A few weeks ago my dad was exercising Milo for me when he disappeared off in a field out of view and came back eventually limping with blood pouring from his front paw. My dad had to carry him across the fields back to the car as he nearly passed out and blood was everywhere. He rushed him to the vet who managed to get him on a drip and cleaned up and stable (they were talking blood transfusion because of the amount of blood he lost). They said he was very lucky to be alive as he had cut just above his large pad and hit an artery. He has been stitched and these came out on Monday and he has been obviously off exercise for the last 3 weeks or so but he won't put any weight on that leg and limps about on 3. I am taking him back on Friday as the vet said she would have thought he would be using it by now and is talking about physio. Has anyone had anything similar happen to their dogs???