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As my pup's are now 11n1/2 month's old,i reconed it was time to introduce them to the rainy day walker,before the winter set's in.For a change,there was'nt much trouble getting them going.Its been 3 month's now,since Trouble damaged her Grasilie's,so i decided to get her going on it too,as she will have to be worked on now,(but slowly),to see what the outcome of the last 7 week's on a lead has been.Did a wee bit of retriving work with her today too,in the back yard,just to give the mussle a bit of stretching.So far so good,but she wont get any speed work for at least another 5/6 week's.Have a couple of retrieving pix in the camera,but here's one of her 1st time on a treadmill. SCRUFF_003.jpg
had a treadmill used it 3 times in about 3 years,

i would rather walk the dogs,but each 2 there own.

joeorcheston said:
had a treadmill used it 3 times in about 3 years,i would rather walk the dogs,but each 2 there own.


I walk 3 lurcher's 3 mile's each and every morning,at 6.30 am,and at night they get another mile n 1/2.They get galloped at least 3 time's per week,and as they are now the age for work,then work they will get.When the weather turn's nasty,it's nice to know that the dog's will still get the exercise they need.That is why it is important to know that they are treadmill compatible,when those situation's arise.I also do quite a bit of cycling and take a dog or 2 along regularly,when im fitness training.Even in summer month's,unless you're an early bird,it can be too warm, mid morning to walk the dog's.Or for people who have a very buisy work scedual,a treadmill can be a very important asset.There is'nt to many greyhound kennel's in Ireland,that dont have 2/3 dog walker's,and most big kennel's have 8 dog ,dog walker's.As i said in my original post,i only use it in bad weather,but dog's have to get used to it.
Shadow-Hunter said:
Does the dogs actually like that type of training :(
Had 6 lurcher's a few years ago,that would run from their kennel,into the garrage,and be on the treadmill when i got in there.At the time,i had a 3 dog treadmill,and each dog new his place,(ie)right, middle, or left.It was hard to get them to come of it.Iremember an occasion when i had already 3 dog's on the thing.And as i went into another kennel to clean,one of the dog's slipped past me,and joined the other 3 on the treadmill,while it was goind at 5 killometer's per hour/or 3.8 mile's per hour.So in answer to youre ?.Yes ,most dog's love it,and it's a 100% steady pace.
I personally dont like the idea of a treadmill, but i suppose i do see the need for one when you have so many dogs and when the weather is bad :b

I've got a treadmill for myself but since I'm allergic to excercise it's got more dust on it than miles, up for sale if anyone's interested !

BTW great if dogs enjoy it :D
Hey Billy

That poor Megan one lives on the treadmill :lol: :lol:
fra said:
Hey Billy
That poor Megan one lives on the treadmill  :lol:   :lol:

Told you at John's show Frankie.She has'nt been on one since early last year.Only dog's i have at the house are the pup's and 2 greyhound's.Megan is up at the farm,so with as many field's as i want to run them in every day,she dont need one.At john's show,Megan was just a week out of season,and if anyone remember's,she was to go with Martin to be mated to Ernie,but as i had been on holiday's i messed up with the date's,and we missed her.(All the better realy)cause now i'll hopefully get a nice spring litter.You said that day about Megan being rock hard,and that i had her on the treadmill.Would have been sort of stupid with her being in season,and supposed to be getting mated.Some whippetxgreyhound's are naturely musculer,even if they lay up in a pen all year.I like to keep a good back on my dog's,and a good set of kidney's.Tarn and Judy,used to run at 52,and 54 lb weight,Megan would be right at 44lb,and they were all under's.Megan is far to old,to want to put unnesesary mussle on.Dont forget Frankie,she's old,was 3 week's in season,+a week off,so she was totaly out of form,even though she might have looked the part,and look at the performance she put up.If we can get a few pup's out of our old pensioner's,we should have a good bit of craic up the field Frankie. :luck: ...Billy...
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billy have to say im disappointed to see that you use a treadmill. the dog is facing a must be outve its bloody mind ! imagine standing facing the wall and doing step-ups..would you like to do that ?? hes very thin looking too has he been there he still on it now..go check ..she looks dreadful there with her mouth gagging !! :wacko:

cant beat free-running dogs up the fields..youve plenty of help billy at home. ditch the "pit-bull press-up machine" .

winning doesnt come at any cost mate..definitely not at a dogs mentality.

