im just wondering would many of the england and scottish r anyone across the pond be intreasted in traveling over ere to us in ireland for r big two day avent in march it will be weak end befor r after paddys day which is 17th of march if we dont ave many dogs to run a two day avent it could be 18t of march wat i want is many of the nice racing people we met when were in scotland everyone welcome i know its a long time away but for to get thinks sorted we would need to know soon and it will give people time to save few quid......we at roscrea love r racing and love to see new faces we will be heading to england next year in may....the way we run r racing is
a slipper wit 2 dogs each race over 280yrds judge at top of field
we race under23 inchs now if there is few comen across we can also put on smaller class r under 23 whippet type class
we race over 23 and under 24 inchs
and anythink over 24 is classed as a big dog.....if u win u go into next round so on so until we get it down to a final...
i hope ye all under stand me please all members of k9 can u please reply if u would think u could come i spoke to a few in scotland and said they def would come so please reply wit your views on this
shane lee roscrea co tipperary any other questions please feel free to ask me thanks
roscrea working dog social club
a slipper wit 2 dogs each race over 280yrds judge at top of field
we race under23 inchs now if there is few comen across we can also put on smaller class r under 23 whippet type class
we race over 23 and under 24 inchs
and anythink over 24 is classed as a big dog.....if u win u go into next round so on so until we get it down to a final...
i hope ye all under stand me please all members of k9 can u please reply if u would think u could come i spoke to a few in scotland and said they def would come so please reply wit your views on this
shane lee roscrea co tipperary any other questions please feel free to ask me thanks
roscrea working dog social club