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The most disgusting thing my dog has ever...


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... as suggested by JoanneF elsewhere on the forum.

Jasper eating a sun-dried rabbit he found on the beach was pretty disgusting, particularly the sound effects of him crunching the skull and the ears disappearing last, but the highlight is probably when we came home from a walk to find a cat poo just outside the front door. He usually ignored dog poo, but found cat poo irresistible.

I only spotted it at the last moment, so tried to drag him past it and get him into the house, but he made a grab for it. Being pulled rather vigorously along by the collar, he choked slightly on the poo so coughed and spluttered as we went into the house, spraying saliva and cat poo around the porch and hall like a farmer spreading slurry. I rather wish I'd just let him eat it in peace🤮
Eaten ...

T ate a very, very dead thing on the beach. A dog's sense of smell is far more sensitive than ours, I could smell this from 20 metres. Upwind.

It was about the size of a litre of ice cream. The colour of a brain on one of the forensic science programmes. The texture looked like semi frozen jelly. I have no idea what it was/had ever been.

The aftermath was not pretty. And that's just me.
We really need a vomit emoji on the response thingy!!🤢

Other than the story already told, here's one about another of my other hounds (who had a penchant for eating poo)... We were out on our walk and had got caught out in the rain so we were soaked, she spotted a rather large long poo(I have my suspicions it might have been human!) at the same time as I did. As I've tried to keep her out of reach, she extended her neck and made a grab for it catching it by the end, at the very same time as I've pulled her away, so of course being a rather formed poo, the whole length of it came swinging away like a giant sausage in her mouth and hit me straight in the leg with a right thwop before falling to the ground... Lovely, I had a nice big streak of poo down my soggy jeans! Sometimes you just have to laugh, in between the gagging!🤮
Ewwwww Flobo!!!!! For some reason, human poo is the worst of all.

When Jasper was a lad he did have a major 'jumpy-bitey' moment while I was carrying a poo bag, the contents of which ended up all over him, me, and his lead. We were struggling with his behaviour at the time and I remember walking back to the car in tears, but of course I can laugh about it now.

He did like a nice fresh cowpat or horse poo and would happily eat them through his basket muzzle. I can't claim it was really disgusting as removing the muzzle, finding a suitable puddle or pond to rinse it in and then popping it back on again came to be just a normal part of our walks.
Oh, I meant to mention the time he threw up copiously while wearing his muzzle. In a place where there was no water whatsoever to rinse it in, so I ended up cleaning the muzzle in a public loo. That was very messy!
Eating things yes rolling in things yes we always said you could take Remy from the wild but you couldn't take the wild out of Remy. Ive actually seen him flip over a piece of dead wood and suck up the woodlouse as if they were sweeties.

However I think the most revolting has got to be Oscar I loved him but one day he whizzed off into the bushes and came back with something flat I thought it must be a sort of old shoe or something that had gone hard in the mud it wasn't until I said :here' and took it from his mouth that I realized I was actually holding a very dead, a very flat rat. I squealed and threw it and being a good boy he went and fetched it back for me.. I had to use a poo bag to remove it from his mouth and get rid of it but I had nowhere to wash my hand and I just.... eeew.... Had to wait till we got to the car where I had wet wipes.
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Rolling in a very used nappy that someone far more disgusting than my dog had dumped by a public footpath. Then rubbing up against me before I realised he'd done that. Then dear husband, instead of going straight home so I could clean up, insisted he stopped the car at a shop on the way back.

I was annoyed. Have you ever seen me annoyed? No, worse than that.
Timber once rolled on a dead duck. A duck that had been dead for many days. Or weeks, possibly.

Which is bad enough, but we were away in the camper van.

Smelly dog. Sealed tin can. Uh-huh.
The horror of all these things really make me chuckle!😂
One of my dogs, many moons ago, had disappeared into the bushes and obviously eaten something... when we were driving off she threw up right behind me, the stench of human poo and the whole noise/process of vomiting actually made me drive up on to the verge in shock and horror!! Thankfully it was a quiet country road... uhhr that actually still makes me feel a bit queasy remembering it and that was over 30 years ago!!😲🤮

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