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Nnwrf Members Meeting

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john m said:
Tony Taylor Quote (Whippet racing has been here before; Rob Patterson, Jan Ambrosini, Steve and Julie Bateson, Mark Petite, Jill Hardy all banned by national bodies)  UnquoteJill Hardy i.e. Gill Hardy has never been banned by any major whippet racing body.

Sorry John ( and Gill) my mistake, it was of course her sister who was banned.
How can you ban some one for life when they paid all the money back??

Is there one rule for one person and a different rule for another, deception is deception wether it be by giving your dog's something to enhance its performance or wether it be by borowing? and who is to say that was not the case here members moneys :blink: How can u ban some one for life???? they paid it back :huggles:

As for those who serve on the governing tables,,,, Praise has to be given :cheers:

[SIZE=21pt]Hip Hip Hooray to all of you[/SIZE]
as you will all see .im offering to give my dogs away,through problems financial and family related,its a f ijng hard thing to do ,but i wont go steeling from friends to make things right,thay did wrong and got away lightly,so grow up
Dont go telling people to grow up squirt, oh or is K9 only for people who think like you do???
They STOLE a sum of over £4,000 pounds, that is money that can be accounted for.....................perhap's if people are unsure about what cannot be accounted for then the figure may possibly have been higher. If you had attended the FED meeting then you may have heard a range of opinions, the majority being in favour of a life time ban. If they had stolen £4,000 plus from any company, say the post office, then they would not have been spared the judicial system. IMO they got off lightly.

JoJess said:
Dont go telling people to grow up squirt, oh or is K9 only for people who think like you do???
pat im in alot of shit at moment but like some wont go steeling to get out of it, :rant:
The problem is they were banned from both organisations which is a bit HARSH.

To be banned from the fed was fair enough, but to ban them from the B.W.R.A as well was a bit over the top. [iT was nothing to do with the B.W.R.A]

The same people voted to ban them from both organisations which was a bit unfair.

The B.W.R.A vote would of been fairer going out to the full membership.

I hope Bruce & Die appeal over the second ban as i think people over reacted.

[After all they paid back the majority of the money which had gone missing.]
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We dissagree with the life ban. Its our opinion, but we are in the s**t with Colt's vet bill (being around £2000 ). We keep a family thrift (a saving club for family for Xmas ) and as to date we have around £5000 in it (w00t) , we never thought once to take it to pay for Colt's vet bill and John's credit card saved him :- " :oops: and we will pay it up, and hope to have the full bill paid for by March 2008

Im out of racing now, John want's to run Gizmo but Im still saying NO , he's my dog :huggles:

We said to Dee when she asked us or opinion, we said a 2 yr ban, but put on probation for 2 yrs (if they s**t the wrong way, another ban) :oops: :lol:

They did do very wrong, I would never think of taking any person's money for my own use.

Atleast we were asked of our opinion on this matter,,Thanks to the new feds keeping us upto date in what's going on :thumbsup:
ahorsnall said:
im sorry but cant beleave some posts on here ? saying what goes around comes around you would think that the people at the meeting was the ones taking friends moneys not the treasurer im sorry if you think people that dont ,deserve the same treatment as them that do steal monies .i think some have have forgot who have done wrong .im sorry if i feel it is wrong to steal and if i did do you think it would be unfare to ban for life from going in the same house shop etc .i think not .if you take a position of trust you should be able to be trusted and thats my only opion .chris
Me too! Can't believe these posts....

Paid it back- so it's ok (w00t)

Oh dear! :- "

(w00t) :angry: :x (w00t) :angry: :x (w00t) :angry: :x

bruce and di are freinds of mine and mandys but what they did was totaly wrong in my opinion if they had a cash flow problems they should have looked at other options not steal from the nnwrf.

yes i am sorry to see them get banned from the sport they love but lets be honest about things its not as if they held there hands up to stealing the money they were caught.

we need to move forward with our sport and like i have said before i am truly sorry that bruce and di had to resort to the actions they did so i will hold my hands up and say yes the sport will be alot better off with out them.

sorry if this sounds abit harsh but thats the way i feel i did not stop for the bwra meeting but yes i would have still voted the same way.

graham pendleton
Karen-Coral said:
ahorsnall said:
im sorry but cant beleave some posts on here ? saying what goes around comes around you would think that the people at the meeting was the ones taking friends moneys not the treasurer im sorry if you think people that dont ,deserve the same treatment as them that do steal monies .i think some have have forgot who have done wrong .im sorry if i feel it is wrong to steal and if i did do you think it would be unfare to ban for life from going in the same house shop etc .i think not .if you take a position of trust you should be able to be trusted and thats my only opion .chris
Me too! Can't believe these posts....

