Hello looking for some advice as I’m really worried. We adopted an 11 year old springer collie cross in sept last year. I’d been walking him for some time (he lived in a kennel next door.) he is the sweetest dog really obedient, affectionate, eager to play and calm in the house but active on walks. I have two children 10&12 who he is brilliant with and is amazing with our cats and rabbits too. He randomly growls when he is being petted and rolls onto his back to have his tummy rubbed. I got the vet to check him they can’t find any sore bits. It’s really weird as he rolls over to get his tummy rubbed then growls. He actually snapped at a visitor once in this situation, in our house now we know to stop petting when he rolls over. But I worry about visitors doing it. We have people staying soon and I will brief them but people automatically do it as he is so friendly and seems submissive in this pose! Is this a common behaviour in older dogs does anyone know? I asked the previous owner and they were a bit vague about whether it happened before. Any advice appreciated.
Thank you
Thank you