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Rspca And Crufts


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OH is a great radio listener in the car and he tells me that there was a discussion and announcement saying that the RSPCA have withdrawn their support at Crufts next year. Their point is that the Kennel Club are not doing enough to address breeds that have problems due to breeding too intensively to the standard.

RSPCA say that things have to be driven by the Kennel club re health problems e.g. Shar pai (cannot spell it) skin, eye and breathing problems.

It just so happens that the next day a dog was PTS at my vets for exactly these problems, it was 3 years old and basically had a life of misery with constant infections.

I would think that this could have a really bad effect on crufts and views on dog showing with the general lpublic. Any comments or more info would be interesting.

The RSPCA are withdrawing their stand at Crufts as they dont support Crufts in a supervising role if you catch my drift. Crufts have vets at the venue to do this. So the RSPCA are there for a publicity point of view and as a informat to the public and i would imagine to sell a few items as well (w00t) (w00t) . So i dont think its losing a stand at Crufts will have a huge effect, as crufts is a dog show and not a bring and buy sale

I can understand why they have done it but i dont think it helps the whole situation :rant: maybe the RSPCA should work more with the kennel club and support and help improve things rather turning their backs :thumbsup:
Very true.

Jonesy, what breed of dog was PTS at the vets? There are countless kc registered dogs in this country that live long healthy lives, there are problems in some breeds, but the RSPCA seems to be lumping ALL pedigree dogs together under the same banner, deformed, unhealthy and not fit for life or purpose! It is all a great big publicity stunt.

The KC has donated money to the Dogs Trust, are they going to return it? is the RSOCA going to return the KC donations it received, I don't think so.
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If my memory serves they've only recently been allowed a stand at Crufts again after the 'pile of dead dogs' incident and Crufts banned them from having a stand for that as the photos on their stand caused such distress to people or something like that.

They don't oversee anything, but the public don't know that, and I suspect it will have an impact who buy into the whole RSPCA knows best thing - where if the RSPCA is pulling out then there must be something inherently evil.

My OH said that in something he read it coincides with some sort of programme from the RSPCA publishing a guideline for good breeding or something like that? He didn't catch exactly what it was about - but he said he wonders how long it will take till the RSPCA ends up rescuing dogs bred and raised by people following their own supposed guidelines... (sigh)

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I had forgotten that heap of dead dogs. That was a terrible thing to do. I think the RSPCA just court sensationalism to gain support for things they really don't understand. Hunting and coursing being prime examples.

I must say I wish that Crufts would return to just being a dog show, without all the other things that go on there. The show dogs are now secondary to fly ball, agility etc, basically it is just a shopping venue and a day out for people, an awful lot of them are not interested in watching the judging. It would be lovely to go back to the old days, just the dogs and a few trade stands!!!!!!!!!!
bertha said:
I had forgotten that heap of dead dogs. That was a terrible thing to do. I think the RSPCA just court sensationalism to gain support for things they really don't understand. Hunting and coursing being prime examples.
I must say I wish that Crufts would return to just being a dog show, without all the other things that go on there. The show dogs are now secondary to fly ball, agility etc, basically it is just a shopping venue and a day out for people, an awful lot of them are not interested in watching the judging. It would be lovely to go back to the old days, just the dogs and a few trade stands!!!!!!!!!!

And the balcony at Olympia Anne where you could watch the groups and BIS for free :thumbsup:
bertha said:
I had forgotten that heap of dead dogs. That was a terrible thing to do. I think the RSPCA just court sensationalism to gain support for things they really don't understand. Hunting and coursing being prime examples.
I must say I wish that Crufts would return to just being a dog show, without all the other things that go on there. The show dogs are now secondary to fly ball, agility etc, basically it is just a shopping venue and a day out for people, an awful lot of them are not interested in watching the judging. It would be lovely to go back to the old days, just the dogs and a few trade stands!!!!!!!!!!

Oh , how I do agree with you Bertha :cheers:

The `dead dogs poster`cost £100,000.00 (w00t) all paid for from donations given by the public :rant:
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JAX said:
bertha said:
I had forgotten that heap of dead dogs. That was a terrible thing to do. I think the RSPCA just court sensationalism to gain support for things they really don't understand. Hunting and coursing being prime examples.
I must say I wish that Crufts would return to just being a dog show, without all the other things that go on there. The show dogs are now secondary to fly ball, agility etc, basically it is just a shopping venue and a day out for people, an awful lot of them are not interested in watching the judging. It would be lovely to go back to the old days, just the dogs and a few trade stands!!!!!!!!!!

