to be held at wheatley hill ghd stadium black lane wheatley hill dh6 3jn on the 3rd march with added prize money
classes 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 D&B Sep
vets n year 20 25 30 35 all in off marks
also 36 40 45 no limit plus vet n year Scr
plus ped n lurcher racing if required
weigh in 11 till 12 enquiries on 01915861396 or 07774535144
classes 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 D&B Sep
vets n year 20 25 30 35 all in off marks
also 36 40 45 no limit plus vet n year Scr
plus ped n lurcher racing if required
weigh in 11 till 12 enquiries on 01915861396 or 07774535144