Question for K9ers everywhere?
In your part of the world what are the Rules & Regulations surrounding entries to dog shows.
1. Entering into the correct age class.
Is it the responsibility of the Entry Secretary to correct and place your dog into the right class as per their age?
For first timers in the show ring entering in a show is quite daunting and mistakes can happen. But for exhibitors that enter a show on a regular basis and continually enter the dog in the incorrect class is there any recourse for their action?
Cheers :cheers: :cheers:
In your part of the world what are the Rules & Regulations surrounding entries to dog shows.
1. Entering into the correct age class.
Is it the responsibility of the Entry Secretary to correct and place your dog into the right class as per their age?
For first timers in the show ring entering in a show is quite daunting and mistakes can happen. But for exhibitors that enter a show on a regular basis and continually enter the dog in the incorrect class is there any recourse for their action?
Cheers :cheers: :cheers: