just have look under my post you will see the state my poppy came to me from them half bloody starved broken tail broken toe heart murmmer both sides and had been breed half to death total of 6/7 in 5 yrs so nervouse everytime i tryed to stroke her shed wee herself with fright and is now only 8yrs old and not going to last much longer ,however the owner seemed to favour the blue boy over poppy maybe thats whyregarding the blue dog, it looks clear to me that he is at stud not offered for sale. I don't know what the story was with Poppy (an advertised "breeding pair" ??) and whether or not the same person has owned this dog for several years. Is there any reason to believe the dog isn't well cared for? (this is quite apart from the issue of people breeding too frequently and putting dogs up for stud for financial reasons without making sure that the owners of the bitches are breeding responsibly -- again, I have no knowledge of whether or not this applies to the owner of the blue dog, though I often have suspicions of people who advertise their dogs at stud.)