Paid it back- so it's ok (w00t)

Oh dear! :- "

(w00t) :angry: :x (w00t) :angry: :x (w00t) :angry: :x

People are entitled to their opinions, just as you are. :p
Ok taking money that doesn't belong to you is wrong, and when cought you get sentenced to a punishment, you do your time which fits the crime..... how many people who has taken other peoples money has had a life sentence bestowed on them ??? :blink:

Yes it was wrong, we all know that but seeing as they gave the moneys back cant we have a litle compassion, after all they love their dogs and look after them with a passion.... and their intentions have always been good.....
You can understand why the N.N.W.R.F had to consult it’s membership on this issue and in my experience of organisations out with whippet racing it is normal for a committee to make a recommendation to it’s membership on a voting issue. As for the outcome of the N.N.W.R.F vote and the decision of the B.W.R.A and it’s members present at their meeting to withdraw their membership indefinitely and I suspect the outcome would have been the same even if it was a postal vote in my opinion it does not matter. Why well in my opinion after reading the posts on here it would be almost impossible for the two of them to attend events as all the looking staring whispering and general bad feeling towards them would probably drive them out of the sport anyway after all would you go where you were not wanted. For the record I would have went for a two membership withdrawal and a further suspended sentence of say a further two years covering anything that they did during a event or to the determent of the sport but even then would they be welcomed back after any membership withdrawal. And I am not defending them in any way but to put a different outlook on it if you were caught doping your dog depending on the national body how long is your membership withdrawn well that depends on the amount of any banned substance in the dog but in the past was there any indefinite membership withdrawals dished out. What has this got to do with money you may ask well in my opinion at the championships if eight clean dogs lost to a doped dog and the owners of the clean dogs spent on average £250 over the weekend that’s £2000 spent by those members and they had no chance of their dog winning and imagine how the owner of the runner up dog feels. Or is this different because the money came out of a members bank account and not that of a national body. And another thing surely it would make good sense for the books to be audited by two independent people on a annual basis and that report being made available to the membership as this would protect the committee from accusations and the memberships money.
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Okay so a indefinite membership withdrawal has been dished out from the N.N.W.R.F and the B.W.R.A but lets say that their local club still allows them to race and they continue to enjoy racing their dogs and keeping them race fit that’s fine they are happy racing their dogs and the national bodies have their membership withdrawal in place. But what about racing out with the national bodies just one look at the calendar will tell you that there are a few meetings that they will be able to attend and race their dogs if they so wish unless of course they are not allowed to race at those events as well but given that there are no national membership involved here it is a completely different process for them not to be allowed to race. It could happen a few years ago at the Scottish Derby the club secretary was approached by fellow racers who told him that they had heard that someone who has had their membership withdrawn by a national body was coming up to race at the Derby and if they were allowed to race that some racers would not race with them and would not race their dogs and we could loose 25 dogs maybe more from the programme. Then one of the sponsors said they would withdraw their sponsorship if this person was not allowed to race their dog as it was a national body that this person and their dog has had their membership withdrawn and the Scottish Derby was not run by any of the national bodies. At this point the club was caught between a rock and a hard place so called a club members meeting and strip all the politics out of it the decision was quite simple potentially loose 25 or more dogs or 1 dog (my memory is a bit vague as to whether this person had more than one dog but I am sure they did not have 25 or more dogs). So this person was called on the telephone and told not to travel as they would not be allowed to race and the club returned the money and trophy to the sponsor. What’s this got to do with it well I go back to the calendar as people running events out with the national bodies have a decision to make in my opinion they should talk to racers find out how they feel and make the decision unless they want put in the position that the Scottish Derby was a few years ago.
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