Oh , how I do agree with you Bertha :cheers:

The `dead dogs poster`cost £100,000.00 (w00t) all paid for from donations given by the public :rant:

I didn't realise til someone posted elsewhere that the RSPCA actually charge more for people wanting rehome a pedigree dog from them than a mongrel!
~JO~ said:
I didn't realise til someone posted elsewhere that the RSPCA actually charge more for people wanting rehome a pedigree dog from them than a mongrel!
Well that's a tad hypocritical then if pedigree dogs are such monstrosities and so sick. Shouldn't they be charging more for the 'healthy' dogs....


Good Riddance to bad rubbish :rant: I have no time at all for the RSPCA .... When you actually report a case of cruelty they are next to useless !!

I reported a case of Dog Fighting & some severely emaciated Horses ... they said " they would have to actually catch them fighting the dogs" & they left a warning note on the gate of the horses paddock . The horses were eventually taken 'Illegally' by aprivate Equine rescue and were insuch a bad condition that they had to be destroyed !! In court they were told they had to 'recompence' the owners !!

Totally agree with you Ann ... I loved Olympia ... It used to be great , especially first thing in the morning .. Everybody trapesing through London with dogs, blankets , picknicks etc ... All having arrived on Trains or buses or having had to park 2 miles away (w00t) ...

Don't think it would fly now ..... All the gear you take to shows now ... it would be a nightmare :wacko: :wacko:

Give Crufts back to the dogs .. :thumbsup: I wouldn't mind the trade stands ... if they vaguely had somthing to do with 'Dogs' & they were kept in 1 hall ..
:( :(

Like Dessie, I think good riddance to the RSPCA. IMO they're money grabbing ego trippers, and as for that chief vet I think he came over as a pompous twit. I once lost a ferret, and spent the whole week-end trying to find out if he'd been taken into the RSPCA's local rescue centre. When eventually the phone was answered, I was told the ferret had been taken in, but had died of dehydration. A likely story. I then had an inspector visit me to make sure I wasn't "one of those dreadful people who use ferrets to kill rabbits". Talk about lay the blame at someone else's door. My ferrets live in ferret heaven. So ... I think I'd rather keep them away from any dog related activity, they make my blood boil.

Im only the messenger (w00t) it seems that the rspca are are not very popular. I dont really have a view cause personally I have had no contact with them. The possible problem I see is that the rspca seem to have a lot of public respect in some quarters so if they are negative then perhaps this doesnt help dog showing.

jonesyins14 said:
Im only the messenger (w00t) it seems that the rspca are are not very popular.  I dont really have a view cause personally I have had no contact with them.  The possible problem I see is that the rspca seem to have a lot of public respect in some quarters so if they are negative then perhaps this doesnt help dog showing.

I am NOT a RSPCA supporter, actually I disagree with them on many issues. However they would not be as powerful as they are if they did not have wide base support from many people who love animals.

RSPCA actions will have impact on public perception of pure bred dogs. It may mean that more people instead of buying purebred pup from KC breeder will get one from the pound.

Of-course, that will have impact and not only on those breeds, which are full of problems, but also those like Whippets that are not suffering from any problems due to exaggerations.

The only way to deal with this is for the KCs (in UK and everywhere) to set more stringent guidelines and maybe force some of the standards for the badly exaggerated breeds to consider the dogs of yesteryear when trying to draw the ideal.
Seraphina said:
jonesyins14 said:
Im only the messenger (w00t) it seems that the rspca are are not very popular.  I dont really have a view cause personally I have had no contact with them.  The possible problem I see is that the rspca seem to have a lot of public respect in some quarters so if they are negative then perhaps this doesnt help dog showing.

I am NOT a RSPCA supporter, actually I disagree with them on many issues. However they would not be as powerful as they are if they did not have wide base support from many people who love animals.

RSPCA actions will have impact on public perception of pure bred dogs. It may mean that more people instead of buying purebred pup from KC breeder will get one from the pound.

Of-course, that will have impact and not only on those breeds, which are full of problems, but also those like Whippets that are not suffering from any problems due to exaggerations.

The only way to deal with this is for the KCs (in UK and everywhere) to set more stringent guidelines and maybe force some of the standards for the badly exaggerated breeds to consider the dogs of yesteryear when trying to draw the ideal.

i myself have no respect for the r s p c a ever since i saw a tv proggramme on channel 5 where they took someones perfectly healthy staffy and put it straight to sleep and it was showing one of its members how to put dogs to sleep they were making dreadful mistakes and the dogs were suffering all of the dogs except one dog were crossbreds so to me they are talking a lot of rubbish
Seraphina said:
jonesyins14 said:
Im only the messenger (w00t) it seems that the rspca are are not very popular.  I dont really have a view cause personally I have had no contact with them.  The possible problem I see is that the rspca seem to have a lot of public respect in some quarters so if they are negative then perhaps this doesnt help dog showing.

