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My Baby Is Gone

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so sorry to hear of your loss R.I.P Lucy and go and chase all those Bunnies sweetie :wub:
What a tragic thing to happen. I am so sorry for your loss, run free Lucy :huggles:
How very sad , not a nice way to die , so sorry for your girl

you say she was 5 weeks gone , Ive never been able to feel any at that stage , not usually until the last couple of weeks at the earliest , perhaps they were eptopic, if dogs can be eptopic that is

But Id def change vets thats for sure

Vets Now is only an out of hours service. and Ive had many bad dealings with them in the past when I worked for a vet > it depnds what vet you get it seems
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If you dont mind me asking when were the pups due? Had she long to go before she whelped??
Hi Dawn,

She was 5 weeks , so had another 4 weeks to go. My daughter didn't half tear into the vet. She knows what he should have done as they deal with emergencies every day. She is more qualified than a normal nurse because they have to take exams like a paramedic would do. As she told me the vet didn't do any history reports and never gave me a estemate price before they took her away. Her cervix was open and she was bleeding so she needed blood not a drip. the bitch perked up at dinner time why didn't they operate then they gave her a scan and she had a belly full of pups all dead they said. Those pups should have been taken out at the first opertunity. As my daughter said to me ," I am used to Gold Standard service, but this isn't even bronze service." I hope your changing vets now. Yes was the answer.

Thanks for all the remarks and condolences. Wonder what I am going to do now ?.

Hi Folks,

May I thank all those that have sent condolences. It is so nice to know that there are some very nice people out there and what I have learned is they rearly do care. I hope my bad luck is over for know. I have a breeding plan with my Whippets and Alsatians. I will mate Lucy's daughter to my other small dog who has been giving good litters. The trouble with her daughter is she has got a few scars around her face where she has been throught the brambles so her show carrer is over .I have to mate my Alsatian girl and just hope that she gives me more than one baby and a normal coat instead of being all fluffy. He is a wonderfull dog and his temp is perfect it's just the fluff.

Anyhow Thank you all that spared a thought for me.

The trouble with her daughter is she has got a few scars around her face where she has been throught the brambles so her show carrer is over
This should make no difference to her show career, it is conformation and temprement that is important.
This is indeed a horrible way to lose a bitch. What I cannot understand is why the Vet acted in such a way. Surely, as an established owner/breeder of two breeds, with presumably several dogs listed with your Vet, they would quickly act upon an emergency. Knowing you to be experienced & not to be panicking unecessarily. I take it this was your usual Vet?

My own Vet is excellent in this way, if I say it is an emergencey, then they know to act immediately.

I am sure you have already considered this, but if you are to breed from her daughter, then I would strongly suggest visiting all the Vets in your area and choosing one with a good reputation and who carries out their own out of hours calls. Your daughter can surely suggest one? I would also advise keeping a close eye on this bitch whilst in whelp both during the day and at night. Could she be brought indoors for the duration of her pregnancy?
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