[SIZE=14pt] "release the treadmill prisoner!"[/SIZE]
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billy i usualy like looking at your pics but this one is very sad that dog doesnt not look like its bloody enjoying himself at all ,how about i tie you to a bloody tread mill for hour with just the wall to look at :rant: get yourself a good barber coat hat scarf and gloves and get out in the rain and snow like the rest of us :rant: sorry rant over :p
billyboy45 said:
joeorcheston said:
had a treadmill used it 3 times in about 3 years,i would rather walk the dogs,but each 2 there own.


I walk 3 lurcher's 3 mile's each and every morning,at 6.30 am,and at night they get another mile n 1/2.They get galloped at least 3 time's per week,and as they are now the age for work,then work they will get.When the weather turn's nasty,it's nice to know that the dog's will still get the exercise they need.That is why it is important to know that they are treadmill compatible,when those situation's arise.I also do quite a bit of cycling and take a dog or 2 along regularly,when im fitness training.Even in summer month's,unless you're an early bird,it can be too warm, mid morning to walk the dog's.Or for people who have a very buisy work scedual,a treadmill can be a very important asset.There is'nt to many greyhound kennel's in Ireland,that dont have 2/3 dog walker's,and most big kennel's have 8 dog ,dog walker's.As i said in my original post,i only use it in bad weather,but dog's have to get used to it.

like i said each 2 there own,

i tend 2 walk (train) my dogs in the rain as well so they get the exercise they need,

and so they now what rain is as if u go 2 a show and it rains the dogs will be used 2 a bit of rain,

At a stables i used to work at we used them for the horses and also where i did my training too. The horses used to love it and get all giddy when we were loading them on it. but we only kept them on for 10mins or so and let them have a good canter with some uphill work


personally with my dogs i prefer to take them out riding with me, so we all get a good gallop in! :thumbsup:
i was going to post on this last night but i bit my tongue so to speak and held off. ;) but i have to say i read that billy put 3 dogs on the treadmill and went off to clean the kennels.sorry but i think that no responsible owner would leave a dog unattended on one of these things nevermind three and it beggars belief what could have happened. :( i have to say i totally agree with john.get your barbour and wellies out and walk them winter months.they still love going out and enjoy all the sights sounds and smells encountered on a walk it isnt just about the exercise.its about mental stimulation too. :) (bets are on that billy will say that there was someone else there with the dog that he forgot to mention and it wasnt alone!) :- "
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I wish some people on here would get a life`,as all they can do is slag of people about thing's they know nothing about.To answer the post from kris,where did i say that the dog's were left on there alone.If i wanted to,they would have stayed on there all day,as the absolutely loved it.The dog's in ? were never ever tied on,or put on.they went on cause they loved the thing.10 to 15 minutes is maximum for the dog's as Tinker say's about horses.The pic of Trouble was of her 1st ever time on the treadmill,and was only taken to show a couple of greyhound men,that have been trying for month's to get their greyhound's to walk on the thing's.When a dog is used to the thing,it will walk just like the horse in Tinker's pic,but not near as quick,with a maximum of 3n1/2 mile an hour.An average walking speed.If a pup struggle's to much,i take them off imediately,as they could harm their back,or neck mussle's.John,i have walked for more mile's than i can count,facing that wall,and never get pissed of looking at it.One more thing John,Trouble is not a he,or him,and she is far from under weight,at 46 lb,and 23 inches.Wonder how this thread would go on a greyhound forum.around 7 out of 10 kennels have tredmill's that the dog's walk on,and most of these dog's,dont know what a road is.Some greyhound kennel's train 50 or more dog's at a time,and i can bet you what ever you like,that most or all walking is done on treadmill's of one sort or another.Is Charley lister ,Paul hennesy,Dessie Loughry,the Farloe men,Dessie Kerrigan,Brian Macklin,and all those (TOP)english,and Irish trainer's,many of them Dearby winner's,and finalist's,wrong to walk the dog's on treadmill's now and again,when in training.Dont think so.And these are real dog men who live in the real world.I know 2 disabled people,one a woman.Who keep 5 dog's between them.Niether can walk,so use treadmill'e 100%of the time.Their dog's win quite a few races at time's,and look well.Should they not have the privilage of a treadmill,then this would not be posible for them to keep up.
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tinker* said:
At a stables i used to work at we used them for the horses and also where i did my training too. The horses used to love it and get all giddy when we were loading them on it. but we only kept them on for 10mins or so and let them have a good canter with some uphill work

personally with my dogs i prefer to take them out riding with me, so we all get a good gallop in!  :thumbsup:

That horse is moving mate.Dont have a horse for the dog's to trot with,but i do have a mountan bike,and both me and the dog's love the bike track's,every sat/sun.
stormydog said:
billy have to say im disappointed to see that you use a treadmill. the dog is facing a must be outve its bloody mind !  imagine standing facing the wall and doing step-ups..would you like to do that ??  hes very thin looking too has he been there he still on it now..go check ..she looks dreadful there with her mouth gagging !!  :wacko: cant beat free-running dogs up the fields..youve plenty of help billy at home.  ditch the "pit-bull press-up machine" .

winning doesnt come at any cost mate..definitely not at a dogs mentality.

              [SIZE=14pt]  "release the treadmill prisoner!"[/SIZE]

John ,i think you need an eye test,if you recon Trouble is thin.And she's gagging.Catch a grip john.She has her mouth open,like normal dog's do even when they're just standing doing nowt.Just look at the pic you have below youre post,or am i mistaken,and is Colt's mouth closed and his tounge not out.Tell you what john.Ring a few of youre mates up who keep greyhound's and give them a bit of this about their treadmill's.No john ,talk on here is cheap,aint it. Oh and by the way john,i dont keep Pit Bull's,but i believe a mate or 2 of youre's do.
billyboy45 said:
stormydog said:
billy have to say im disappointed to see that you use a treadmill. the dog is facing a must be outve its bloody mind !  imagine standing facing the wall and doing step-ups..would you like to do that ??  hes very thin looking too has he been there he still on it now..go check ..she looks dreadful there with her mouth gagging !!  :wacko: cant beat free-running dogs up the fields..youve plenty of help billy at home.  ditch the "pit-bull press-up machine" .

winning doesnt come at any cost mate..definitely not at a dogs mentality.

               [SIZE=14pt]   "release the treadmill prisoner!"[/SIZE]

John ,i think you need an eye test,if you recon Trouble is thin.And she's gagging.Catch a grip john.She has her mouth open,like normal dog's do even when they're just standing doing nowt.Just look at the pic you have below youre post,or am i mistaken,and is Colt's mouth closed and his tounge not out.Tell you what john.Ring a few of youre mates up who keep greyhound's and give them a bit of this about their treadmill's.No john ,talk on here is cheap,aint it. Oh and by the way john,i dont keep Pit Bull's,but i believe a mate or 2 of youre's do.

billy you are fantastic :thumbsup: thank god you werent a spy during ww2 you wouldve lost the war for us...." ok villiam we av vays of maki u talk....!" .."ok ok ill squeal...ill tell you everything ..names types..." :- " (w00t) (w00t)

sorry billy the picture just looks like shes like that. my mistake :thumbsup:

well the proof will be in the pudding next year if you get up there on the winners podium..i hope you do my photograph- taking chum !! :thumbsup:
nicky12 said:
billy i usualy like looking at your pics but this one is very sad that dog doesnt not look like its bloody enjoying himself at all ,how about i tie you to a bloody tread mill for hour with just the wall to look at  :rant: get yourself a good barber coat hat scarf and gloves and get out in the rain and snow like the rest of us  :rant: sorry rant over  :p
oooooooh :lol: ya nasty pc of work young Nicky, im sending the collar back in disgust at that reply, and dont bother with the longjohns nayther :lol:

midlanderkeith said:
nicky12 said:
billy i usualy like looking at your pics but this one is very sad that dog doesnt not look like its bloody enjoying himself at all ,how about i tie you to a bloody tread mill for hour with just the wall to look at  :rant: get yourself a good barber coat hat scarf and gloves and get out in the rain and snow like the rest of us  :rant: sorry rant over  :p
oooooooh :lol: ya nasty pc of work young Nicky, im sending the collar back in disgust at that reply, and dont bother with the longjohns nayther :lol:


:oops: sorry just first thing i looked at that moning and wasnt amused by it :b im not usualy that grupmy first thing :- "

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