I am NOT a RSPCA supporter, actually I disagree with them on many issues. However they would not be as powerful as they are if they did not have wide base support from many people who love animals.

RSPCA actions will have impact on public perception of pure bred dogs. It may mean that more people instead of buying purebred pup from KC breeder will get one from the pound.

Of-course, that will have impact and not only on those breeds, which are full of problems, but also those like Whippets that are not suffering from any problems due to exaggerations.

The only way to deal with this is for the KCs (in UK and everywhere) to set more stringent guidelines and maybe force some of the standards for the badly exaggerated breeds to consider the dogs of yesteryear when trying to draw the ideal.

At last someone gets the whole point of these threads
jayp said:
Seraphina said:
jonesyins14 said:
Im only the messenger (w00t) it seems that the rspca are are not very popular.  I dont really have a view cause personally I have had no contact with them.  The possible problem I see is that the rspca seem to have a lot of public respect in some quarters so if they are negative then perhaps this doesnt help dog showing.

I am NOT a RSPCA supporter, actually I disagree with them on many issues. However they would not be as powerful as they are if they did not have wide base support from many people who love animals.

RSPCA actions will have impact on public perception of pure bred dogs. It may mean that more people instead of buying purebred pup from KC breeder will get one from the pound.

Of-course, that will have impact and not only on those breeds, which are full of problems, but also those like Whippets that are not suffering from any problems due to exaggerations.

The only way to deal with this is for the KCs (in UK and everywhere) to set more stringent guidelines and maybe force some of the standards for the badly exaggerated breeds to consider the dogs of yesteryear when trying to draw the ideal.

At last someone gets the whole point of these threads

Simon Parsons in Dog World put up a photo of a PROPER GSD. Look at it! I worked with dogs like the late fifties, look how they have changed, the Seiger photos will be coming up, what a travesty of a strong workman like dog, they have reduced it to a crippled parody that can hardly move!

Why has this happened? German imports that became fashionable. Read the KC standard, these cripples do not fit the standard and are most definately not fit for purpose.
bertha said:
Simon Parsons in Dog World put up a photo of a PROPER GSD. Look at it! I worked with dogs like the late fifties, look how they have changed, the Seiger photos will be coming up, what a travesty of a strong workman like dog, they have reduced it to a crippled parody that can hardly move!
Why has this happened? German imports that became fashionable. Read the KC standard, these cripples do not fit the standard and are most definately not fit for purpose.

Oh Anne - seeing such banana backed GSD's really upsets me. Unfortuately that type of GSD - a breed which was a lovely breed in the past - really does epitomise what goes wrong when the breed standard is mis-interpreted or flagrantly disregarded. And the judges which put up these deformed dogs, as well as breeders, must be disregarding the breed standard, as the breed standard states quite clearly that the GSD's "back between withers and croup, straight" and the dog should have "flowing topline, slightly sloping from front to back. Weak, soft and roach backs undesirable and should be rejected"

That sounds quite clear to me, so what utter rubbish the judge on the BBC programme was talking when he said that his GSD winner fit the standard.

I am afraid that although the BBC programme was very unbalanced and gave a very bad picture of all showing & breeding in general it did get some things right - such as the problems with the GSD.

No wonder there is a split in the breed with some wanting to revert to the "Alsation" type of old. But actually the Breed Standard is a very explicit one so what has gone wrong ???? Just fashion???

Pauline :ermm: :x
I also agree, the RSPCA are useless, I myself have reported an absolutely emaciated horse to thyem, that was stood on what anybody would call a muck heap for bedding (some muckheaps are cleaner than thnis). They simply said that they were ok, even tho there hips were sticking out.

I agree that they should stop moaning about the Kennel club and give them support, although I do feel the KC could do a lot more, as I had a very sick puppy with inherited illnesses and they did not want to know. They should be keeping a record of this to enable them to follow bad breeding lines etc.
Maybe the TV programme was biased but it did let people know that everything they do is open to public scrutiny. There is no hiding behind locked doors anymore. The days of closing your eyes and ignoring what is going on under your nose are hopefully in the past. Where breeding stock have a problem it will hopefully be public knowledge. Perhaps fewer poor unfortunate pups will be born.

The RSPCA taking the actions they are serves to keep the subject current.

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