I'm new here as desperately seeking advice.
I have a rescue pug, not sure how old but at least 10, most likely older. I've had her for three years now and she has been an absolute joy. Recently I've really started to worry about her quality of life.
She only had one eye when she came to me and she is pretty much blind now.
She also has Pug Myelopathy so is losing the use of her back legs, which knuckle and drag when she walks. I have to put little boots on her when she goes into the garden or her paws get bloody. She can walk maybe 4 metres before she gives up.
She can no longer get up stairs and I have to carry her around a lot. She will often collapse and struggle to get herself back up.
Her breathing has never been great and now she is doubly incontinent and it breaks my heart when she has an accident, falls in it and can't move herself away.
She doesn't play with toys or chew bones anymore, doesn't play with my other pugs and can't go out for walks. She pretty much sleeps all day and doesn't always notice if we interact with her.
I took her to the vet and they said they think it is time, and it would be the kindest thing to let her go before it gets any worse. I'm devastated but want to do what is best for my girl.
However, there are other people out there with pugs with Pug Myelopathy that are encouraging me to hand express her bladder and bowels and look at wheels (vet said she is too old and not strong enough however) and that she can still live a good life.
I feel so guilty already and hate that I have to make this decision. What if I let her go and then it was too soon and the other pug people were right? Part of my brain is saying that not walking and having to have your bowels and bladder manually emptied is no life.
I feel so emotional and feel like I can't think clearly.
Does anyone have any advice or experience of their own?
Thank you
I'm new here as desperately seeking advice.
I have a rescue pug, not sure how old but at least 10, most likely older. I've had her for three years now and she has been an absolute joy. Recently I've really started to worry about her quality of life.
She only had one eye when she came to me and she is pretty much blind now.
She also has Pug Myelopathy so is losing the use of her back legs, which knuckle and drag when she walks. I have to put little boots on her when she goes into the garden or her paws get bloody. She can walk maybe 4 metres before she gives up.
She can no longer get up stairs and I have to carry her around a lot. She will often collapse and struggle to get herself back up.
Her breathing has never been great and now she is doubly incontinent and it breaks my heart when she has an accident, falls in it and can't move herself away.
She doesn't play with toys or chew bones anymore, doesn't play with my other pugs and can't go out for walks. She pretty much sleeps all day and doesn't always notice if we interact with her.
I took her to the vet and they said they think it is time, and it would be the kindest thing to let her go before it gets any worse. I'm devastated but want to do what is best for my girl.
However, there are other people out there with pugs with Pug Myelopathy that are encouraging me to hand express her bladder and bowels and look at wheels (vet said she is too old and not strong enough however) and that she can still live a good life.
I feel so guilty already and hate that I have to make this decision. What if I let her go and then it was too soon and the other pug people were right? Part of my brain is saying that not walking and having to have your bowels and bladder manually emptied is no life.
I feel so emotional and feel like I can't think clearly.
Does anyone have any advice or experience of their own?
Thank you