My mum and her boyfriend are in the process of splitting up and we have a dog that he brought with him when he moved in 5 years ago. Dom, the dog is legaly his but yano he's my best mate and I take care of him. So he's saying he's going to have Dom put down when he leaves. I don't accept that.
What can I do? are there any legal boundaries he's crossing by putting a perfectly healthy 6 year old dog down, because he may not be able to house him, even though he can live out his life at me and my mothers house? If anyone has anything that may help, it's greatly appreciated.
What can I do? are there any legal boundaries he's crossing by putting a perfectly healthy 6 year old dog down, because he may not be able to house him, even though he can live out his life at me and my mothers house? If anyone has anything that may help, it's greatly appreciated.