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"the Last Waterloo Cup" Bbc 2 Sept 30, 9pm.

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There were some fantastic pictures of the dogs. It is them I will miss most.

I haven't heard any word of an Irish Waterloo Cup yet. There is still a teeny chance that coursing will be saved, but most of the people in the sport realise that it is all over together with their livelihoods.

fantastic program but i'm afraid it was shown 8 months too late. if this program had been shown before the vote i don't think coursing would have been banned.

The program shown the true sportsmanship of the true coursing men and women whom pride themselves in obeying the coursing rules. The anti's think we go coursing to kill as many hares as we can when figures show that only 1 in 10 courses end in the hares being caught. I think it's time that people woke up to whats happening in this country they are slowly taking our liberty and i fear they will end up taking my livelyhood.

Stand up and be counted
A wonderful program, I have to admit I cried. What a shame it wasn't shown BEFORE the ban :(
Got to admit I was close to shedding a tear. Have a lot of good memories of Waterloo cups past and coursing meets in general . Was nice to see some old faces on there, one in particular, an old mate of mine (the slipper) lurcher lad made good!!

Like others have said if this prog had been shown at peak time a few weeks before the nazi party , sorry government bulldozered the ban through things could have been different .

Like Mark Prescott quoted, the true sportsman does not seek to destroy the hare, he is glad if it escapes, can`t remember the exact wording, it comes from ancient Greek times , but the wording is true of all coursers .

I really am worried about this country...........
Don't forget that New Labour pull the BBC's strings!

They would never have shown this before the ban (even if it had been made in time). They refused to have another series of Clarissa and the Countrymen.

Now you've mentioned it Cerito - did any of you see Clarrisa and the Countryman when they had a short bit of Deerhound Coursing in (and I mean short...real blink and you'll miss it stuff)...Johnny Scott (the countryman) explained briefly the rules of coursing...though suppose like the programme shown last night those who celebrated the ban would not watch it...This does make me wonder WHERE folk gather their opinions which they have such deep convictions on without a scooby of what they are actually wittering on about. :rant:
Watched it in a drunken state last night, my son George reckons I was close to crying !! (And kicking the TV in !!)

It takes alot for me to get emotional, but the disgusting sight of the hare at the end of the programme suffering with a back leg hit, made me cringe.Then the sight of 300+ shot hare, slaughtered !!

Hope the antis can live with the fact those hares would be alive today, if it was,nt for them.

Watched the programme again this morning, its put me on a right downer.

Oscar my lurcher, was going daft at the coursed hares, I,m positive when I go rabbiting with him soon, old big ears will make an appearance, and yes theres £5000 in a seperate account if I get caught.

Taking the dogs for a very long walk, god I,m peeded off.
A fantastic documentary, but again I agree, too late :(

If only anti's and politicians actually listened to the facts...... :(

My boys were mesmerised too, even the little pup Louie was sat up watching :D
I taped it :D ,as was playing with the kids at the start of it, but watched some of it this afternoon. I have never seen hare couring before, but I was amazed at how many hares got away, and how the crowd were shouting for the hare to get away :) . Now a daft question,,,Is it only greyhounds who could entre in to the Waterloo Cup as I only seen them run.
long live the cup, i know its banned but i'm positive the ban will get thrown out in the future.
Below is an extract from an animal rights website - they are getting people to object to the BBC for showing this programme. I think to all of those that thought that this was a wonderful and fair portrayal of hare coursing should also email the address below and congratulate them. Up to the individual but I think the BBC in this case are worthy of a bit of praise.



BBC Two, Friday 30th September, 9pm



Write to the addresses printed at the bottom of the story. Ask the BBC when they are going to produce a story that highlights the cruelty involved in hare coursing. In fact why not a series or three like the fat and pooring bastards did on BBC2. Its about time the BBC stopped putting out blatenly bias pro-bloodsports programmes. After all it is our money that keeps them in jobs.



In February 2005 hare coursing was banned in the UK, and with it The Waterloo Cup, the most prestigious event in the hare coursing calendar. The Waterloo Cup, founded in 1836 by William Lynn - who also founded the Grand National as a sideline to this event – therefore came to an end after 161 years. Run on "The Withins" in Altcar near Liverpool, this historic event has had a controversial history; at its peak the event drew crowds in the tens of thousands and was patronised by rich and poor, but recent years have seen it become the focus of anti-hunt campaigners who argue that the sport is barbaric.


The Last Waterloo Cup documents events leading up to the final meeting of one of the country’s most historic sporting events. The film follows the characters involved with a sport that, it is argued by its followers, is often misunderstood by the general public. There are those who see it as the highlight of the sporting year and a tradition to be cherished, while others say it serves no purpose and inflicts unnecessary pain on animals. But no matter what your political persuasion one thing is for certain; In the minds of coursing enthusiasts, what was once a fundamental part of British country life will disappear forever. And with it the hare coursing community hare coursing supports.




Room 3360

BBC White City

201 Wood Lane


W12 7TS

Tel: 020 875 27229

Fax: 020 875 26523
What a fantastic programme - I have emailed the BBC to tell them so.

To whoever it was that asked. Only greyhounds could enter the Waterloo Cup. :thumbsup:

Basically most of the anti's don't want to know the 'other side' of the arguments because if they did then they wouldn't be able to hold the views that they do. They'd rather be ignorant with strongly held prejudices.

I think that it's a good idea to write the BBC in favour, thank's for the email addy. :thumbsup:
I really think it is very important that if you agree with hare coursing you email the BBC . You can bank the Antis will all do it, It was an excellent program that should have been shown.

Ive emailed the BBC to show my support
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:

I have been ill and slept through the Waterloo
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :rant: :rant: :rant:

I have been ill and slept through the Waterloo Cup programme :angry: .................... anyone know where/how/if I can get a copy ????

Am desperate to see just what we all will now be missing
I've just sent an email to the BBC. showing my support.

I was actually on the programme for a split second with my friend, we were with the group just after the anti's swore. we were laughing at the anti's. we were stood near the blokes with the fox tails.

my moment of stardum!!!. we had benny hats on and realtree camo jackets.

I hope people will now realise why we are standing up for our way of life and what i consider is our right, especally on our own land.

stand and be counted
Quite a fair portrayal I thought but I'm not sure it would've stopped " the ban" going through. Hare coursing and Staghunting are the two ( bloodsports ) that really seem to upset the antis I think if those two had gone a few years back we'd still have foxhunting.

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