went to my first cup had a sound time even if it was freezing (w00t) did all three days sat on the bank in front off the speakers on the first day with 2 old guys and had a brilliant time whilst they did 3 bottles of spirits by 11ish .enjoyed day 2 the most weather was a lot milder but not the same crack . lot of waiting on day 3 sat on the frost but enjoyed it all the same glad i got off my bum and went :thumbsup: the mate who came with me and he,s not in to feild sports at all..or should i say wasn,t :- " he want,s a whippet to go with his landrover now.sorry to go on but the wife is sick of me telling her storys
only bit that spoilt it was the 2 n*b eds who sliped dogs on to hairs that were already coursed :rant: not very sporting .ok if your filling the pot but you can bet it is on film and will only be shown in a bad light.other than that ive never meet such a good bunch of blokes and ladies who took the time to explane to me what was going on :cheers: just wish i had the sat off work to go out wiyh 1 of the hunt after the ban