ok lily started showing somes trange behaviour yesterday evening ,she was fine all day till about 6ish then she started hiding under my little table by side of me ,i picked her up to reashure her and cuddled her for ages, she was shaking like a leaf ,nothing had happened no insidents or anything like that, one min she was fine next it was like she was scared stiff off somthing :unsure: during the course of the evening she very reluctant to go down the other end of my livingroom and started going into a lilttle gap by the side off sofa the end i sit with my laptop as if trying to hide from somthing ,because she seemed so stressed i stuffed a bed bown there and she happily curled up on it so covered her over with a blanket ,about 10ish i picked her up to take her for a wee and somthing to eat as soon as i picked her up she started shaking and as we went towards the other end of the room towards the door she started shaking uncontrolably and trying to jump out my arms her eyes were like saucers ,so took her out to the kitchen followed by poppy once we got outa the livingroom she was fine she gobbled some food down went out for a pee and had little play with pops ,so i dont think shes ill she pooing and peeing fine and eating as usual and drinking fine ,as soon as i entered the livingroom again i tryed not to make a fuss and popped her on the floor as soon as we went through the door and she just bolted to her hiding place and lay there shaking until i covered her over again and sat down ,about an hour later i had look around down the bottom of the room to see if there was anything thats not normaly there ,to see if somthing had spooked her but no nothing ,so i picked hjer up took her down the end of the room to see if i could pin point anything and to see if she got more scared by a particular thing but as soon as i took her down ther she was just a mess shaking like hell and clearly very distressed so bk up other end ,and called the other dogs to her one by one just to make shure it wasnt one of them she was scared of but no licks all around for everyone ,soon as i took her to bed different dog relaxed fully and slept all night came down with her this morning they run straight out the kitchen for ther breakfast ,which she gobbled down out for little play in garden with pops ,but then wen it was time to go into the livingroom she wouldnt go in and bolted back upstairs and under my quilt and thats were she still is :wacko: any suggestions on why shes behaving like this i mena i know she sacred of somthing but as to what is beyond me ,so any tips gratfully recieved .sorry for the long post :unsure: