in all the years ive been racing which is about 15 years now i havent actually seen or heard of that many accidents over the line, im afraid i agree with got the cent on this one, if i know a dog is a bugger over the line then il b in quick to get my own dog out the way. i do think people shud b told to stamd @ the side of the track when the dogs r racing though, maybe the hula hoop idea wud b a good one but i wudnt colour co-ordinate it just put 3 hoops on each side then people can stand in whichever one they want as i think u tend to stand in a certain place over the line. a few of us have tried ringing arthur over the weekend but no ansa, but trevor (go2) rang me this morning and apperntly terry who runs westerhope spoke to nhim on sat nite and he said he was fine. i do know he sometimes unplugs his phone so hopefully thats why we cudnt get an ansa. go 2 has muscle injuries both shoulders and both back legs but she will b fine after some ultra sounds and some rest