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My Poor Woody Has Lymphoma

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I am So Sorry to hear your news too. I had posted along with many others under the Greyhound Section where they is also a Topic for Lymphoma.

My little lurcher, died in March, aged 6, and I still am amazed how quickly this disease takes hold.All the indication I had of her having something wrong was she began to cough suddenly and then overnight literally a lump appeared under her armpit. I was at the vets that day and even by then another lump appeared under her chin and I feared the worst.

It upset me too to see her with shaved patches and stitches but she was amazing in her reactions to the treatment. We were more worried that she was and accepted her weekly treatment and then monthly with such ease.I was more anxious, not knowing what reactions to expect from the drugs. I can only say that we had to take each day as it came and in the main, she had a good quality of life for six months. The Vet had initially set a protocol for a year but sadly it had entered her lungs at the final stage. The final stage came extremely quick, just like the inital disease had come on. We had no choice but to say Goodbye but it was definately the right time for her, not for us though. Its heartbreaking and I am so sorry you have to go through this. We gave our special girl the very best of everything in her final months and as long as your little dog can cope you wont have any thing to feel guilty about, which is one of those feelings. My dog initally had excessive weeing, and blood sometimes, which the vet gave us something for, and she was sick once in the whole time. Apart from that, you wouldnt have known. She was still lively, up to mischief and still full of life. I can only say, it depends, so much, how they react, which will in the end make your very hard decision.
I am so sorry to hear about Woody. I resently lost my Joy to Lymphoma. I am thinking of you and wishing you lots of best wishes and give Woody lots and lots of hugs and kisses.
Firstly many, many thanks for all the supportive posts and personal messages about my Woody, also reading stories about other sufferers has helped greatly.

Well up until friday he was coming on so well, frisky and full of his usual self, in fact when i took him to the vet on friday for his chemo i questioned if he needed it as he was improving daily up til then. The vet said he must have the chemo, that is what is helping him so i left him there for the day. Sadly this treatment has not agreed with him at all, he is very uncomfortable with what they think is gripe/ing colic type pain, which is a common side effect from the tablet form of chemo he tried on friday. Seems to produce excess build up of wind and also he is constipated :( :( :( He is very unhappy and now i am in the dilema of seeing him through this hoping it passes and he can get to how he was before friday, or is this too much to put him through??? If he does get over this problem i have totally decided no more chemo, no matter what, no way can i put him through this every week :( Although he is wearing his pj's 24/7 it is shocking to see how thin he is underneath, lost 2 kilos in 2 weeks.

So i am praying i see some improvement in his pain tomorrow, going to my vet first thing to discuss.
:huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

I'm wishing for comfort for little Woody and strength for you, Gina :luck: :luck:
So sorry to hear this devastating news Gina and all the owners and their poor dogs who have suffered with this dreadful thing, must be simply awful for you. Really hope Woody picks up in the next few days, its hard enough knowing they are ill without seeing them suffer as well especially as he's reacted so well to the previous treatments so well. Thinking of you all x
Poor Woody :( Sorry to hear it is not going well with his chemo. what a horrible dilemma for you to be in. Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts to you both :luck: :luck: :huggles: :huggles:
Poor Woody :( Sorry to hear it is not going well with his chemo. what a horrible dilemma for you to be in. Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts to you both :luck: :luck: :huggles: :huggles:
Oh dear. Im so sorry . :(

I cant believe that is what your Woody has . it is exactly what I lost my Woody with 20 months ago .

He went down hill before my eyes . never an easy decision , but I knew it was the right one for him

Thinking of you all at this point

:) Well thankfully he is much improved these past 2 days, i was wrong when i said griping pain common side effect in dogs, in people it is but is unheard of in dogs, well at least at Liverpool Vet college. Anyway, my vet thinks it may even have been an ulcer, but with strong pain killers and treatment for ulcer, he has improved thank god and is really perky and frisky today. He has even got the squirrels worried again after giving them a few weeks off!! So he is having no more chemo, so i just hope i have made the right decision and hope he has many more weeks of this happy-self, just hope he puts a little bit of weight back on, he still looks like a cruelty case :(
Hi Gina,

Nice to read that Woody is feeling loads better :D Amazing what a difference a few days have made :)
We're thinking of you and Woody Gina, you've definitely made the right decision.

Take care & give that gorgeous lad a big cuddle from me x
great news Lets hope it continues
I thought i had best give all you lovely wellwishers a little update on Woody, been a bit nervous too incase i jinxed his recovery, but so far wow what an improvement!!!! :) :) :) He is totally back to his usual self and this past 6 wks he has gotten back to his ideal weight (and a little more oops :b :b ) You really would not know he was ill, i was so sad at the time that he would probably never be well enough to come cycling or long walks etc (he was such an active dog) but i was wrong, he is totally back to full exercise etc and has even managed to reduce the squirrel population by 2 since his recovery!! I hope this doesn't sound barbaric but the first one was caught in spectacular fashion and i cried to see how pleased with himself he was and i thought ah, he can die a happy dog now...

Only problem we had was his ravenous appetite (due to very high steroid dose) to the point where he could not sleep for craving food and howled all night :( so i reduced his steroids, as i felt he was not happy in himself pinching food etc as he is normally a very well mannered boy...and yet he still continues to thrive and even with the lower dose he is full of beans and seems very happy...i know it can't last much longer but i am just so happy my son and i have had this 'extra' time with him to enjoy such a wonderful dog :) :) :) :D :D :clown: :clown:
That's so lovely, Gina :b

Loved the bit about the demise of the squirrels :lol: ...... good boy, Woody, long may you continue to thrive :thumbsup:
So pleased for you that he is doing so well, long may it continue xxx
So pleased to hear Woody is still enjoying life :)
thats fab news gina, here's hoping he keeps going from strength to strength babes
O poor we Woody, Gina,I hope he will come through his chemotheraphy ok. He could live a happy and painless life for some time to come. Please God he will be ok. Sending you prayers and positive thoughts from Northern Ireland.
Hiya Gina, Fingers and toes crossed Woody keeps fit :luck: make every day special :thumbsup:

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