issue can be raised at the BWRA AGM, because I am still extremley angry...

Where abouts were you parked up paul, burger bar on the grass or main car park? only asking because there were other groups using the ground and club, Although i saw you at the meeting, i didnt see anything going off around where i was parked in front of the track.
it mite of been sum 1 being helpful ull never no but why are they guilty before u even no anything youre callin them cheats the lot it cud av been sum 1 who u llike whos helpin a mate out i wud watch were u shoot ure mouth of 2.
ohhhhhhhhhhhh you had your wheatabix today alvin :D
OK the SonofPork, or whatever you call yourself...I haven't named anyone, all I am saying, and I have the evidence, a 1 and half inch webbing strap has beem cut by a knife or other sharp object...And, yes other people do you use the field, and I would be happier if it wasn't a whippet person, but just an act of vandalism but a little scumbag...know what I mean...

Please don't make light of the incident, for whatever reason this happend it WAS NOT funny...

BTW, My name is PAUL....

i can not believe what i am reading, ;) what is whippet racing coming to :angry: ... do we have folk in our chosen sport who for what ever reason would do such a terrible thing...... best kep our eyes peeled from now on.....btw was your dogs alright Paul.... ???

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