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Trophy Hunters

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On reading your post robert this is a interesting debate point 1 define a working dog ie does it have to work 2 or 3 times a week or is 1 time enough this just the start ot the debate other points such as is the greyhound a working dog bear in mind if it was not for the greyhound and the greyound folk we would not have the present day lurcher we are members of the NIWWC and we all enjoy our days out and enjoy seeing our dogs compete and it is nice to take home a trophy but I think it would be unfair to say non working dogs not allowed to compete the debate could go on and on but as long as we enjoy what we do and the next man lets us get on with it fair enough I wish ther were more trophy hunters around here leaving all the more in the field for me I know of hunters around here that would lift 12 +rabbits a night and leave them in the field .my grandad taught me to take what u will use
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My Dog has won working Lurcher at a few shows.He races,works,and shows,but first and foremost,i love em to bits!We like to do a bit of everything,and i love the tropies too,we all like to win.I think you can see,all my dogs are in tip top condition.

My dogs are very fit,and i think training once a week,twice in summer,working once a week,two runs everyday,7 days a week,is more than enough.But i do appreciate that when a dog wins working,that has never worked,is only cheating yourself.I have seen it happen,but i let them get on with it.

Can remember a show once,where a married couple,whom id never seen before,turned up with 2 cracking lurchers.One a dog,the other a bitch.They were shown in everything thing they could be shown in.With great success i might add.They were real stunners.Only when i was talking to the lady who was holding one of them,did i realise the true story of the dogs working history.The ring steward had just called out lamping dogs,and the lady,who's husband had just won the hare dog class,asked me what a lamping dog looked like,as she's never heard of the breed.I laughed,shock my head and went about my buisiness.Their 2 dogs went on to win Champion,and Resrve Champion.Fair play to them,and as has been said many times.It's the judges oppinion that count's,and the rest of us just takes our chances,and parts with our money.When rabbits were making money,it was 7 nights,and as many day's a week.But there was inevitably,an over kill,going on all season,and some very good locations were ruined,and wiped out.Now there is no need for big bags,unless they are being used for feeding.I have 5 dogs here,that all lamp a bit.But once a week is all i can take each dog out,and only for a few runs,each,as rabbit numbers are down round here.Have some great permission now though,which is a fair bit off.So im training up a few pups for ferret work next year,as the big dog's i have at the moment,would kill all the ferrets in Ireland.Haven't done much this year,since losing my dad a few months ago.So ive sort of put everything to do with hunting away for this year,and only go out when the need arrises.Have had a few good days at the long ears down south though,and a few more to come.Will keep to my promise of a couple of good days down in my permission Robert.But only if you have some sort of insurance cover on youreself and dogs.Cant take any chances with losing that spot.Will be giving a couple of the dogs a few runs down there in a few weeks time,as i have to scout the place out,as regards long net's n stuff.Happy New Year mate.
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ten years ago here in ireland walk around any lurcher show you could nearly say ever dog done some work but the thing now seems to be trophy hunting as all i seem to hear these day is my dog won this my dog won that very rarely a working dog wins in the show ring and even some the one that do work there dogs get them out once a week if there lucky and and bum and blow about it does any one eles get the feeling that alot of people breed no longer for working abilty and try to get the best looking or fatest dog around and then working abilty is next on the list for me it has to be worker to work never minded looks if looks could kill i would have a yard full of buetys
yes mate really gets to me when a working/fox class is called and a none worker wins it both in terrier and lurcher shows, ive seen judges pick dogs that ive seen work and jib. on fox win a class and the owners then walk about as if there they real deal,. but then again i know lads who work their dogs hard and often and for very obvioius reasons these dogs could never be taken to a show at the end of the day the shows are a bit of crack over the summer and if i need a new pup or stud i know lads who have REAL WORKING DOGS that i can get pups/stud from . ive also seen lurchers at 13 or 14mths win a working class :wacko: how can a dog that age be classed as a worker
i dont know high a 13 month old pup could win a working class mate it beats me surely the judge should have a bit of sences about him but it all part of the game any thing could happen and over the year i can say ive see it all

those are some absolutely fantastic pics - wish we got snow here on the coast
glad to see the dogs enjoying it - my lurcher will jump over puddles to avoid getting her feet wet, and tries to hunch up into her coat when it rains... the big wimp! :blink:
Another thing that gets my goat,is how a dog/bitch,can win any pup under a year,. puppy champion,and then win under,or over 23,and over a year.Do judges realy have that bad a memory,that they forget what they put up,in each class.Especialy at small venue's,with only a couple of dozen dogs.Ive sen totaly unmarked dogs,in fox class,beating well marked,(in the right places)dogs,who have been doing their jobs with great success,year after year.Fox dogs take a lot of punishment down the forelegs,and neck,never mindthe upper and lower jaw.But all u ever see a judge looking,is around the mouth.As has been said,most propper fox dogs can't be brought to shows,and that includes lurchers too.I remember when i 1st started showind and racing,being asked if i ever worked my dogs.My answer was simple.Working dogs were still at home,in their kennel.
those are some absolutely fantastic pics - wish we got snow here on the coast
glad to see the dogs enjoying it - my lurcher will jump over puddles to avoid getting her feet wet, and tries to hunch up into her coat when it rains... the big wimp! :blink:
Another thing that gets my goat,is how a dog/bitch,can win any pup under a year,. puppy champion,and then win under,or over 23,and over a year.Do judges realy have that bad a memory,that they forget what they put up,in each class.Especialy at small venue's,with only a couple of dozen dogs.Ive sen totaly unmarked dogs,in fox class,beating well marked,(in the right places)dogs,who have been doing their jobs with great success,year after year.Fox dogs take a lot of punishment down the forelegs,and neck,never mindthe upper and lower jaw.But all u ever see a judge looking,is around the mouth.As has been said,most propper fox dogs can't be brought to shows,and that includes lurchers too.I remember when i 1st started showind and racing,being asked if i ever worked my dogs.My answer was simple.Working dogs were still at home,in their kennel.
billy a real deal fox dog takes very little punishment but the well marked dogs 9 out of 10 are heavily marked up cos they mess about with a fox and then 1 fox does them as there starting to swell up and thats them out of action for a week or so but the real fox dogs take little punishement can take 3 or 4 foxes a nite and as there not badly cut they can then be run 3 or 4 times a week takeing foxes every nite if need be.
Nice to see this OLD topic dragged out yet again -_-
why do some people assume working lurchers and show lurchers are a different breed? A lurcher is a breed of dog capable of work, going to lurcher shows is seen as a social occasion and a chance to meet like mided people and admire their dogs or not as the case may be . Any judge wil pick a nice looking dog because they admire it and would like to see it in the field workingand can see it is put together correctly as a judge you wouldnt give a championship to a lame,skinny,toothless,one eyed dog so yes a good looking will win.There is nothing to say you can ony show your dog if you work it, it is the judge who can see that it has the potential to work.I have bred some nice looking dogs over my 25 years of showing and would like to think they have been judged on their merit not because they are good looking.Surely any one breeding would like to think their stock is worthy of being bred from why would you want to breed from any thing that was not top class.Be happy with what you have and be happy for others that win with theirs if not i suggest you take up showing gold fish as these do not work or at least it would be fun watching them try.There will always be trophy hunters as you call them and yes i have many and very proud of every single one so see you at the shows hoping for a trophy.
The only thing that gets me is in the puppy classes. When the judge picks out the same dog in the adult classes. And the same person winning over and over again. :unsure:

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