In the next few months we'll be getting a whippet puppy (ooh, excited). I'm researching and organising now and have been reading up on toxic articles in the home and garden.
I have privet, a hydrangea and some ivy in my back garden and various toxic plant lists include them. I had a rhubarb, but I've dug it up (didn't move it for the kids, just for the puppy
). Do I need to dig up the others? The hydrangea and ivy aren't a big problem, but the privet is the hedge on one side of our garden. I really want to do the right thing for our soon to come pup, but what are the chances of the pup eating the privet hedge and getting really ill? Does anyone here have a privet hedge? DH has offered to go and attack the hedge with a chain saw and then fence that side of the garden - and we'll do that if necessary, but I thought I'd turn here for advice and maybe speak to my vet.
Can anyone reassure me / give any examples of puppies eating hedges and being ill / give me any advice.
Thank you
I have privet, a hydrangea and some ivy in my back garden and various toxic plant lists include them. I had a rhubarb, but I've dug it up (didn't move it for the kids, just for the puppy
Can anyone reassure me / give any examples of puppies eating hedges and being ill / give me any advice.
Thank you