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Mandatory Early Age Desexing

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I saw on one of the Aussie lists that there is a petition against the early desexing if locals want to sign up.

Just a comment on the desexing of the pregnant bitch, you need to remember that owners can request this. Not every vet will perform it, and whilst you and I don't agree with it, there is no law against it. Performing the surgery doesn't mean the vet liked it or endorses the practice, but the alternative may have been a bitch dumped or the puppies disposed of in a cruel manner. Many owners request perfectly healthy dogs to be euthanased as they no longer want them. The vet just carries out the request in a humane manner.

As I said, having worked in the main shelter for a couple of years, I saw and heard of things that were horrific and I wondered how humans can be so cruel. :angry: I'm not saying I agree with mandatory desexing, but looking at the world from the other side of the fence where often the worst things are seen, it's easy to understand why animal welfare groups are calling for mandatory desexing.

Not all owners love and care for their dogs. And whilst not all breeders are bad people, there are many who churn out pups every season for the money or a ribbon. :rant: It's not a perfect world and not every dog is loved and cherished.

Just a thought - all our comments on this list count for nothing. If you want a say in the direction of animal welfare, you need to be a voting member of RSPCA or similar.
I wouldn't object to mandatory desexing of companion animals, provided that it would not be required to be done at such an early age, and that there would be special provision for people who object to desexing on moral grounds. Maybe signing a statutory declaration that they do not intend to breed and have efficient fencing.

At present the draft I saw exempts dogs registered with the VCA.

My problem is that all these legislation will just play into hands of large mass puppy producing establishments.

May I share this with another group I am on. I think this is stupid and too daft to laugh at. These people have huge saleries and supposed to be very clever. All I can see is that they want a reduction in puppies no matter what harm it does to the puppies. In a few years time there will be no breedable dogs left to keep the breed going. I am against desexing and all my lot live to a decent life and all have good bone and no problems. My daughter recued her dog very early in it's life. She is a vet nurse and it was abandoned so she took him in. She had him done at 13 weeks and now he has had his cruciet ligaments cut and he is so obese it is unreal, he is a Whippet cross Border collie we think. He has missing teeth and is very arthritic.

She also has a very nice GSD but she would never have her done. She has learned her lesson.

mikadene said:
Hi,May I share this with another group I am on. I think this is stupid and too daft to laugh at. These people have huge saleries and supposed to be very clever. All I can see is that they want a reduction in puppies no matter what harm it does to the puppies. In a few years time there will be no breedable dogs left to keep the breed going.  I am against desexing and all my lot live to a decent life and all have good bone and no problems. My daughter recued her dog very early in it's life. She is a vet nurse and it was abandoned so she took him in. She had him done at 13 weeks and now he has had his cruciet ligaments cut and he is so obese it is unreal, he is a Whippet cross Border collie we think. He has missing teeth and is very arthritic.

                    She also has a very nice GSD but she would never have her done. She has learned her lesson.


Thats all well and good Mikadene , but not EVERYONE is a responsible dog owner as we know from posts on here . IM not a big fan of desexing but at times its the best thing for both animal and/or owner , its WHEN they do it that gets me .

One vet I USED to use said to me `we dont get many breeders at this practice `as if I was the scum of the earth :rant: my relpy to him was`if it wasnt for BREEDERS` you wouldnt have any clients :- " that shut him up I can tell you and he gave me a bit more respect (whlst I still used him ;) )
This was posted on one of my other lists. It appears that the desexing is a specific requirement depending on who the owner is and really doesn't make sense. See below:

The petition site:


Dear fellow LRCQ member:

One of the many hats that I now wear since being appointed as a

Councillor to the CCCQ is that of Chairman of the PADS (People &

Dogs) Sub Committee.

Originally established some years ago to combat the looming issue of

a ban of tail docking the Sub Committee now has a much broader

responsibility the most important of which is to actively monitor

any issues that are likely to impact our Dogworld.

Last Friday I spoke at length to Joy Verrinder at the Animal Welfare

League - Gold Coast. It had come to my attention that there was a

petition on the State Govt website that has been proposed by Joy and

supported by the member for Broadwater (Peta-Kaye Croft). The

petition seeks public support for the introduction of state

legislation to make it illegal for anybody to sell or dispose of an

entire dog (or cat) in Qld unless that sale is to a registered /

recognised breeder!!

You will all understand the immediate implications of this -

eg. you will be able to sell a show puppy to another CCC member but

unless that member is a recognised breeder the puppy must be


There are many members of the CCCQ and indeed the LRCQ Inc who are

not "breeders" - they simply have pedigreed registered dogs and

bitches so that they may persue thier chosen pastime. Of course the

most fundamental of all requirements for our dogs and bitches is

that they must be entire.

My discussions with Joy revolved around encouraging her to recind

the petition and have it reworded to include something

like "Recognised members of the CCCQ are exempt".

Joy is very passionate about trying to reduce the number of unwanted

dogs & cats being euthenaised each year and I support that objective

100% but not at the expense of penalising (once again) the

responsible minority.

The CCC Executive will be drafting an urgent letter to send to Peta-

Kaye Croft voicing our disapproval but numbers speak volumes - I

would actively encourage each of you to make written contact with Ms

Croft as a matter of urgency. Also make contact with any member of

State Parliament that you may access to and voice your objection -

remember that the objective is to have CCCQ members excluded from

any Parliamentary action. Go to the attached Qld Parliament link for

a look at the petition and also have a look at the AWL site to get

an idea of their desexing objectives. Please don't leave it to

somebody else to do the work - this proposed legislation will be

passed if State Parliament believes that there is enough public

support (whether that support is real or imagined).

Remember that our objective is to target the politicians - please

leave the AWL and Joy Verrinder to the PADS Committee.

I plan to meet this week with Joy Verrinder to see if a

satisfactory outcome can be achieved.

Could I suggest that you share this email and links with as many Dog

World contacts as possible.

thanks and regards

Mark Sheppard

3297 5570 / 0418 422808

For those of you wishing to know how to contact your member of State

Parliament regarding the desexing petition please go to the attached



Also when you have a chance, have a look at AWLQld site

particularly Click on Desexing and Education at

Kind regards


Joy Verrinder

Strategic Development Officer

Animal Welfare League Qld Inc

Wk: 07 55099027

Mob: 0417788063

Animal Welfare League of Qld Inc
It appears that Australia is in the grip of national campaign for early age desexing similar to the one that was waged against tail docking.

It will effect everyone who owns and breeds dogs in some way,!!

This link it to an article that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald on 0ct 28
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