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My Poor Woody Has Lymphoma


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My wonderful Woody is currently at Liverpool vet college having chemotherapy for lymphoma, he was diagnosed on thursday :( :( :( :( :( Sadly it is the more serious of the 2 types it is the T-cell type and even if the chemo 'works' he is only expected to live 6-12 months max, although in 'dog years' that's quite good just sounds so awful to me :( I can't believe i will never know him in his old age, all grey and grumpy :(

His symptoms were simply a sudden dramatic thirst causing him to need a wee much more than normal and slight depression certain times of the day, yet on walks you would not know anything was wrong. His lymph glands were not visibly swollen, and he suddenly started picking at his food (which is normally gone in nano seconds) and leaving most of it.

I had no choice really but to try chemo as he has Hypercalcemia meaning increased calcium in his body which prevents him eating, so basically he would have starved without the chemo, he hadn't eaten for nearly 3 days before diagnosis. There is no other successful treatment for Lymphoma, other drugs would only prolong his life several weeks. Thankfully my wrongly concieved idea that chemo would have made him react in a very sick and ill way is a rare occurance and so far his 2 treatments have gone well, and he is apparantly very perky in himself :clown: I am hoping the vet will let me bring him home tomorrow and thankfully my usual local vet can carry on the treatment save him travelling so far. Will prob be weekly chemo and then monthly if all goes well so i have all my fingers and toes crossed. He is an outgoing friendly chap and we feel he won't mind the daily stays at the vets for this.

Sadly cost is a factor as his insurance is only £3000, i have spent half of this already and chemo is very pricey, but we will just have to see how Woody hopefully improves. Just thankful he was insured.

So my poor boy is spending hopefully his last night away from his family, i can't wait to get him tomorrow and give him the biggest hug, he will not understand why he is suddenly being spoit beyond his wildest dreams, but i don't care i just want to spend the best time with him while i still can :)
I'm so sorry to hear about Woody, what devastating news :huggles:

I really hope the Chemo helps him and that you have a good while with him yet. Sending him lots of good thoughts :luck:
Sending lots of positive thoughts your way for Woody :huggles: :luck: :luck:
Oh Gina I'm so sorry!! :(

Am I right in thinking this is The General that did some brilliant racing at Wessy? Wasn't a youngster either when he came running at our track.

Crying shame hes got Lymphoma, I hope his treatment gets him some golden times with you but to be honest Gina I don't doubt for a second that he's had a lifetime of them with you already. Both he and Lulu always looked in fantastic condition, raced brilliantly and gave 100%, something I believe only happens when dogs are happy and well loved. I'm sure everyone at Wessy will want me to send you their best wishes as he made quite an impression and I expect those within agility as well will be thinking of him. :wub:

Jac x
I'm so sorry , just lost my whippet last Thursday to lymphoma so I know how awful it is :(

Hoping you have Woody for a long time yet .
Sorry to read this :huggles:
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:( i hope for you both that chemo really does help him stay with you for a good while yet :luck:
I am so sorry to hear such awful news about Woody :(

Sending positive thoughts and loads of hugs to you both :huggles:

Good luck with the chemo :luck: :luck: :luck:
This is heartbreaking for you :(

Be strong and enjoy the rest of your time together :huggles:
So sorry to hear that news. Hope he is home soon, and that you get to spend some very special times with him for as long as possible. Good luck for the chemo to work its miracles :luck: :luck: :luck:
:( so sorry to here such awful news sending lots of :luck: :luck: and :huggles: :huggles:
Such sad news ... wishing Woody as well as is possible ... I'm sure you'll make the months he has left with you the very best they can be. Hugs.

So very sorry to hear such sad news about Woody. :( I do hope the chemo helps him to have a good quality of life so that you can enjoy some happy times together. :luck: :luck:
We are so sorry to here of this illness that your little Woody has, I'm sure you are giving him all the TLC and making him comfortable as you possibly can, we wish you lots of luck and love through his treatment. :wub:
Oh Gina I'm so sorry!! :(
Am I right in thinking this is The General that did some brilliant racing at Wessy? Wasn't a youngster either when he came running at our track.

Crying shame hes got Lymphoma, I hope his treatment gets him some golden times with you but to be honest Gina I don't doubt for a second that he's had a lifetime of them with you already. Both he and Lulu always looked in fantastic condition, raced brilliantly and gave 100%, something I believe only happens when dogs are happy and well loved. I'm sure everyone at Wessy will want me to send you their best wishes as he made quite an impression and I expect those within agility as well will be thinking of him. :wub:

Jac x
Hi yes he is 'The General' and thank you so much for the most kind words, much appreciated. Well he is home but what a shock when i saw him, he has lost so much weight looks like a bag of bones and with several shaved patches and a stitch where they have taken a bone marrow test, which even more tragically has shown that the tumour cells are also in his bone marrow, so the outlook for my Woody is even more bleak :( :( He is pooing almost pure blood which may be infection or chemo side effect, i am so confused, should i be putting him through this for what sounds like a 6 month max battle? Or do i persevere and see what happens, he is fairly well in himself and enjoyed a short walk this evening. He is just one of those most active of dogs, loves being outdoors, very keen on chasing stuff, loves long bike rides and adored his racing and agility days, but i believe the chemo will make him very tired and leaving him at home will upset him i'm sure :( His next chemo is due this friday so i suppose i got a few days to have a good think, any advice much appreciated please.
I am so sorry to read this, I lost my Blue today with a tumour and there are lots of things I wish I could of said and done, thinking of you and be strong Woody!!!!!!
:'( Oh Gina, that's so sad.

Woody is a lovely boy & he always looked very happy in his agility days. I'm sure you'll do the best for him, whatever that turns out to be. As you say, he seems happy enough in himself so here's hoping Friday brings good news :thumbsup:

Hebe sends lots of licks to Woody :wub:

Love from Julie.
:luck: Whatever your decision, he is a well loved cared for boy , its so so hard Best of luck and hugs to your boy
sorry to hear your news, there are many on here that have been through what you are going through i too lost a greyhound with lymphoma, but his was so bad in a short period of time meaning days, i was unable to have chemo, my only advice to you is you now your dogs so do what you think is best for him, best wishes in what ever you choose
sorry to hear your news, there are many on here that have been through what you are going through i too lost a greyhound with lymphoma, but his was so bad in a short period of time meaning days, i was unable to have chemo, my only advice to you is you now your dogs so do what you think is best for him, best wishes in what ever you choose

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