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Update on the rhodesian ridgeback puppy....

Midnight herald

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Well homer hasn't turned into a tear away....has maybe a mad hour per day...doesn't see the point of going for a walk as all he does is lag behind looking as grumpy as he can and stopping every few minutes looking at you as if to say....really what is the point of this are you mad!!!! All because he has been dragged out of bed... He makes me laugh with his utter laziness !! Went for a shower and came down to find he had stolen the quilt and made himself comfy........ image.jpg
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haha - he is sooo adorable!

How funny to have a lazy pup!
I do have one it normal for puppies to get hiccups a lot? Homer seems to get them at least 4 or 5 times a day?image.jpg
Awww- he looks just scrummy!

Yes, it's normal for young animals of many species to get hiccups a lot, or at least if they're a hiccupy baby. Some human babies even get them before they are born- my niece had them at least 3 or 4 times a day for the last 4 months of gestation and until she was about 2 years old. It's all to do with the fact that they're growing whilst everything is still really flexible and some things grow faster than others, leading the diaphragm to be under unusual tension sometimes. Hiccups are just a spasm in the diaphragm and the diaphragm gets twitches the same as every other muscle.

Don't get lulled into a false sense of security about his laziness though- it may be a very temporary thing and as soon as his hormones kick in/muscles or joints stop hurting/lungs and heart catch up he could be a whole new puppy, which will be a bit of an interesting challenge :)
He does have some mad hours but usually takes himself off in the garden and I can sit at the table and watch him...tears about for a good hour and plays with his toys. Lucky for me I only have lawn and fence in a large garden so he can't get up to digging..yet! Lol.. Leave blowing in the windy are a particular favourite of his though. Apart from that he comes racing in after he's had enough shoves his head on me knee for a pet and fuss the hops off to bed for hours on end...funny little thing he is
He's 3 months old just.. Big for his he disappeared for ten mins so I went in the kitchen to find him getting cosy in the dirty football kit bag...... If there's anywhere he thinks looks cosy he's there haha...image.jpg
At 3 months he shouldn't be being walked more than a few minutes a day, maybe driving him to busy areas for a socialise but that is all...he will get his exercise from his mad gambles at home and in the garden
We don't go far just a 2 min walk to the field and back , I know with him being a large breed he can't go for long walks til he's at least a year to 18 months old. He gets lots exercise in the garden playing so we don't need to go far and we only go to the field to socialise with people and dogs.. He prefers the car lol as he has a nice bed and a big quilt.....he likes comfort :)

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