Bit cold to take grandkids on usual saturday morning adventure,so i thought take them an the lurchers down to bottom field for a bit of training with my grandkids kane n micky jr with their nan.Dodger was following a scent nose to the ground,probly fox as foxes go on this field.I just said to Sue their nan, dogs onto an animal there and left it at that.I left dodger with kane and his nan as i was walking up the field doing straight runs.Turned round ready to call dog when i noticed Sue sniffing in the air,anyhow told kane to slip dodger,on going back asked sue what she had been doing her reply was,kane asked me if i could smell that,so i was sniffing the air to see what he could smell,i couldnt smell nothing so asked kane what can you smell he told her i think i can smell an animal over there,couldnt stop laughing,didnt have the heart to tell kane no only dogs can smell scents,bless he is only 4 years old :teehee: