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Scottish Derby

JOHNG said:
:D mr porky :lol:

Trust Andy to be checking out the butty bag!!! :lol:
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congratulations to paul and little rascal on winning scottish derby, also specially to lesley and co with dennis the menance, and master blaster for winning the vets. I wish i was there but maybe next year, well done again paul from sue and tony ( The Ones)
another :) the night life in kircalldy :lol:
:- " oh by the way WHIPPETJOHN never did introduce himself to me : :- "
Strangely enough he never introduced himself to me neither John and I was so looking forward to meeting him I did try some detective work but to no avail he seems to be very elusive never mind perhaps we will hear from him again to let us know if he enjoyed the Scottish Derby as much as I did Hope you all got home safely Sandra
great weekend enjoyed it :thumbsup: well done everyone especialy finalists and one of my tips little rascal :cheers: found a photo of andy in top o the toon said please dont put it on k9 ok i wont lol

Well done to all the winners at the Derby, especially Paul Dear & Little Rascal.

A big well done to Val, George, Arthur ,Chris, Bob & the other commitee members

on a well organised event , it was brilliant from start to finish.


There was only one sour note, when an x/FED MEMBER tried to cause trouble on presentation night. [Thanks everyone for restraining youselves] especially Debbie.

This could have ruined a GREAT DERBY. Ignore these people & they might dissapear into obscurity. :rant: .
What did you think of the DERBY Whippetjohn.

Any more silly comments to stir things up& cause trouble.
Arrived home safe and sound :D Thanx go to the Scotland crew for enabling us all to have yet again another brilliant holliday .... :cheers: Congrats to Paul and to his brilliant little bitch Little Rascal who won the supreme and well done to all the finalists......hope to see you all again next year :cheers:
:D I know Ken had a great time.

Well done Paul and all the finalists. I bet the workers are all looking forward to a good nights sleep, well done :cheers:
cant be bothered to put it all on bit heres all the finals 4 those who cudnt make it:

pups dogs

r- playboy 31 -11 4th

b- vivs destiny 27 - 7 3rd

w- glimmer 25 - 5 winner

blk- jackie k 20 sc 2nd

well done to bert and fran on winning the pups!

pups bitches

r- bewtiched 27 - 7 3rd

b- doris day 22 -2 2nd

w- di's deelish 20 sc winner

well done to di's deelish i do believe they r newcomers 2 the sport?

cons vets

r- tormenetor (6yr) 32 -7 winner

b- pitts n pieces ( 5 yr) -2 w/d

w- tdo 2k (5yr) sc 2nd

well done tormentor

derby vet final

r-vandason (5yr) 31 -15 3rd

b- free n easy (7yr) -12 4th

w- master blaster (5yr) -8 winner

blk- captain blade (9yr) sc 2nd

well done to chris with master blaster he ran great 4 u!

cons 40lb

r- wor ruby winner

b- kestral flyer ( dq)

w- hawkwind 2nd

well done to podge and carol!

derby 40lb final

r- magic blade 3rd

b- pennys worth 4th

w- no surrender winner

well done george and lynne ( did u win lasy year 2?)

cons no limit final

r- naz;s warrior solo

derby no limit yearling

r- irish danny 2nd

b- see u pal 4th

w- fatimas quest 3rd

blk- sugar daddy winner

well done geoff and hazel on winning the above with buzz sugar daddy he ran brill 4 u. one big one to watch out 4!

cons yearling final

r- attraction 23 -4 winner

b- one lippy bitch 22 -3

w- carraway 19 sc

well done ray and joan!

derby yealing final

r- the fly one 26 -6 3rd

b- ballyso 24 -4 winner

w- little happiness 20 sc 2nd

well done colin and alison

cons pup final

r- glad rags 16 sc solo

derby pup supreme

r- glimmer 25 2nd

b- di's deelish 20 winner

both of these pups looked very impressive

cons derby final

r- hellbound 33 3rd

b- jorja fox 28 4th

w- colorado 26 winner

blk- short spot 21 2nd

0- tanglewood 5th

well done colorado pleased 2 hear hes ok.

main derby final

r- nikitason 34 -17 5th

b- sunbird 28 -14 2nd

w- oscars pride 24 - 10 3rd

blk- gold run 20 -4 2nd

o- little rascal sc winner

well done to everyone who made it to the final and a big congratualtions 2 little rascal.
WELL DONE PAUL AND FAMILY WITH LITTLE RASCAL ON THIS GREAT ACHIEVEMENT, and well done to all other 4 finalists who ran fantastic to get into the main derby final, well done Fran,n,Bert on winning supreme dog pup with little timothy( whom i trained ) and getting the fastest time of the derby with their heavyweight Nakitason, who is running great at the moment,. well done all other winners and finalists, brill weekend :cheers:
Well done Paul and Little rascal :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

well done to all the winners sounds as if every one enjoyed it thats how it should be.

Well done to Fran and Bert on Glimmer (rch/nch Viv's Quest x Stonecold) on winning the dog puppy final also to Arthur Cook and Viv'sDestiny litter brother'

on getting 3rd.

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