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K9 Moderating


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In the BWRA AGM the chairman made a comment about the moderating of k9, he thanked us for being on the ball but also raised a few issues. Some members have taken this as they could have their BWRA membership withdrawn so i would like to address a few things and probably Tony will add his bit.

The forum moderators have no control over who registers and anyone with an email address can do so, the moderators can check IP addresses to a certain extent to see once a member has posted if they are already using another name and what area they are posting from, this has lead to the "outing" of a number of "alias's" and members posting under 2 or more names. We've had cases where people have purposely used an IP masking tool (impersonating another computer in a different area/country) so that we couldn't trace them for a while.

We could just make every post from new members invisible until we find out who they are but this would make moderating very difficult, the other draw back of that is people could just register a racers name for their username. Say "Linda Broom" joined then we would all just presume this was Linda (sorry Linda just using you as an example) and it would be very difficult to stop people registering in this way.

Another point which was made by a non member of k9 was that some information that was posted was (allegedly) false, people had a lot to say on this particular thread - obviously the forum moderators let this go as we had no complaints and at the time saw no forum rules being broke, all i can say is we don't have a crystal ball, if we don't know you have an issue with something we won't be doing anything about it, if you aren't a k9 member but want us to look at something the only thing i can suggest is that you either phone one of us, see us at the track or join to private message us, please don't just let a thread run it's course if you are unhappy about it, and if you consider a post to be slanderous to yourself then you really need to make us aware of it.

Lastly there is a reason this site is still the most visited non ped site, and that's because it is giving racers information which wasn't readily available before the world of k9 began, nothing can be secret anymore, ok there are some posts we don't like on here, but they will get said whether it's on here or at the track (and 9/10 probably behind your back) so to those who are anti k9, like it or lump it, we are in the 21st century and it is time to move forward.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Well said vicky :D Perhaps the most effective way of silencing people who post under a false name (and whose comments are inflammatory) is to ignore their posts and cut them out of the discussion by not replying to their comments. Easy to say and hard to do I know, but the internet is here to stay, however you choose to use it.

rob67 said:
Perhaps the most effective way of silencing people who post under a false name (and whose comments are inflammatory) is to ignore their posts and cut them out of the discussion by not replying to their comments. Easy to say and hard to do I knowchris

My sentiment entirely - it is hard for us to take you serious when you have gone head over heals in the "debate" and it's been 6 of one, half a dozen of the other and then we get a pm from the same person asking for the thread to be closed.
Thanks to who ever took the chinese thread joke off.

It wasn't me that wanted the topic removed this time lol

Any way i agree that members should be only registering in there own name or dogs racing names... then at least we know who they are
Im changing my name to GUESS WHO :lol: :lol:

Only kidding :- "

Everyone know's me and John as we joined K9 yrs back, when we could get our first names, but I think I would have used Georgies Choice and my user name and John, Crack O Dawn, as back then Ross was racing and everyone knew we owned Georgies Choice :D

No hiding for us 2 :lol: :oops:
Good post Vicky :thumbsup: I for one am a firm believer in freedom of speech and if people choose to discuss or debate an issue they're perfectly within their rights to do so on K9..... so long as criticism / comments are relating to the subject discussed and not personal remarks. If people prefer not to declare their identity to the world, I personally don't have an issue with this providing they're not registering just to post bitchy remarks. I could actually sympathise with some that may feel strongly about a certain subject but are scared that if their identity was known, they'd be in some way penalised trackside.

I think some (lurkers as I like to call them) :- " take great pleasure in viewing the non-ped forums as a guest then run back bitching about the site, all I would say is if you feel so emoted, register and join the debate. It'll certainly give you more power than complaining about the site to moderators track side, especially with regards to certain aspects that are out of their control.

The mods on this forum do an excellent job in my opinion and take a lot of their time trawling through these posts, deleting the personal remarks whilst trying their best to keep the debates alive. If something gets deleted as far as I'm concerned the people responsible are a) Either Admin or a mod from another forum has intervened or b) Yourselves for posting innescent sniping remarks that have ruined a debate beyond recovery.

It's not rocket science really, read the rules and adhere to them. Simple! :cheers:
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Also wanted to add for those who take personal offence when someone criticises an idea / rule / format /etc don't take it so personally. Criticism can be a constructive thing, inorder for us to evolve and improve racing we should ALL look at comments in a positive manner and I think the same should be said of AGM's too. :thumbsup:
What Vicky said :)

If you're a member of K9 and feel a post breaks the forum rules then complain about it giving your reasons and we'll either moderate directly if there's a clear breach of rules or discuss with admin if it's not so clear. As moderators we are unlikely to delete posts, lock topics or ban members because you don't agree with their point of view or you find their posts/topics "boring"

If you're not a member but read K9 and don't agree with something then join and argue your case. If you feel a post/topic is defammatory or materialy incorrect then contact us by phone/email/post/carrier pidgeon/face to face but note the point above applies - we'll either moderate directly if there's a clear breach of rules or discuss with admin if it's not so clear. As moderators we are unlikely to delete posts, lock topics or ban members because you don't agree with their point of view or you find their posts/topics "boring"

If you're not a member and don't read K9 then you should have nothing to worry about. However if a friend of a friend tells you some posts or topics are defammatory or incorrect then again contact us and we'll still apply the rules. I'd personaly be grateful if people didn't insult our intelligence by claiming not have have read K9 but then go on to blame it for bringing the sport into disrepute.

As for anonymous members. TBH who can blame them. Perhaps they don't feel all that confident about being able to continue in the sport if they disagree with those governing the sports national bodies. As long as anonymous posters comply with forum rules no action will be taken and the moderators will comply with their wishes to remain anonymous.

I'm sure those in power would prefer not to have to conduct thier affairs in the public gaze but this is a public forum so expect wrong doings,mistakes and bad decisions to be critised as much as praise given for a job well done.

To paraphrase Vicky, welcome to the 21st century :)
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