hi everyone its so great to have someone to talk to when sumut like this happens update on buffy she spent the weekend at the vets on steriod treatment and a drip with fluid and antibiotics i think they were covering all bases after i lost it with them lol anyway went to collect her last night the change in her is dramatic she is happier and more free moving than she was all last week she is still on tablets and will be for a while yet and has to have complete rest this week no steps or stairs and only on a lead out to back for toilet but fingers crossed we are on the road to recovery back to vets next mon for check up just hoping she keeps on improving now only prob i have with her at mo is that she is picky with food cause she thinks i am putting something in it lol ( tablets ) sometimes i think their too clever for thier own good .... i have to say if it wasnt for this site i would not have known about SRM and i dread to think what would have happened to her as the vet didnt really have any ideas so a BIG THANK YOU to u all :wub: