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Poorly Sid


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Whilst my OH was walking Sid on Tuesday he went over to say "hi" to another dog and this is the result :x Seven stitches - losing all his street cred by having to walk about with a lampshade and generally feeling very sorry for himself. He is lapping up all the attention and t l c and is being really brave :wub:

Poor luv, when it happened he ran into the bushes where my OH found him crying.

He chased after the woman and she said she hadn't realised her dog had bitten him, her excuse "oh he is a rescue dog and I am not too sure of him". If she feels like that he should be muzzled. I am so cross and just wish I had been there.

Poor Sid he is so friendly and loves everyone, I think I will be a bit worried now about letting him run free but how can I stop his fun.
Poor Sid :( Hope he feels better soon :luck:
Poor Sid :( sorry about whats happened - hope hes better soon. :luck: :thumbsup:
sunny said:
Hope Sid has a speedy recovery :wub:

so sorry to hear about what happened. Poeple always have excuse when they dont have their dog under control. I do so hope that sid will carry on being as friendly as he is. my two RRs have never had a bad experience and I hope it stays that way.

Kiss to sid from my two

Poor Sid, best wishes for his speedy recovery :luck: Hope he's not put off other dogs :thumbsup:
:( aw poor Sid, what a horrible experience, hope he soon recovers with all your tlc and stays a friendly dog saying hi to others :huggles: :*
Awww poor sid :( hope he makes a speedy recovery :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
I hope Sid is feeling better soon too.

It might put him off approaching strange dogs. Vader does it sometimes too, despite my bellowing at him, I dont know how he hasnt been bitten before now.
Poor baby, same thing happend to my Smartie he was only a pup went to say hello to a greyhound and got his face bitten, just missed his eye :( , women said she usually muzzles the dog so why didn't she, also this happened at a dog training class.. We never went back and the women never offered an appology :(

Mind you hasn't stopped Smartie wanting to be best friends with every dog he meets :D

Hope your baby gets well soon. :thumbsup:
While I have every sympathy with poor sore Sid, as the owner of a rescue lurcher who is not very, lets be honest, he's a horror! on the lead, I think if the owner of the other dog had it on a lead then it was your OH's responsibility to keep your dog under control! If the other was offlead, then its owner was an irresponsible idiot if she knows its dodgy with other dogs. Our Dyl is never ever off lead unless I can see for miles that there are no other dogs in view, but I dont muzzle him, because if he was ever attacked by another dog, he couldn't defend himself. There is a horrible post on another forum about a little yorkie/bichon cross, killed on a public field by an Akita, both dogs off lead. Also someone heartbroken because they ran over and killed a Border Collie, being walked offlead on a pavement by its owner, and it suddenly ran in front of the car. (I shall now retreat under the table and wait to get screamed at from all sides). I hope Sid is soon feeling better and it doesn't frighten him off other dogs for life, and you dont need to *stop his fun*, just make sure he knows the commands *leave* and *come* to keep him out of trouble.
suzeanna said:
While I have every sympathy with poor sore Sid, as the owner of a rescue lurcher who is not very, lets be honest, he's a horror! on the lead, I think if the owner of the other dog had it on a lead then it was your OH's responsibility to keep your dog under control! If the other was offlead, then its owner was an irresponsible idiot if she knows its dodgy with other dogs.  Our Dyl is never ever off lead unless I can see for miles that there are no other dogs in view, but I dont muzzle him, because if he was ever attacked by another dog, he couldn't defend himself.  There is a horrible post on another forum about a little yorkie/bichon cross, killed on a public field by an Akita, both dogs off lead.  Also someone heartbroken because they ran over and killed a Border Collie, being walked offlead on a pavement by its owner, and it suddenly ran in front of the car. (I shall now retreat under the table and wait to get screamed at from all sides). I hope Sid is soon feeling better and it doesn't frighten him off other dogs for life, and you dont need to *stop his fun*, just make sure he knows the commands *leave* and *come* to keep him out of trouble.
Oh how I AGREE with you. I am sick and tired of my dogs being 'harassed' by dogs off lead(when mine are on leads) taking no notice of their owners! And why oh why do I always get the blame when mine growl at the 'uncontrolled' dogs and I protect my lot whatever way I can?
suzeanna said:
I note what you say suzeanne I can see it from both sides as can my OH which is why we are not chasing her for the vets bill. I admit Sid can be a "pain" always wanting to play [he is still a young dog], but generally if another dog doesn't want to know he gets "warned off" - but this particular dog went straight in and took a lump out of him with no warning. After admitting her dog was a bit "dodgey", five minutes later he was over the other side of the field off the lead.

We were back at the vets this morning as he has pulled a stitch out-the lampshade she gave me was too small - so he is now walking about with a bigger one which he is not at all happy about.
My Simba's similiar; always thinking other dogs want to play. I don't want to keep him on the lead all the time but do put him on it if I see another dog coming who in on lead and he's close enough to get hold of. Sometimes though, he's trotting along through the woods and they come out of nowhere. He used to rush up to every dog he saw and he'd be off like a shot and suffering from 'temporary deafness'! :- " I wanted to do something about it and started by taking him to big open fields where I could see other dogs coming; I would then immediately call him over with a biscuit and either walk past the other dog with his attention kept on the biscuit until we'd gone past or hold him still with it while I put the lead on if their dog was on the lead.

Works 95% of the time as now, even if he sees another dog before I do, he looks to me to see if I have a biscuit for him [which I always do!] and the vast majority of the time, the biscuit wins and he gets lots of praise! :D If he's got his ball though, I have no problems - he avoids all other dogs like the plague in case they might want it off him and if they get too close he spits it out and runs away! (w00t)
Awww bless him ...........Hope Sid's feeling better soon :flowers: ......

I am sick and tired of my dogs being 'harassed' by dogs off lead(when mine are on leads) taking no notice of their owners! And why oh why do I always get the blame when mine growl at the 'uncontrolled' dogs and I protect my lot whatever way I can?

I agree aswell .........My pet hate is un-trained dog's ......
Oh dear...Poor Sid, must be some-thing in the air today. poor little Fynn got a nip, but the GSD was off the lead, and piled in on Fynn when he said Hi to her JRT companion...At least your owner was civil 8) :- " :oops:
Joanna said:
Oh dear...Poor Sid, must be some-thing in the air today. poor little Fynn got a nip, but the GSD was off the lead, and piled in on Fynn when he said Hi to her JRT companion...At least your owner was civil 8)   :- "  :oops:

Hope Fynn is OK and not too upset over his encounter with the GSD. Sid managed to split open one of his stitches so off to the vets again yesterday. I am finding it very hard "keeping him quiet" like the vet said. He hates the lampshade but when I take it off he had a mad ten minutes racing round the garden. I think I am going to end up on valium. (w00t)
Poor lad in his lampshade - Moany Moany wore one for almost 2 months as a pup (or at least was supposed to :- " ), she knocked the companion set on the fireplace flying umpteen times, squeaked every time she ran into the doorframe with it on and tripped because of trying to run upstairs with it on dozens of times.

Valium ? You're going to need something stronger than that ! :lol:
I went to answer the door and came back into the garden to discover Sid had done this. (w00t) How can I tell him off - I think it is his way of telling me to take this :rant: lampshade off.


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