Hi there
We have had a meeting to discuss the layout of the Championship Show at Woking leisure centre last Sunday, and after much discussion regarding the layout of the show, we hope you all enjoy the new venue.
We are arranging an area especially for cages and beds at one end of the hall, which will be roped off, and will have two large rings.
As this venue is so large, we have been able to fit in a few trade stands for you, and hope that the Whippet rescue will be there also. Of course we will be holding our raffle, so if anyone has any items they would like to donate to it we will be grateful.
The committee would like to remind all attending the show that only dogs entered
either for competition, or entered not for competition will be allowed into the show.
Please can all attending also remember whilst it is fun to show off new puppies,
it is not a good idea to leave dogs or puppies in the car, especially as the weather has turned for the better.
The venue does offer good food and drink facilities for those who do not bring food with them.
John Taranti is taking over the Show Managers job for us, for which we are all grateful, especially as it is a new venue to the NWA. We have also been lucky enough to co-opt Jane Browne on to the committee.
Good luck to everyone, we truly hope you all enjoy your day with us. :cheers:
We have had a meeting to discuss the layout of the Championship Show at Woking leisure centre last Sunday, and after much discussion regarding the layout of the show, we hope you all enjoy the new venue.
We are arranging an area especially for cages and beds at one end of the hall, which will be roped off, and will have two large rings.
As this venue is so large, we have been able to fit in a few trade stands for you, and hope that the Whippet rescue will be there also. Of course we will be holding our raffle, so if anyone has any items they would like to donate to it we will be grateful.
The committee would like to remind all attending the show that only dogs entered
either for competition, or entered not for competition will be allowed into the show.
Please can all attending also remember whilst it is fun to show off new puppies,
it is not a good idea to leave dogs or puppies in the car, especially as the weather has turned for the better.
The venue does offer good food and drink facilities for those who do not bring food with them.
John Taranti is taking over the Show Managers job for us, for which we are all grateful, especially as it is a new venue to the NWA. We have also been lucky enough to co-opt Jane Browne on to the committee.
Good luck to everyone, we truly hope you all enjoy your day with us. :cheers: