I have a 6 month old jug puppy called Harry who acts strangely around my young son who is 6. It is becoming almost impossible to walk the dog with my son as the dog barks the whole time at my son and tries to tug at his shoes and growl. It seems better if my son walks behind us but the dog keeps looking behind to see my son. If my son is on his scooter or bike and is in front of us the dog pulls and barks excessively. He barks constantly in the park when my son plays and is obviously annoying to others using the park! I thought it may be a protective behaviour but he tugs/bites his shoes and growls when he returns. I have tried ignoring him, telling him 'no', distracting him by walking away etc.The only thing that seems to help is when I pick him up but I don't want to get into the habit...especially when he is wet and muddy! I am also unable to go to my local shops with my children or others with the dog as if one of us leaves to go into a shop he barks non stop... He is great with other dogs, is not aggressive and does not run off when let off the lead, he comes back perfectly when called. My other child is older and he doesn't seem to have these issues with her. She has managed to train him to sit with a clicker so is easily trained. Any advice would be appreciated as he is a lovely dog just a bit strange! I had a very placid Staffy previously who never barked and was brilliant with my children and other dogs, we just hope Harry can follow in his footsteps!